It's been a big week in art ... with Jim Pavlidis

What a wonderful thing self-belief is. Just look at the video of David Bowie in a Los Angeles recording studio in 1975 directing a super-slick American band that included Luther Vandross as to how he wanted his "plastic soul" to sound.

Yes, that's right, a skinny, pale Englishman telling Americans how they should play soul music! The self-belief that Luke Beveridge and his Western Bulldogs have shown since the club's off-season meltdown two years ago would make even the late, great Starman take note.

In 1974 Bowie released Diamond Dogs, an ambitious post-apocalyptic concept album (remember those?), based on Orwell's Nineteen Eight-Four.

For decades, Doggies' fans have dreamed of living in the world unburdened by their underdog status. Thanks to Bevo's unflinching ambition, the footy landscape today looks radically different than it did a month ago as the longest era of suffering in AFL/VFL history is over.

Click here for a downloadable PDF poster version of Bevo's Diamond Dogs.

Original concept: David Bowie.

Original concept: David Bowie.