WA News

Man jailed over coward's punch at Amplifier bar in Northbridge

A man who drunkenly punched a stranger at a Perth bar, knocking him unconscious and causing serious head injuries, has been jailed for a year.

Tristan Ceccato, 22, and Brent Robert Johnston, 21, were at the Amplifier Bar in January when they bumped into each other.

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CCTV captures unprovoked coward punch

A man who punched a stranger at a Perth bar causing serious head injuries, has been jailed for a year.

Johnston then punched Mr Ceccato in the back of the head and he fell face first on the floor, injuring his head, face, teeth and jaw, the WA District Court heard on Tuesday.

Judge John Staude described it as a "cowardly blow" against Mr Ceccato, who required surgery, and dental and physiotherapy treatment.

"In the state that you were in you should not have been in the nightclub at all," he told Johnston.

"Other patrons should not have been at risk of your simmering antagonism."


Judge Staude said the victim could not see the attack coming and could do nothing to protect himself.

"This was an offence aggravated by the fact that it was entirely unprovoked," he said.

Mr Ceccato described the assault and its aftermath as a nightmare and the worst experience of his life, the court heard.

Judge Staude noted Johnston was shocked and sickened by his own actions, and was remorseful.

"You appreciate that the victim may have been traumatised by the event, as I'm satisfied he has been," he said.

Johnston, who pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm, will be eligible for parole after serving six months behind bars.