
Latest commentary

Bigger should be better in new Assembly

We are all still guessing why we got the result we did. Should either or both major parties take a new direction?

The bigger Assembly now has to deliver results. Twenty-five members must do better than seventeen. The increase in size was introduced not just to reflect a larger population but to enable better executive government, parliamentary processes and representation. That is the challenge facing the members of the new Assembly.

Mike Baird is wrong to support coal mines

Premier Mike Baird must grasp the harm to Australia's climate pledge by the intent of his government to expand the coal ...

The opposition to coal mines doesn't spring from rabid environmentalism. It is a vital health issue which causes preventable human suffering in Australia and many other countries.

From favourite to failing: what went wrong with Pokemon Go?

Pokemon Go took the world by storm when it launched in July.

Pokemon Go is in rapid decline. Since launching in July and soaring in popularity, it had lost at least a third of its daily users by the middle of August. By mid-September, daily revenues had fallen from US$16m per day to US$2m (excluding the 30 per cent app store fee) and daily downloads had declined from a peak of 27 million to 700,000.

Breathless claims over lever-action shotgun are pure fiction

Turkish shotgun the Adler A110

The controversy whether Australia should allow the importation of the Adler A110 lever-action shotgun has certainly delivered some over-the-top political theatre. If you believe hyperventilating sectors of the media, the Adler is a newly invented death machine. If you believe some politicians’ rhetoric, allowing the Adler into the country dramatically waters down Australia’s 1996 gun laws.

Tackling corruption is not as simple as ABCC

The construction industry is the third-most important contributor to the Australian economy.

​Political issues are rarely straightforward and it's a good rule of thumb to be suspicious any time a politician tries to suggest otherwise. As much as we want black and white, yes or no scenarios, invariably there is always much more going on.

The siblings taking up their father's unfinished pokies fight

Anna and Tim Lawrence are leading a Proudly Pokies Free campaign

Last year these siblings lost their father, Kevin07 creator and Ka-Ching documentary maker Neil Lawrence. Now they are taking up his battle to help young people avoid gambling addiction and have access to more pokies-free entertainment like live music.

Future of investigative journalism at stake

A high point in investigative journalism: Robert Redford, right, and Dustin Hoffman portray <i>Washington Post</i> ...

At a time when freedom of speech and press freedom are under seemingly constant attack, it is important for courts not to tip the balance too far in favour of personal reputation.