Clean Energy Finance Corporation boss steps down

The Clean Energy Finance Corporation chief executive Oliver Yates is standing down.
The Clean Energy Finance Corporation chief executive Oliver Yates is standing down. Supplied

The outgoing chief executive of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation Oliver Yates says there needs to be a major overhaul of the national electricity rules to deal with the influx of renewable energy into the grid.

Mr Yates, a former Macquarie banker, announced on Wednesday he would be stepping down from his role from the CEFC, saying it was the right time to go given the future of the federal body looked secure.

The former Abbott government wanted to abolish the CEFC, but it has survived, even though it has had its funding cut in recent years. The CEFC has allocated more than $2 billion to help finance renewable projects across the country.

Mr Yates said the rules for the National Electricity Market (NEM) needed to be modernised to deal with next-generation wind and solar projects, saying the grid could adapt to deal with energy supply concerns after the SA blackouts.

"You need to bring on that new technology. As you find problems there are solutions out there. But you need to get them into the market so those solutions can shine through," Mr Yates said in an interview with The Australian Financial Review.

"The rules have a very slow change process built into them and we are going through a very rapid change at the moment. The regulatory system needs to be put on protein tablets."

Mr Yates, who has been in the role for four years, appeared before Senate Estimates hearings on Monday defending the organisations role in funding projects. He said it was simply time for a new challenge.

"The reason is terribly boring – there is no conspiracy theory. The timing is right to move on," Mr Yates said.

"We've been under challenge since day one, there is some calmness on the water to bring someone else in. It [the CEFC] is running very successfully, it's stable and there is a good pipeline of projects. You do your best for a period of time and you let someone else have a go."

Mr Yates backed the integration of climate and energy policy by the Turnbull government, saying it needed to happen to help reduce the nation's greenhouse emissions.

"That is a very fundamental change that I thoroughly support. If you don't get energy and climate together and the interrelated nature of it, it's going to be a very hard slog," he said.

Mr Yates said he felt confident about the future of the CEFC, which helps provide debt and equity for projects that are also backed by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency, saying private sector bodies were not trying to replicate what they had been doing over the past five years.

CEFC chairwoman Jillian Broadbent said the board had begun a process to look for Mr Yates' replacement and they were considering internal and external candidates.

Ms Broadbent paid tribute to Mr Yates saying he had played a critical role in CEFC's development.

"He has made a significant contribution to the sector and departs on excellent terms. He leaves a strong team and organisation which will continue its task to catalyse the flow of funds into emissions reduction investments," she said.