Daily Life

Why are we still ironing our husband's shirts?

When Tony Abbott made his infamous comment about the housewives of Australia doing the ironing, we laughed.

It was proof - if any were needed - that fathering daughters, having them in every photo op and watching Downton Abbey does not a feminist make.

But, when it comes to ironing at least, it pains me to say that Abbott's 1950s values may not be as out of step with the country as I had supposed. Most of my friends, I recently discovered, take on the responsibility for ironing their husband's/male partner's shirts.

Most do all the ironing themselves, others do the bulk of it, and some outsource the ironing.

Even the women who outsource still feel that it's their responsibility to drop off and collect their husband's laundry.

A friend's husband recently decided the family budget could no longer stretch to paying for shirt ironing. This didn't mean that he started doing it himself. No, his wife - who also does paid work outside the home and is the primary parent for three children - was expected to take over. 


A few of my friends don't iron their husband's shirts, but even then it's not because they don't consider ironing to be their role. Mostly, it's because their husband/partner doesn't think they do it well enough.

Ironing has been a potent symbol of second wave feminism. The slogan for the 1970s Women's Strike for Equality was, "Don't iron while the strike is hot." In the early 1960s, Betty Friedan wrote of the "the problem that has no name, a vague undefined wish for 'something more' than washing dishes, ironing, punishing and praising the children." The Women's Press, the UK publishing venture committed to publishing feminist works, chose an iron - 'press', get it? - as its logo. 

Despite half a century of stalled progress towards domestic equality, most of the women I know who iron their husband's shirts aren't at all pissed off about it. Some see it as their duty, others see it as a free choice.

Angela Jackson recently argued in The Telegraph that she could still iron her husband's shirts and be a feminist.   

"I am, without equivocation, a feminist to my core. However, I no longer feel I have to prove it to myself, to my twentysomething self or to anyone else," Jackson wrote.

To be clear, I have no wish to question any woman's feminist credentials or kick Angela out of the club. And if ironing gives a woman a sense of joy that I don't quite understand, then who am I to suggest she should give it up on principle?

But I do wonder if women's "choice" to iron their husbands' shirts is actually a "free" one.

This "choice" has been made within the context of our understanding of marriage and gender roles, which is essentially that women need to provide their labour to win a man.

One of my friends says she started ironing her husband's shirts when they were dating, as she was trying to impress him - and then she just kept doing it.

And there is a larger cultural narrative that holds that good wives must dutifully serve a man as a safeguard against infidelity. For example, when another friend discovered her husband was cheating, her father-in-law informed her that this wouldn't have happened if she'd been a better wife.

Granted, this is an extreme example, but it points to an attitude that men will stray, and are justified to do so, if their wives cease to meet every need.

Other friends tell me that they "choose" to iron out of a sense of fairness because they "don't work". This is despite the fact that these women do almost all the domestic work in their families and are the main carers for children.

They're the ones who get up, often multiple times in the night, while their husband sleeps through, and the last time they had any leisure time was some time back in 2007. Yet they believe they "don't work".

Because paid work is valued and domestic work is invisible, women who do not earn as much as their husbands can develop a constant and nagging fear that they're not pulling their weight. This warps their sense of fairness into believing that if their husbands provide the money, they should do EVERYTHING else.

I'm all for kindness and support. If there's some special occasion or particular reason a man needs help with his ironing, then of course his female partner should help. 

But women's time is just as important as men's. We should no longer feel like we need to provide laundry services in order to make an adequate contribution to our families.

Kasey Edwards is a writer and best-selling author.


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