- published: 21 Nov 2013
- views: 580322
Abū Bakr ‘Abdallāh bin Abī Quḥāfah aṣ-Ṣiddīq (Arabic: أبو بكر عبد الله بن أبي قحافة الصديق; c. 573 CE – 23 August 634 CE) popularly known as Abu Bakr (أبو بكر), was a senior companion (Sahabi) and—through his daughter Aisha—the father-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Abu Bakr became the first openly declared Muslim outside Muhammad's family. Abu Bakr served as a trusted advisor to Muhammad. During Muhammad's lifetime, he was involved in several campaigns and treaties.
He ruled over the Rashidun Caliphate from 632 to 634 CE, when he became the first Muslim Caliph following Muhammad's death. As caliph, Abu Bakr succeeded to the political and administrative functions previously exercised by Muhammad. He was commonly known as The Truthful (Arabic: الصديق, translit. As-Saddīq). Abu Bakr's reign lasted for 27 months, ending with his death after an illness.
Abu Bakr's full name was Abd Allah ibn 'Uthman ibn Aamir ibn Amr ibn Ka'ab ibn Sa'ad ibn Taym (from whom the at-Taymi al-Quraishi) ibn Murrah ibn Ka'ab ibn Lu'ai ibn Ghalib ibn Fihr al-Quraishi.
"The Man" is a slang phrase that may refer to the government or to some other authority in a position of power. In addition to this derogatory connotation, it may also serve as a term of respect and praise.
The phrase "the Man is keeping me down" is commonly used to describe oppression. The phrase "stick it to the Man" encourages resistance to authority, and essentially means "fight back" or "resist", either passively, openly or via sabotage.
As a phrase meaning "the boss" it dates from at least 1918.
In the Southern U.S. states, the phrase came to be applied to any man or any group in a position of authority, or to authority in the abstract. From about the 1950s the phrase was also an underworld code word for police, the warden of a prison or other law enforcement or penal authorities.
The use of this term was expanded to counterculture groups and their battles against authority, such as the Yippies, which, according to a May 19, 1969 article in U.S. News and World Report, had the "avowed aim ... to destroy 'The Man', their term for the present system of government". The term eventually found its way into humorous usage, such as in a December 1979 motorcycle ad from the magazine Easyriders which featured the tagline, "California residents: Add 6% sales tax for The Man."
Abu Bakr As-Siddiq RA
The Story Of Abu Bakr Siddique P1 ~ Mufti Ismail Menk ~ Day 1 Ramadan 2014
The Man Who Tried to Overthrow the Trinidad Government: Interview with Abu Bakr
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq: The Successor of the Prophet - Part 1 Family Background ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi
Example Of Kindness By Abu Bakr (ra) ᴴᴰ | *Emotional Reminder*
Love Of Abu Bakr For The Prophet ᴴᴰ | *Emotional*
Seerat e Abu Bakar As-Siddiq RA - Biography of Abubakr RA in Urdu By Adv. Faiz Syed
Abu Bakr R.A Ka Faqar Cryful Bayan By Maulana Tariq Jameel 2016
Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Shatri - BREATHTAKING
Actors: Eric Godon (actor), Reda Kateb (actor), Eddy Moretti (producer), Cutter Hodierne (editor), Cutter Hodierne (director), Cutter Hodierne (writer), Cutter Hodierne (producer), Idil Ibrahim (actor), Dominic LaPerriere (editor), David Burkman (writer), Victor Shapiro (producer), Raphael Swann (producer), John Hibey (producer), John Hibey (writer), Abdiwali Farrah (actor),
Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Short, Thriller,Actors: Thomas Thieme (actor), Robert Giggenbach (actor), Jan Josef Liefers (actor), Teresa Harder (actress), Götz George (actor), Karoline Eichhorn (actress), Hajo Gies (director), Bernhard Speck (miscellaneous crew), Vitus Zeplichal (actor), Barbara M. Ahren (actress), Titus Kreyenberg (producer), Heike Manzke (miscellaneous crew), Guido Krajewski (editor), Xao Seffcheque (writer), Frank Döhmann (producer),
Genres: Thriller,Support Our Dawah By Donating: https://goo.gl/uby1MB Website: http://www.islamicguidance.co Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IslamicGuidanceYT Google+: https://plus.google.com/+SoldierOfAllah2 Twitter: https://twitter.com/IslamGuidanceYT His Personality Is Amazing, Surprising, Because Whenever You Pull Out A List Of A Good Deed, You Would Find The Name Of Abu Bakr At The Top, Whichever List You Pull Out, You're Gonna Find His Name On There And It's The First Name; He Was The First Muslim, He Was The first Caliph, He Was The First And Only Person To Be With Rasullullah In Hijra, he Was The First On Imaan, Rasullullah SAW Says, The Iman Of Abu Bakr Is Greater Than All The Ummah, I Mean Abu Bakr As Sidiq Ra Was Not Only A Friend, he Was A Companion, An Adviser, A Financial Supporter, A Bo...
