Your stars with Lilith

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This was published 8 years ago

Your stars with Lilith

By Lilith

ARIES: Jupiter visiting your zone of alliances promises a year-long boost of goodwill and growth opportunities, though as always, conditions apply – cleaning house for your influential guest. This week suggests a dose of self-enquiry, followed by a course of rearranging your internal furniture, as in attitudes and strategies.

TAURUS: For the coming 12 months, Jupiter in your service sector exerts its friendly influence on co-workers, colleagues and your social support system, adding creativity and pleasure to what you do, how you do it and who you do it with. Caution? The Big J sets an abundant, indulgent table, so keep an eye on the calories.

The 9th sign of the zodiac - Sagittarius, the Archer.

The 9th sign of the zodiac - Sagittarius, the Archer.

GEMINI: Mercury retrograde in purging Virgo offers a fabulous chance to slow down and edit repetitive thought processes for a cleansing clear-out of mental habit patterns and more healing peace of mind. The reward? Jupiter in your house of fun for the coming year. Think Gemini Mike Myers as Austin Powers: Yeah, baaaaby!

CANCER: Home's where a crab's heart is, so what could be more fortunate than auspicious Jupiter moving into your family sector? Make the most of its stay by deleting some boring old ingrained behaviours to make room for expansion: of your living quarters, extended tribe – and waistline if you're not careful.

LEO: Jupiter presiding over your zone of ideas, information exchange and local events looks set to beef up the bank balance and heat up your flirting skills. So what do you need to bring to this party table? Charm, smarts, graciousness, consideration, appreciation and praise – in short, your best game, majesties.

VIRGO: This week's a mixed bag of good news combined with perplexing disinformation and misunderstandings, but insisting things be a certain way only sets you up for disappointment. With Jupiter supporting your values, physicality and everyday routines, you'll locate the sweet spot by getting stuck into taking care of the small stuff.

LIBRA: With the planetary bonanza of beneficent Jupiter in Libra joining up with Venus, goddess of pash, the urge to merge could be insistent. Making this week's brief to use that word of two letters and one syllable you hate saying. And distance yourself from people of dubious character or questionable loyalty.

SCORPIO: Retrograde transits act like undercover agents, working their magic to expand inner understanding, so when they're over we return to our everyday world with an education upgrade. But myth and legends tell us the underworld, or innerworld, always claims a price – so what are you ready to trade for this week's growth?

SAGITTARIUS: Sagittarians coalesce information into beliefs and world views, which are after all only your personal opinions. Be extra-vigilant when emailing, tweeting or posting on social media while Mercury's retrograde, because this week poetic licence or proselytising isn't likely to be appreciated. Good news? Jupiter in easy-pleasy Libra for the coming year…


CAPRICORN: Capricorn Paul Kelly co-wrote the song From Little Things Big Things Grow, your personal anthem while Mercury in the sign of analytical sorting and sifting makes slow but incremental progress on self improvement. All necessary prep for the coming twelve months of Jupiter boosting your career ambitions and professional reputation.

AQUARIUS: With Jupiter in your adventure sector for the foreseeable future, life-expanding experiences are already in the pipeline, Aquarius. So no need to push, especially when the impetus to act during early week Aquarius moon might override your tactometer. Boldness definitely isn't your best friend this week – sensitivity is.

PISCES: This isn't shaping up to win any medals for September's easiest week, with Friday's full moon lunar eclipse in your sign highlighting the perennial Piscean tug of war between what's ideal and what's real. Best practical strategy? Praise rather than blame – everyone responds more willingly to compliments than criticism.

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