- published: 06 Oct 2016
- views: 1544011
Stop motion is an animation technique that physically manipulates an object that appears to move on its own. The object is moved in small increments between individually photographed frames, creating the illusion of movement when the series of frames is played as a continuous sequence. Dolls with movable joints or clay figures are often used in stop motion for their ease of repositioning. Stop motion animation using plasticine is called clay animation or "clay-mation". Not all stop motion requires figures or models; many stop motion films can involve using humans, household appliances and other things for comedic effect. Stop motion using objects is sometimes referred to as object animation.
The term "stop motion", related to the animation technique, is often spelled with a hyphen, "stop-motion". Both orthographical variants, with and without the hyphen, are correct, but the hyphenated one has, in addition, a second meaning, not related to animation or cinema: "a device for automatically stopping a machine or engine when something has gone wrong" (The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, 1993 edition).
Elsa Superpowers Frozen Boy | Disney Frozen Cartoon Episodes | Play Doh Stop Motion
stop motion pizza
IRONMAN STOP MOTION Action Video Part 5 with Black Panther & Superior Spiderman
Alien VS Predator Stop Motion 異型VS終極戰士
FANTASIA. A Stop motion Animation by Guldies
peppa pig play doh -Play Doh Prince Peppa Pig Stop Motion -Play Doh Kid Fun
Civil War Part III: The Final Chapter - Stop-Motion Film
CARA BIKIN STOP MOTION (Tutorial bikin kado unik) by Aulion
Стоп-Моушен Монстер Хай " СЮРПРИЗ С ЗАПАШКОМ" (Stop-Motion Monster High)
Stop motion - Birthday Love
Prank on Elsa's cat goes wrong when Elsa unleashes her superpowers! Stop Motion videos - Clay Animación - Playdough Stop Motion - Disney Pixar - Play doh videos - Plastilina animación Check out more stop motions videos below :) Play Doh Frozen Stop Motion Elsa & Olaf! Playdough Animación de Disney Frozen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rX-znm1KdYY Play Doh Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Stop Motion Kinder Surprise Egg! Playdough Animación de TMNT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZokZluilQgc Play Doh Rainbow Dash Stop Motion! Playdough Animación de My Little Pony https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-aCSRpRgcE Spongebob & Patrick Play Doh Stop Motion Animación de Playdough Spongebob Squarepants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J98oTv0D0Lg Play Doh Batman & Joker Stop Motion Superhero DC Comi...
Hi! This is a stop motion by auroraMeccanica creative animation studio. how to make a perfect pizza?? follow us on youtube/facebook/web www.aurorameccanica.it
IRONMAN STOP MOTION Action Video Part 5 with Superior Spiderman & Black Panther Ironman Mark 45, Ironman Mark 6, Spiderman, Superior Spiderman, Black Panther, Deadpool, Ironman Mark 42 and Hulkbuster Spiderman's popularity causes jealousy as Spiderman and Superior Spiderman become friends once again. Ironman Mark 45 cannot forget the problems Superior Spiderman has caused in the previous Ironman and Spiderman episodes. Thanks John for the use of one of your stop motion videos. For John's channel, Counter656 click here: https://www.youtube.com/user/counter656 Check out Part 1 - 4 below IRONMAN Part 1 : https://youtu.be/7flMDbeZzXs IRONMAN Part 2 : https://youtu.be/kYjhAY46agw IRONMAN Part 3: https://youtu.be/Pe1EH_V0C1s IRONMAN Part 4: https://youtu.be/dfE5WQU8lK8 Also the SPIDE...
This is a new video we made about stop motion fights between several movie characters, figures are from Herocross, which are very cute and awesome toys , this video took around 6000 pictures and nearly two month of production time. Facebook : Counter656 https://www.facebook.com/Counter656-192058287535877/
No candy = bad I love you guys. You have been so patient. I have been so patient. This took a lot of effort. I wanted every frame to work with the next one. I didn't rush this. I am SO proud of it. I really hope it brings you joy and happiness, even if it's a story about a monster harassing a small boy. Ask me anything about this project and I will try to ANSWER everything! Is the monster real? No one knows but the boy. 2700 handcrafted still pictures, shot with a Canon EOS 600D. Animated with Dragonframe, and edited with Sony Vegas Pro. Super Sculpey and Cernit clay was mainly used. The house was built out of foam board and the painted with acrylic paint. Music made by Jonathan Chau. Sound effects recorded by me with a Blue Yeti microphone AND downloaded from freesound(dot)org. Some ...