As-Salaam-Alaikum Everyone, This Is the end of the Sahaba Series 2 unfortunately a bonus episode will be uploaded insh'Allah however as for the stories of the Sahaba Abu Bakr is the last one. Sahaba series 2 | The story of Abu Bakr episode 3. Nasheed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61fc0_0flO8 Companions Of Prophets Office channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5FelYB_3ddJeG518PmNeYQ Second Channel: Al-Bashir Media : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW961cgKb_ZzfFZg_Vvyb8A Follow me on Instagram: https://instagram.com/companionsofprophets/ Support the Dawah (Face Book): https://www.facebook.com/companionsofprophets?ref=hl Follow me on twitter: @companions01: https://twitter.com/Companions01 The Merciful Servant Office channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHGAqdQBKTVON_...
May Allah multiply the rewards of SoukIslam & TvSunnah Ameen The Story Of Umar Ibn Al Khattab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHrJhnM35-w
Subscribe to VICE News here: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-News At his compound on the outskirts of Port of Spain, the man responsible for the only attempted militant Islamic overthrow of a Western government is smiling. "I've been charged with treason, I've been charged with sedition, with murder, conspiracy to murder, [stockpiling] guns...." Abu Bakr, the fiery 73-year-old leader of Jamaat al Muslimeen, rattles off the many accusations that the government of Trinidad and Tobago has leveled against him. "Nothing has stuck, because it's fabricated," he continues. "They list all the charges in a book, and they just throw the book at me.... That's not prosecution, that's persecution!" Bakr has mellowed a bit in his old age, but he still relishes the opportunity to serve as a thorn in th...
After the death of the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) when the Ummah was in great turmoil and distress one man arose to be the representative of Allah and His Messenger on earth as the first rightly guided Khalifah of the entire Muslim Ummah. His title was al-Siddiq (The Upright, The Truthful), his mention is made by Allah (subhanahu wa ta‘ala) in the Qurʾan as "the second of the two" and his legacy is unmatched by any human other than the Prophets of Allah. Join Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi as he embarks on a new journey studying the life and times of the greatest follower of the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) and the best of this Ummah; Abu Bakr al-Siddiq ~ The Successor of the Prophet! Recorded 25th March 2015
Example of kindness by Abu Bakr (ra) - very emotional talk from our brother Omar Esa about Abu Bakr (ra) and how he used to care for an old blind woman while he was the leader at the time.. Download the FREE Nasheed Mixtape by Omar Esa @ http://www.omaresa.com/
About the Speaker: NAME: Adv. Faiz Syed DESIGNATION: * Founder & President, Islamic Research Centre, Aurangabad. * President Al-Kitab Education & Welfare Society, Aurangabad. * President, Ilm Foundation, Aurangabad. * President, Zakat Foundation, Aurangabad. * President, Azam Ali Syed Public Library, Aurangabad. * Managing Director, Al-Huda Educational Foundation Pvt. Ltd. * President, Janseva Credit Co-Operative Society Ltd, Br. Aurangabad (A Non Interest Based Islamic Banking System) * Shura Member, All India Dawah Centres Association - AIDCA FATHER'S NAME: Azam Ali Syed (Saudi Aramco Retired) BORN: 12-Dec-1979. OCCUPATION: Business. EDUCATED AT: * Burhani National English High School, Aurangabad. * Maulana Azad College of Arts Science & Commerce, Aurangabad. * Tom Patrick Institu...
Maulana Tariq Jameel was born on 1 January 1953, commonly known as Maulana Tariq Jameel, is a Pakistani Islamic scholar from Mian Channu Pakistan. Molana Tariq Jameel is one of the most popular Islamic scholars in the world. Molana Tariq Jameel visits most of the countries to spread Islam. Due to Tariq Jameel a lot of people get right path. Tariq Jameel is gift of ALLAH for us. He is one of the most loved person in islamic scholars. Molana Tariq Jamil trying to spread quranic and Hadith knowledge to all over the wolrd. Molana Tariq Jameel lectures incorporate a wide range of issues. He is always there to help the Muslim Umaah. Tariq Jameel never talks about hate he always spread love. This channel is delicated to Moulana tariq jameel. We share tariq jameel videos on regular basis. Plea...
