- published: 11 Dec 2015
- views: 62520
Ethereum is a cryptocurrency which includes a programmable smart contract platform. The unit of currency is called the ether.
Ethereum was initially described by Vitalik Buterin in late 2013, formally described by Gavin Wood in early 2014 in the so-called "yellow paper" and launched 30 July 2015. It is among a group of "next generation" (or "Bitcoin 2.0") platforms.
The intended purpose of the Ethereum Project is to build and proliferate a decentralised and pseudonymous replacement for the World Wide Web: incentivized static content publication (Swarm), pseudonymous low-level messaging system (Whisper), trustless transactions (Ethereum) and an integrated user-interface (Mist).
Ethereum is an open source project. Development began in December 2013, with the first Go and C++ proof of concept builds (PoC1) being released in early February 2014. Since then, several further PoC builds have been released, culminating with the public launch of the Ethereum blockchain on 30 July 2015.
DEVCON1: Ethereum for Dummies - Dr. Gavin Wood
What is Ethereum?
Ethereum's Blockchain | Trust Disrupted: Bitcoin and the Blockchain S1:E5
Bitcoin vs Ethereum - Which One Will Win?
Ethereum Attacked Once More / Attacker Might Be Identified / Prosecute or Not? / BTC Unlimited Nodes
Why I’m Short Ethereum and Long Bitcoin (The Cryptoverse #117)
Ethereum: A Brief History Lesson in 9 Minutes
LTB Live - Ethereum: Consensus vs Immutability
Andreas Antonopolous at Silicon Valley Ethereum Meetup @EthereumSV
150 – Devcon 2 And The State Of Ethereum
DEVCON1 10:45am Day 5 Ethereum's CTO Dr. Gavin Wood presents "Ethereum for Dummies" or "So, now we've built it, WTF is it?"
Presented by Stephan Tual, CCO - (Twitter: @stephantual) Companion Document: https://medium.com/@ethereumproject/4790bf5f7743 Ethereum is a platform that makes it possible for any developer to write and distribute next-generation decentralized applications. Borrowing the concept of distributed consensus and cryptographic proof that makes cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin so effective in trustless payments, Ethereum extends the use of these technologies to trustless agreements. This allows developers to easily build innovative new products on a censorship and collusion-resistant foundation. Ethereum will go live in Winter 2014/2015, in the meantime we are regularly releasing alpha software so you can try your hand at building distributed applications. Main site: https://www.ethereum.or...
The blockchain project that has gotten the most traction is Ethereum. Led by the enigmatic Vitalik Buterin and a constellation of coders and venture capitalists, Ethereum could one day run the world. But the recent hack of its Decentralized Autonomous Organization has raised doubts. Watch more: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHRxVckaE8daSH4OEReWshCKWu3iIOIS- Trust Disrupted is based on the book Digital Gold by Nathaniel Popper. Produced by Stateless Media, it is an exclusive TechCrunch series that offers an in-depth look into the how and why of bitcoin. New episodes every day this week. Subscribe to TechCrunch today: http://bit.ly/18J0X2e
Check out the full article here: http://www.chrisdunn.com/bitcoin-vs-ethereum-will-win/ So far 2016 has been the year of Altcoins… Cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, Factom, MaidSafe, and Expanse have seen massive gains. For example, my cryptocurrency mentoring students and I have been trading breakouts on the 1,500% run-up in Ethereum. Bitcoin vs. Ethereum – Which Will Win? So far 2016 has been the year of Altcoins… Cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, Factom, MaidSafe, and Expanse have seen massive gains. For example, my cryptocurrency mentoring students and I have been trading breakouts on the 1,500% run-up in Ethereum. eth breakouts In January, I told my students not to underestimate the potential bull market in Ethereum, as it could go up much further and faster than people would exp...
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On today's episode of The Cryptoverse: Tuur Demeester, Economist, Investor and Editor in Chief at Adamant Research shares his indepth analysis of why he is bearish on Ethereum and bullish on Bitcoin. Please Support The Cryptoverse Podcast by visiting the Cryptoversity Store: https://www.cryptoversity.com/store Support The Cryptoverse With A Bitcoin Donation: 1Lak8zkQbUB5FgDD6ci6M82oTVBveuBxBT Subscribe to the podcast here: https://www.cryptoversity.com/podcast/ Today's episode is sponsored by [TunnelBear](http://click.tunnelbear.com/SH8n), the simple VPN app that makes it easy to browse the web privately and enjoy a more open and secure Internet experience. [Try it for free here](http://click.tunnelbear.com/SH8n) Disclaimer: I personally use TunnelBear every day and if you decide to u...
Please watch: "Internet of Things ETH Lightbulb, Company Ideas, Bitcoin ETF, Deutsche Bank Trouble Continues, India" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHL9FGePz2c -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- So much has happened in Ethereum within very little time, and here I recount some of the tales of drama, mischief, comedy, grief, success, joy, and astronauts that have filled it's short history, up until today. Welcome to Ethereum's History: Explained. From Ethereum's Funding, to the DAO hack, to the Poloniex surprise, I attempt to cover it quickly here, for you- as many newer users haven't been around to partake in the fun. Welcome to Ethereum, Home of the Decentralized Maury Show, and Judge Judy COMBINED. Much love, and all the best to all of you in your crypto-endeavors! -Crypt0 Please hit like if you ap...
A debate about the balance of consensus and immutability in Ethereum. The emergence of Ethereum Classic (ETC) creates a new paradigm for hard-fork currencies with two parallel systems (ETH and ETC). Can both survive? Should one dominate? Join the hosts Adam B. Levine, Stephanie Murphy and Andreas M. Antonopoulos and guests Martin Köppelmann, Charles Hoskinson and Anthony Di Iorio for a debate and discussion on the merits of Consensus, Immutability and the tale of the two chains.
Support the show, consider donating: 1C2hPWvXCNG7GPk5rzkKfXwHoqjKMZuy7e (http://bit.ly/2dg5ipO) Last week the biggest blockchain-focused developer conference took place in Shanghai, China: Ethereum's DevCon 2. Epicenter show host Meher Roy was at the conference and brought back his impressions and insights for a comprehensive discussion of the current state of Ethereum projects and the Ethereum community. Topics covered included: - What Ethereum's developer conference DevCon 2 was like - The big change in going from concepts to alpha version over the last year - The continued lack of sustainable business models in Ethereum - The lack of interest by Venture Capitalists and the big tech companies in Ethereum and blockchain technology - The current state and incentive problems of crowdsales...