peppa pig play doh -Play Doh Prince Peppa Pig Stop Motion -Play Doh Kid Fun » Subscribe for More: http://sub.playdohkidfun.com » Watch Play Doh Kid Fun Weekend of The Month On Channel » Watch Full Episodes: www.video.playdohkidfun.com PLAY DOH KID FUN ON SOCIAL: Youtube :http://www.youtube.com/c/PlayDohKidFun Like : http://Facebook.com/PlayDohKidFun Google+: https://plus.google.com/+PlayDohKidFun ABOUT Play Doh Kid Fun : Play Doh Kid Fun YouTube channel features exclusive content peppa pig play doh -Play Doh Prince Peppa Pig Stop Motion -Play Doh Kid Fun :https://youtu.be/sI9nLcdFv5s
Finally guys, I am proud to show you my biggest work! Took me more than a month, 3000+ pictures and a lot of disaster in my bedroom. The toughest scene was definitely the one shot Iron Man vs Cap & Buck. Hope you guys are satisfied with the conclusion that I made, leave a comment! Tell me what you think, the good or the bad I don't care! As long as you're not being an asshole. Huge thanks to the voice cast once again! Whats next doe? -Clone Wars Ep 3 -megatron Rises -Rogue One force Friday special -The return of Ultron I do not own any of the soundtrack: No Copyright Free Music GENERIC MUSIC CINEMATIC Music -Naruto Shippuden OST III: Obito And Rin
Ini dia cara bikin stop motion ala gue! Gak pake kamera SLR juga bisa kok, pake handphone ajaa! Stop motion juga pas banget untuk jadi hadiah ke temen kalian! Thank you Samsung udah bantu mewujudkan video ini :D Semoga kalian terhibur dan terinspirasi untuk berkarya lewat stop motion yaaaaaa! Thank you udah nonton! 💢 💢 💢 💢 💢 💢 💢 💢 💢 💢 💢 💢 💢 BISA KIRIM HADIAH / APAPUN KE AULION MELALUI ALAMAT INI YAH: Bella Aulion Jl.Bukit Gading Mediterania Blok AB no.25 Kelapa Gading - Jakarta Utara Kode Pos 14240 🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴 FOLLOW AULION YUK! Instagram 1: https://www.instagram.com/aulion/ Instagram 2: https://www.instagram.com/aulions/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/aulion Ask Fm: https://ask.fm/aulion Snapchat: Auliarizsa 🚕 🚕 🚕 🚕 🚕 🚕 🚕 🚕 🚕 🚕 🚕 🚕 🚕 For booking or business inquiries : fratella.idea@g...
Stop-Motion Monster High| Стоп-Моушен Монстер Хай Мауседес Кинг решила завести себе домашнего питомца чтобы было не скучно. И вот что из этого получилось...) Прежде чем брать питомца изучите его как следует, потому что мы в ответе за тех, кого приручили ♥ _____________________________________________________ Я в ВК: https://vk.com/dollish_fox Группа в ВК: https://vk.com/dollish_fox_channel
Hi, I'm French and I created this video in stop motion on a whiteboard for my girlfriend's birthday. Hoping that you like it !! Now the English translation is available ! Musique : Take Your Time - Fun. Approximately 1400 photos, 10 photos for 1 second of film. Softwares : - VirtualDud : http://adf.ly/uzUUU - VideoPad Video Editor : http://adf.ly/uzUUV - Format Factory : http://adf.ly/uzUUT My Facebook : http://adf.ly/uhxi5
Anpanman and his friends buy icecream treats from a mobile vendor. Then Doraemon shows up with a big gold coin to buy a snack for himself! Toys featured in this video: Anpanman, Baikinman, Dokinchan, Melonpanna, Shokupanman, Currypanman, Uncle Jam シルバニアファミリーウサギ人形がアイスクリームをカートで売りにきた。アンパンマン バイキンマン メロンパンマン ドキンちゃん みんなに電話して来てもらうがみんなお金をもっていなくてアイスクリームを買えない。バイキンマンがドラえもんに電話してどこでも空飛ぶカーペットで来てもらいみんなお金をもらいアイスクリームを買えた。バイキンマンは大きなケーキをゲットした。 Anpanman and melon pan and viking man and doraemon with Play-Doh and Sylvanian family rabbit have a delicious adventure! エポック社 キッズ動画 子供向け番組 シルバニアファミリーウサギ人形 アンパンマンおもちゃ アニメ ねんどであそぶ ねんどケーキ
Want to see how to transform Transformers Combiner Wars Bonecrusher, part of Combiner Wars Devastator, then this video is for you. I use stop motion animation to show you how the transformation works. Let me now what you think in the comments below and, as always, hit the like and subscribe button! My Constructicons/Devastator Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRLgaoCH_qCZNbLwamG3N_esQ2RiDq8hB My Combiner Wars Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRLgaoCH_qCY5DZVd6ndtNuTncYgUAQ8J My Titans Return Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRLgaoCH_qCbOvm451HqwZAxkrVc9mJj5 Check out my website (under construction) http://www.themanfromtoone.com/ While I welcome you to point out things I do wrong or suggest something I could do better,...
