Your stars with Lilith

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This was published 8 years ago

Your stars with Lilith

By Lilith

ARIES: While Aries moon kicks off a full-on week for you do-it-yourselfers, remember equinox is a time of equality – of balancing everyday obligations with enough of the things you love, outgoing enthusiasms with internal nurturing. Blessing the past will ease the release of old habit patterns, painful memories and ancient contracts.

TAURUS: This week's astral activities turning up the heat in the cosmic kitchen could intensify differences of opinion. If you can keep cool and focus on the best outcome for all concerned, some really significant healing can be achieved. Make the most of midweek Taurus moon's peaceful pause in proceedings.

Sagittarius, the Archer.

Sagittarius, the Archer.

GEMINI: Ride out this week's potentially rough start and rocky passage, then when late week Gemini moon combines with your planet ruler Mercury turning direct, mysteries start clarifying, misunderstandings unravelling, missing links knit up… And finally the sun shines in the sign of peace and pleasure, camaraderie, companionship and common ground.

CANCER: If full moon eclipse in a fellow water sign initiated some kind of liquid issue – anything from a leak, high tide, tears, flooding or over-consumption of recreational fluids – recent retrograde reality checks will have significantly strengthened your Cancerian ability to adapt to this week's fluctuating social currents.

LEO: With full moon eclipse bringing finances into full-frontal focus, checking paperwork, figures, contracts, bank or tax statements for errors, mistakes or omissions helps release the grip of inner money worries. Though best postpone major economic decisions, if possible, till next week when the fiscal climate's more auspicious.

VIRGO: As planetary activity heightens everyone's sensitivity we can all lose the plot; Mercury turning direct on Thursday puts life back on track. But take it slow. Add intuition to those signature Virgo logistics. Let key people in your life know much they matter to you, because right now friends are the best medicine.

LIBRA: Librans hate saying no, can vacillate about making up their minds. But as eclipse energies expose hidden pieces of recent puzzles, informed choices get easier. Just don't over-commit, or promise more than you're comfortable with. Late week spring equinox brings a beautifully balanced beginning to your month in the Libran sun.

SCORPIO: This week's questions are deep and conversations probing, with issues bubbling to the surface for resolution. As something formerly concealed is revealed, an attitude adjustment to move things forward becomes available. Dropping your story about a person or situation can free energy up for imaginative, spontaneous engagement. Lead with your heart.

SAGITTARIUS: Think road rage couldn't happen to you? This week travel accident potential is high so cool your jets, ardent Archers. Hold your horses. Slow down. And before offering opinions, consider other peoples' feelings. Channel those passionate beliefs into doing what you do best: sharing a skill or teaching what you know.


CAPRICORN: Capricorns excel at professional networking, are sometimes less successful as team leaders. If retrograde misperceptions lead to heated exchanges, or people are contentious and argumentative, keep dialogue and negotiations open. This week offers interesting opportunities for letting trusted, competent others make decisions and take the reins.

AQUARIUS: We all embody primal forces and feelings – how we deal with them is our responsibility, and this week's about cleaning up our act. Just when you're feeling like letting rip with some uniquely original expression, stellar patterns are advising cautious, conservative communication: publicly, privately, professionally, on social media, up close and personal.

PISCES: Full moon lunar eclipse in your sign's a cosmic clutter-clearer encouraging letting go of something that no longer serves your current reality. If this week's farrago of fast changes, sudden arrivals, unexpected departures and testy provocations feel overwhelming, don't rush. Give yourself time. Count to 10, take a deep breath, tread water.

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