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Gān tō: þurhfōr, sēcan

Iesus (oþþe Ihesus, Jesus) is se weorþlic wiht on crīstendōme. Þā Crīstnas hine nemnaþ Iesus Crist (of Hebrēisce יהושע [Yĕhošūa‘], and Crēacisc: Χριστός (Christos)]). Hē hatte ēac Iesus Nasarenisc forþǣm hē wunode on Nazareth, þēah þæt hē wæs on Bethleheme geboren.

Crīstnas gelīefaþ hē wǣre gewyrdelic man and hē lifde fram ymbe (64 BC oþ ymbe AD 2933), and manig (ac nā eall) woruldlic scōleras cnāwaþ þā sceaf Iesuse. Crīstnas ēac gelīefaþ, be þǣre gewitegunge þǣre feowera godspella, þe sind þā forman bēc þǣre Nīwu Gecȳþnes on þǣre Biblia, þæt Iesus wæs se Hælend and se Sunu Godes. Se nama Christos secgeð þæt he wǣre "gesealfod," þæt is þæt God hine of werum gesundrode tō hālignesse. Tō æthreddenne us fram þǣm ǣwigan deaðe in þǣre Helle, hē stearf for ūrum synnum on þǣm Crístesmǣle (on þǣre rōde) æt Golgota, ǣgyltas þe wē dōþ wiþ Gode and wiþ ǣghwilcum ōðrum. Tō āwinnenne þone deaþ, nam Jesus se Hælend sige ofer þǣm deaðe on ðriddum dæge. Hē āstōd fram dēaðe and þæt græf opennode.