Training on my stop motion skills. Using a reference video from Guldies
The Amazing World of Gumball Play Doh stop motion video Check out our Play Doh Stop Motion videos . Stop motion is also known as Claymation and animación de plastilina. http://www.youtube.com/user/unboxingsurpriseegg?sub_confirmation=1 Join Unboxingsurpriseegg on an adventure of fun and discovery with Kinder Surprise Eggs, Play-Doh toys, stop motion videos, rare Japanese candies and exciting new toys from around the world. Únete a Unboxingsurpriseegg en una aventura de diversión y entretenimiento con Huevos Kinder Sorpresa, juguetes Play Doh, videos de stop motion, golosinas japonesas rarísimas y maravillosos juguetes nuevos comprados en todos los países del mundo.
Fed up with trying to go after Sonic, Robotnik turns his sights to Station Square City Hall itself, and needs the right henchman to carry out this mission. Xalvandor is rebooted and thrown into a match with Robotnik's newest creation, Xirato, to see if he is worth keeping around. Soon after, Sonic finds a note on his door that warns him of something happening the next day in Station Square, and as always, he's up to protect the city he loves. What will happen? And how will the Chaos Emeralds be effected? Only time will tell. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Always be sure to watch until after the credits, especially this one! Boy, it's been too long since the last episode, hasn't it? I don't think I need to tell you guys about that, haha. In fact, it's...
Another recommended video: ♫ Spiderman Frozen Hulk Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Nursery Rhymes ♫ Superheroes Prank Stop Motion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwHf7fp3RBw To watch Best Stop Motion Videos, click here: * Anna VS Olaf Disney Frozen Stop Motion Videos Disney Characters Real Life Prank Videos Frozen Toys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZQCm... * Hulk vs Elsa Disney Frozen Stop Motion Spiderman Superheroes Prank Videos Spiderman Kiss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0EvZ... * Pink Spidergirl Pregnant & Spiderman Stop Motion Play Doh Spiderbaby Superheroes Prank Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb-m7... * Hulk Spiderman & Elsa disney stop motion playdoh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjeQY... * Superheroes ghost prank Play doh stop motion Funny Movieshttps://www.yo...
Another recommended video: Spiderman VS Spidergirl Family Holidays at the Beach Superhero Prank Videos Stop Motion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HX8kCBPTeMA Click below to watch BEST STOP MOTION videos ever! * Frozen Elsa’s GIANT DUCK! w/ Pink Spidergirl Spiderman & Joker Superhero Prank Videos Stop Motion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rRkb6GSmqE * Frozen Elsa Doing Make Up Elsa Visits Beauty Shop Elsa Dates w/ Spiderman Prank Videos Stop Motion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6ho2S9FjrU * Joker vs Spiderman Prank Stop Motion Funny Superhero Videos Pink Spidergirl, Frozen Elsa and More! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzdSHIaYEww * PRANK JOKER VS SPIDERMAN! WITH FROZEN ELSA AND SUPERHEROS FUN IN REAL LIFE STOP MOTION VIDEOS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-N3XDAeIeU * Frozen...
Another recommended video: SPIDERBABY VS JELLYFISH ATTACK w/ Spiderman Prank Joker Superhero Prank Videos Stop Motion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkhVRwNrZ1g Click below to watch BEST STOP MOTION videos ever! * Spiderman VS Spidergirl Family Holidays at the Beach Superhero Prank Videos Stop Motion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HX8kCBPTeMA * Frozen Elsa’s GIANT DUCK! w/ Pink Spidergirl Spiderman & Joker Superhero Prank Videos Stop Motion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rRkb6GSmqE * Frozen Elsa Doing Make Up Elsa Visits Beauty Shop Elsa Dates w/ Spiderman Prank Videos Stop Motion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6ho2S9FjrU * Joker vs Spiderman Prank Stop Motion Funny Superhero Videos Pink Spidergirl, Frozen Elsa and More! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzdSHIaYEww * PRANK JOK...