Breathtaking recitation of Surat Ash-Shura by Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Shatri at St George's University of London (SGUL) on 16.10.14 ► Donate: http://www.gofundme.com/MercifulServantVideos
Updated reel
What does the title of "Mother of Believers" means? ما هو معنى لقب "أم المؤمنين" و هل هو صك تزكية لزوجات النبي؟ ************ Episode 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbdvjStKiII Episode 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QD_u4JRT9gI Episode 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNFB-9rWC2c ************
Abu Bakr Al Shatri Surah Ya Sin 77 83 سورة يس ابو بكر الشاطري.... القرآن الكريم . . . لا تنسى كتابة اسم القارئ المفضل لديكـ♥ــ السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته ♥ انا قناتى فيها القرآن كله بجميع الاصوات تلاوات خاشعة عالية الجودة كما يوجد القرآن لديا فى القناة باللغة التركية و اللغة الانجليزية و اللغة الفرنسية و الصينية و ... الخ المصحف كامل ارجوا مشاركتى فى القناة و الدال على الخير كفاعله ♥♥♥ Salam alaikoum ♥ my Channel where the entire Qur'an all votes recitations humbled high-quality There is also the Koran we have in the channel in Turkiash, English and French,Chinese and ... Etc. Full Quran I hope your participation in the channel ♥ . سورة الفاتحة المجادلة البقرة الحشر آلعمران الممتحنة النساء الصف المائدة الجمعة الأنعام المنافقون الأعراف التغابن الأنفال الطلاق التوبة التحر...
Download Naat Mp3 - Find largest collection of Mp3 Naat 2016 for free download. Naat is a poetry that specifically praises the Islamic prophet Muhammad (PBUH). ... You can listen all audio naats online as well as download latest mp3 naats by click download Naats link Find Hafiz Abu Bakar Ramadan Naats sharif and Hamd 2016 and 2015 videos at videos.UrduWire.com. Listen Online famous Ramzan Madni and Qari naat and .
Please Like this Video and Share as Much as Possible. Thanks for Watching this video Don't forget to subscribe this channel (its free) .......................................................................................................... We will soon be Uploading new Islamic Bayans by Maulana Tariq Jameel, sheikh khalid yasin and etc. I am sure these videos will keep you on track in your life. The full biography of Abu Bakr As-Siddiq RA can be found in the following link with over 15 hours of audio, E-Book is also available: http://www.kalamullah.com/abu-bakr.html His Personality Is Amazing, Surprising, Because Whenever You Pull Out A List Of A Good Deed, You Would Find The Name Of Abu Bakr At The Top, Whichever List You Pull Out, You're Gonna Find His Name On There And It's The Fir...
Life of Abu Bakr based on Sunni sources only.
Abu Bakr and Ali b. Abi Talib two great companions of the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam). While one is the noble father-in-law of the Messenger of Allah, the other is the noble son-in-law. In this episode, Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi discusses the facts and myths surrounding the issue of Ali (ra) giving the oath of allegiance to Abu Bakr (ra), and how Usama b. Zayd became the leader of the army of the Muslims. Join Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi as he continues with the life and times of Abu Bakr al-siddiq - The Successor of the Prophet! Khilafa of Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, who was given the title "Khalifatu Rasulullah". Also discussed are the incident of the "army of Usama ibn Zayd" and Ali not giving his bayyah (allegiance) to Abu Bakr [r] until some time later. Incident of "Army of Usama ibn ...
Saint Louis my city dawg. West side was the block
While you was in the crib playing with legos I was out there trying to give
Momma gone, daddy gone, it's just me and my hood, dawg
Subuffing, beamed up, like I'm bout to go play baseball
Before you heard about Jesus, boy. I was already some trap or die
What it's done? For all is cool. You can still see the pain in my eye
What you know about sitting in a jail cell, felonies, murder case,
Best friend, rolled on me, take the stand, turned state.
I am a fellon, I tell no lies, hand on the Bible, hand to the sky
I want to live, I ain't wanna die when they roll upon me and let them
bullets fly
They could have been the end, dawg
One way, hell's gate but the Lord stepped in
Chose to, show grace. Could have been layed in the box, dawg
6 of my homeboys carry me, but I'm alive and the old me gone
'Cause everyday, dawg I bury me.
I can't hatch upon the claws, Hydro-plonic lungs
Limbo low tender, I can chop down timber
I was no pretender certified offender, never know surrender.
My amnesia's circumstantial, there're some things I can't remember
Those who knew me be like "who he? ", they're trippin off the new me
They like man where the old 'Crae. You crazy, you can't fool me.
I'm a party so hard that the law tryin' to find me
I pray to God they ain't find me. But then I hear a {whoo-whoo}
Lookin' in the rear view when they are right behind me
Roll down my window, "Boy, what's your name?"
'Cause you was doing 85 in the passing lane with no traffic, man
Then I give them my ID, and guess what they say
"This boy here crazy, now that's just Crae"
And I was psycho, wild as the hun is
I do like the Chi, doing whatever I wanted
Until I was confronted, heard about Jesus and I changed
They're like man what you do, talk about you just ain't the same.
I was dead. The old me was nothing but a sucker
Sucked the life out of my mother, just to get the stuff I wanted
Now I'm in good milk carton status and if you can't explain it