Life appeared happy for Maria Claudia Lutz in days before whole family killed in Davidson

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In the days before her unexpected death, life appeared happy for Maria Claudia Lutz. 

The 43-year-old had recently finished a teaching degree she had juggled while looking after the complex needs of her two children, Martin and Elisa, who both had autism. 

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Family found dead were possibly gassed

NSW police reveal that Maria Claudia Lutz, Fernando Manrique and their two children may have died after gas was filtered through their Davidson home.

That juggle had been significantly aided with a recent increase in disability assistance to help her family. 

On the last day Mrs Lutz's closest friends saw her alive, they remembered her appearing "excited" after a meeting with a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) team.

Maria Claudia Lutz, with son Martin, was held in very high regard in the community.
Maria Claudia Lutz, with son Martin, was held in very high regard in the community. Photo: Facebook

As a resident of Sydney's north, she was living in one of the first roll-out regions for the NDIS in NSW.

"Everything was lined up for her," one source concluded.


That joy, and the bright spark the Colombian-born mother brought to so many people's lives, was brought to an end by Monday morning by an "horrific" act that police suspect was at the hands of her husband. 

The bodies of Mrs Lutz, Martin, 10, Elisa, 11, and their father, Fernando Manrique, 44, were found in their closed-up Davidson home.

Maria Claudia Lutz with her two children, Martin, 10 and Elisa, 11.
Maria Claudia Lutz with her two children, Martin, 10 and Elisa, 11. Photo: Andrew Darby

There was no sign of visible injuries to the family of four. However an elaborate gas network within the ceiling has led police to believe they were poisoned with carbon monoxide. 

Police officers found two tanks at the property, which they suspect pumped the gas through to the house at some point between Saturday night and Monday morning.  

Police are firming on a theory that the children's father orchestrated murder-suicide.
Police are firming on a theory that the children's father orchestrated murder-suicide. Photo: Facebook

While initially keeping all options open, detectives are firming on a theory that Mr Manrique orchestrated the murder of his wife and children before killing himself. 

The family dog was also found dead when police broke into the sealed-up home. 

Now Mrs Lutz's family members are believed to be preparing to travel to Australia to face the grim task of organising the family's funeral. 

They will decide whether the final farewell will happen in Australia or in their native Colombia. 

It is understood no suicide note was found at the house however police have taken computer equipment and other items, likely to look for signs of planning. 

Davidson resident Ofik Thomassian​ last saw Mr Manrique, a senior executive in business logistics, working on a gazebo in the front yard of his Sir Mitchell Thomas Drive home at about 6pm on Saturday.

"He was cutting, drilling and repairing the [gazebo] roof," she said. 

Two days later she spotted police on the roof of the home taking photographs after discovering the gas pipe system in the ceiling. 

Mrs Lutz spent Friday afternoon with her close friends having coffee at a nursery, where they said she was in good spirits. 

"She'd had a meeting with the NDIS and she was so excited she was going to be getting all this help," Peta Rostirola told ABC's 7.30 program.

"She even felt guilty for taking that, she was just the most selfless person."

Mrs Lutz's difficulties with her children's intellectual disabilities was no secret and an experience shared with families at St Lucy's school, where her children were students. 

She volunteered at the school where she was fondly known by all staff and most parents. 

A close friend and fellow parent called police on Monday when Mrs Lutz didn't turn up for canteen duty. 

The Colombian Consul General in Sydney said they were providing support to the victims of the relatives.