Another recommended video: PRANK JOKER VS SPIDERMAN! WITH FROZEN ELSA AND SUPERHEROS FUN IN REAL LIFE STOP MOTION VIDEOS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-N3XDAeIeU Click below to watch BEST STOP MOTION videos! * Frozen Elsa Flies w/ Superman, Spiderman, Pink Spidergirl, Doctor & Joker Prank Superhero Fun Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfazKjzJCj8 * Joker VS Elsa’s Magic Carpet Ride Spiderman Spidergirl Frozen Superhero Movies Prank Stop Motion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehSFExh8WoM * MERMAID FROZEN ELSA VS DOCTOR Elsa is Sick Play Doh Stop Motion Videos Superhero Movie in Real Life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rB5r4I_m0M * Pink Spidergirl Pregnant & Spiderman Stop Motion Play Doh Spiderbaby Superheroes Prank Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb-m7uwoEew * Spid...
Another recommended video: Spiderman VS Spidergirl Family Holidays at the Beach Superhero Prank Videos Stop Motion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HX8kCBPTeMA Click below to watch BEST STOP MOTION videos ever! * Frozen Elsa’s GIANT DUCK! w/ Pink Spidergirl Spiderman & Joker Superhero Prank Videos Stop Motion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rRkb6GSmqE * Frozen Elsa Doing Make Up Elsa Visits Beauty Shop Elsa Dates w/ Spiderman Prank Videos Stop Motion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6ho2S9FjrU * Joker vs Spiderman Prank Stop Motion Funny Superhero Videos Pink Spidergirl, Frozen Elsa and More! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzdSHIaYEww * PRANK JOKER VS SPIDERMAN! WITH FROZEN ELSA AND SUPERHEROS FUN IN REAL LIFE STOP MOTION VIDEOS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-N3XDAeIeU * Frozen...
Another recommended video: SPIDERBABY VS JELLYFISH ATTACK w/ Spiderman Prank Joker Superhero Prank Videos Stop Motion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkhVRwNrZ1g Click below to watch BEST STOP MOTION videos ever! * Spiderman vs Finding Dory Stop Motion Videos Superhero Prank Videos Fishing Game Dory Toys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXyUrOyVXjw * Spiderman VS Spidergirl Family Holidays at the Beach Superhero Prank Videos Stop Motion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HX8kCBPTeMA * Frozen Elsa’s GIANT DUCK! w/ Pink Spidergirl Spiderman & Joker Superhero Prank Videos Stop Motion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rRkb6GSmqE * Frozen Elsa Doing Make Up Elsa Visits Beauty Shop Elsa Dates w/ Spiderman Prank Videos Stop Motion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6ho2S9FjrU * Joker vs Spiderman...
Another recommended video: SPIDERBABY VS JELLYFISH ATTACK w/ Spiderman Prank Joker Superhero Prank Videos Stop Motion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkhVRwNrZ1g Click below to watch BEST STOP MOTION videos ever! * Spider Baby is Sick Doctor Syringe Spiderman Doc McStuffins Funny Stop Motion Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPoHFozrmmc * Spiderman VS Spidergirl Family Holidays at the Beach Superhero Prank Videos Stop Motion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HX8kCBPTeMA * Frozen Elsa’s GIANT DUCK! w/ Pink Spidergirl Spiderman & Joker Superhero Prank Videos Stop Motion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rRkb6GSmqE * Frozen Elsa Doing Make Up Elsa Visits Beauty Shop Elsa Dates w/ Spiderman Prank Videos Stop Motion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6ho2S9FjrU * Joker vs Spiderman Prank...
Another recommended video: Batman VS Superman Stop Motion Videos Spiderman Prank Superhero Movies Superheroes in Real Life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Gg-nL5oOac Click below to watch BEST STOP MOTION videos! * Hulk vs Elsa Disney Frozen Stop Motion Spiderman Superheroes Prank Videos Spiderman Kiss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0EvZv8Rv1c * MERMAID FROZEN ELSA VS DOCTOR Elsa is Sick Play Doh Stop Motion Videos Superhero Movie in Real Life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rB5r4I_m0M * Pink Spidergirl Pregnant & Spiderman Stop Motion Play Doh Spiderbaby Superheroes Prank Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb-m7uwoEew * Spiderman & Spidergirl's Dream Wedding Best Stop Motion Videos Funny Superhero Movie in Real Life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95DROZ2lrj4 * Monster High D...