'I worry every day.' Eagles CEO reveals ongoing concerns for Ben Cousins

West Coast Eagles CEO Trevor Nisbett has revealed his ongoing concerns for the welfare of some of the club's former players, admitting he worried "every day" about former captain, Brownlow medallist and star player Ben Cousins.

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"I worry every day. We would like him (Cousins) to be healthy and well and getting on with his life like a normal 36, 37-year-old should be doing.

"And we're not sure what space he's in at the moment because we don't have a lot of contact with Ben still. But, we've always wished him well and hope he can overcome these issues," Nisbett said, in a story broadcast on Channel Nine's The Footy Show on Thursday night.

Ben Cousins and Chris Judd celebrate the 2006 flag.
Ben Cousins and Chris Judd celebrate the 2006 flag. Photo: Getty Images

Nisbett said the club had concerns for other former players too. "We've got several issues with probably three or four players. Probably three in particular," he said, without naming them.

With the club celebrating the 10th anniversary of its 2006 win, Nisbett broke his silence on The Footy Show, talking candidly about the drug problems at the Eagles about a decade ago.


He also made the extraordinary claim the club would give back the 2006 premiership if it meant a number of its players embroiled in illicit drug use were healthy again.

"I guess if you could roll it all back and give back the premiership and say that all our players are fit and well and healthy and we still have Ben [Cousins] having a normal life, we'd give it back tomorrow," he said.

Trevor Nisbett.
Eagles CEO Trevor Nisbett. Photo: Getty Images

"I think that's the case, we have learnt that," he said.

Nisbett told the show there were "worrying signs" about Cousins' behaviour in the years before 2006. "We were aware of them, we were aware of them as early as 2000-2001. It was a matter of how they'd escalated," he said.

He also said: "I guess the disappointing thing is we weren't able to salvage Ben out of the wreck, and that's a real disappointment for us."

There has been speculation for years the Eagles' 2006 nail-biting win over Sydney was tainted because of the drug culture that was rife at the club during that time.

Since the 2006 flag, it has been revealed a raft of Eagles' players have battled drug problems, including Cousins, Daniel Kerr and Daniel Chick.

Cousins was eventually sacked by the Eagles after the 2007 season as his drug addiction spiralled out-of-control.

Former Eagles' swingman Adam Hunter got himself into hot water after he was fined $400 for possessing cocaine in February 2014.

And former West Coast winger Chad Fletcher was charged for possessing cocaine in early 2010, having nearly died in mysterious circumstances in Las Vegas in 2006 while celebrating the Eagles' flag.

Former Eagles star Andrew Embley told The Footy Show of a punch-up he had with Chick at the club at 7am one morning after an earlier confrontation.

"I got to the club at 6.55 in the morning and Chicky at 7 o'clock sharp comes storming in and it's fair to say we didn't have time to put any headgear on or anything, and we just started going at each other," he said.

"Thank goodness he (a club official) sort of came in and got in between us, because it could have just gone forever," he said.

He also revealed that in early 2006 - when Cousins swam down a river to evade police - that Eagles players were very concerned about Cousins' health.

"I think we were all really concerned for his health at that particular time. The playing group in particular could probably see there were signs that Ben was starting to miss a few training sessions, at times he wasn't coming to the club in the greatest state," he said.

Club officials also revealed on the show that players weren't honest when questioned about whether they were taking illicit drugs.

"I don't think so, I know so. I mean, you can only ask so many questions so many times and you expect a pretty straight and forthright answer. And unfortunately I didn't get it, we didn't get it, and some of the people who were probing didn't get it either," Nisbett said.

Former Eagles chairman Dalton Gooding said the club originally thought only a few players were abusing drugs.

"We initially thought there was a minority," he said.

"But what came out in Broome in November 2006 indicated that wasn't the case. It was a lot more people than we thought," he said.

A player manager, Colin Young, said: "There's no doubt from my meetings with club officials, that the players lied."

Nisbett also expressed disappointment at the response from the AFL when the Eagles approached the AFL for help in dealing with the club's player drugs crisis.

"It was a difficult time for the footy club, because the support we thought we'd get from the AFL ended up an inquisition," he said.

"We wanted them, first of all, to test our players immediately, all of our players, and they didn't do that. And there were a lot of excuses why they couldn't. And then we wanted some assistance in how we were going to fix this problem that we had, and could they help us with that. And there was nothing forthcoming with that as well. So we were extremely disappointed with that," he said.

Contacted immediately after the program for comment, an AFL spokesman said the league would not be responding to Nisbett's comments on Thursday night.

Dual Brownlow Medallist Chris Judd, who captained the Eagles' 2006 grand final side, denied the flag was tainted because of drugs.

"It's something I'm immensely proud of...I feel genuine sympathy for the players and their families who've had some battles since," he told The Footy Show.

"But the overriding emotion is of pride of what that group was able to achieve."

Former Richmond coach Terry Wallace, who gave Cousins a lifeline in 2009, told a peculiar story of the Brownlow Medallist not coming out of the toilet for 40 minutes when he first recruited him.

"10 minutes past, 20 minutes past, 25, 30 minutes past and he hadn't come out of the loo and I was sitting there wondering what the heck was going on," he said.

Former West Coast champion Dean Cox also revealed in his book Iron Eagle, that a number of players in the mid-2000s were drug users.

"I don't know the exact number of players who answered in the affirmative ... but I suspect it was in double figures," Cox wrote in his book.

Days before the Eagles were set to take on Hawthorn in the 2015 grand final, Daniel Chick made the explosive claims Kerr and Cousins abused the asthma drug prednisone - which is banned under anti-doping rules - during their 2006 premiership season.

But Kerr, speaking exclusively to WAtoday, angrily rejected Chick's accusations, even going as far as saying his former teammate was the one abusing prednisone.

"What Chicky was doing and what we were doing was two completely different things," he said.

"The medication he was talking about was prescribed by doctors.

"I was prescribed the asthma thing and I had to jump through several hoops and the amount of testing I had to do to get that clearance, [was] with a renowned lung specialist from around the world.

"So then every time I had to use it, I had to get doctor's clearances."