South China Sea dispute: China may give Filipino fishermen access to Scarborough

South China Sea dispute: China may give Filipino fishermen access to Scarborough

Beijing: China will consider giving Filipino fishermen conditional access to disputed waters in the South China Sea after the presidents of the two countries meet in Beijing this week, two Chinese sources with ties to the leadership said.

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte plans to raise the plight of Filipino fishermen when he meets his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, on Thursday, a Philippine official told Reuters.

China seized Scarborough Shoal - claimed by Beijing as Huangyan island and by Manila as Panatag - in 2012, denying Philippine fishermen access to its rich fishing grounds.

The seizure formed part of a case the Philippines took to the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague, which in July rejected China's territorial claims over much of the South China Sea, including its assertion of a 320 km exclusive economic zone around the disputed Spratly Islands.

Filipino student activists hold mock Chinese ships to protest recent island-building in the South China Sea.

Filipino student activists hold mock Chinese ships to protest recent island-building in the South China Sea.Credit:AP

China immediately declared the ruling "null and void"but said it was time to get talks started again between the countries directly involved in the territorial disputes to reach a peaceful resolution.

Arriving at his hotel in Beijing, Mr Duterte told reporters he expected to achieve "plenty of happiness for my country" during his trip to China.

Asked about the South China Sea dispute, he said: "No, that is not one of the topics on the agenda. It might crop up but it is going to be a soft landing for everyone. No impositions".

Beijing is now considering making a concession to Mr Duterte, whose rapprochement with China since taking office on June 30 marks an astonishing reversal in recent Philippine foreign policy.

Anti China protesters rally against China's territorial claims in the Spratly islands in the South China Sea in front of the Chinese Consulate in Makati, Philippines in July.

Anti China protesters rally against China's territorial claims in the Spratly islands in the South China Sea in front of the Chinese Consulate in Makati, Philippines in July.Credit:Getty Images

"Everybody can go, but there will be conditions," one of the Chinese sources who speaks regularly with senior officials told Reuters, referring to Chinese and Filipino fishermen.

Asked what the conditions were, the source said: "The two countries would have to form working groups to iron out details."

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has looked to shift the pro-US, anti-China stance of predecessors.

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has looked to shift the pro-US, anti-China stance of predecessors. Credit:AP

It was unclear, however, if China would agree to joint coastguard patrols.

The sources did not say what, if anything, China might demand from Manila in exchange for the fishing concession.

Chinese Coast Guard officers, to the rear, approach Filipino fishermen on their boat on Scarborough Shoal last year.

Chinese Coast Guard officers, to the rear, approach Filipino fishermen on their boat on Scarborough Shoal last year. Credit:AP

"It will be a return to the Arroyo days," the second Chinese source said, referring to the administration of former president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (2001-2010), when fishermen from both countries had access to waters near Scarborough Shoal.

If all goes according to script, fishery cooperation would be one of more than 10 broad framework agreements the two countries would sign during Mr Duterte's visit, the sources said, without giving further details.

A Chinese Coast Guard boat sprays a water cannon at Filipino fishermen near Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea last year.

A Chinese Coast Guard boat sprays a water cannon at Filipino fishermen near Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea last year.Credit:AP

The Philippine foreign ministry said it had "no comment at this time".

China has overlapping claims in the South China Sea with Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam.

US marines amphibious assault vehicles land on a beach during military exercises with their Philippine marine counterparts in October. Rodrigo Duterte ordered a halt to any joint patrols and naval exercises between the US and the Philippines military including patrols at the disputed South China Sea.

US marines amphibious assault vehicles land on a beach during military exercises with their Philippine marine counterparts in October. Rodrigo Duterte ordered a halt to any joint patrols and naval exercises between the US and the Philippines military including patrols at the disputed South China Sea.Credit:Getty Images

The United States, along with Japan and other powers, want to ensure Beijing doesn't interfere with free navigation in the strategic South China Sea, which connects the Indian and Pacific Oceans and through which flows $US5 trillion of trade a year.

US Navy ships have conducted "freedom of navigation" operations around artificial islands China has been building in the disputed Spratly Islands, which mostly consist of coral reefs and tidal features in the South China Sea.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi did not answer directly, when asked whether China would offer any concessions to the Philippines on the South China Sea, including fishing rights around Scarborough Shoal.

"China's position on the South China Sea is clear and consistent. There is no change and there will be no change. This position accords with historical facts and international law," Mr Wang said at a news conference with his New Zealand counterpart.

Mr Wang, however, was upbeat about Mr Duterte's trip saying it would be a "historic visit and a new beginning in China-Philippines relations.

On Friday, China's ambassador to Manila, Zhao Jianhua, said a budding bilateral friendship could boost chances of removing one of their biggest bones of contention in the South China Sea.

But on Sunday, Mr Duterte said he would raise the Hague ruling and vowed not to surrender any sovereignty, comments that will not sit comfortably with Beijing.

Philippine Supreme Court senior associate justice Antonio Carpio warned that Mr Duterte could be impeached if he gives up the country's sovereignty over the Scarborough Shoal, according to Philippine media.

China's objective is to jointly develop resources in the South China Sea with its neighbours, said Lu Xiang, an international relations expert at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, a government think-tank. "Disputes with any neighbour are not conducive for China," he said, when asked what China wanted in exchange for any concession to Mr Duterte.


"We need a better external environment," Mr Lu said.


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