- published: 02 Mar 2015
- views: 108881
The Parallel Multithreaded Machine (PM2) is a software for parallel networking of computers.
PM2 is an open-source distributed multithreaded programming environment designed to support efficiently distributed programs with a highly irregular behavior (e.g. branch and bound search, computation on sparse matrices, etc.) on distributed architectures. It is distributed under the GPL.
PM2 adheres to the SPMD (Single Program Multiple Data) programming model, in a way very similar to the PVM and MPI communication libraries. The user writes a single program text, a copy of which is launched by a specific load command on each processing node of the current configuration. It is up to the programmer to include branching so as to differentiate between the processing nodes. This way it allows a network of heterogeneous machines to be used as a single distributed parallel processor.
It is primarily designed for medium-size clusters of commodity processing nodes interconnected by high-performance networks, but nothing prevents the use on massively parallel MIMD machines at one end of the spectrum, or as a support for metacomputing over the Internet on the other end. It supports heterogeneous networking configurations, such as sets of interconnected clusters.
PM2 5動畫
PM2.5調査「穹顶之下」 柴静(CHAIJING)雾霾调查 (完整版)
PM2.5 - 看不見的殺手
Learn about Particulate Matter (PM2.5) and how to protect your skin!
PM2.5 空污狠角色
What is PM2.5 particulate matter (in smog)?
【TVBS】PM2.5每年奪命6千人 中南部比率最高
【台灣壹週刊】對付PM2.5 你能做的5件事
【中視新聞】 60分鐘 ~ 隱形殺手PM2.5 ~ part 1 看不見的敵人 穹頂之下爆話題, 大林蒲工業悲歌 長年空汙超標 20150325
何謂PM2.5(霧霾) ?? 為何PM2.5(霧霾)會影響人體健康呢? 詳細內容請看 http://youtu.be/BgEpruEOrFg 自去年從央視離職後,著名主持人、記者柴靜的動向便一直備受人關注。一則由柴靜自費拍攝的,聚焦空氣污染的深度調查視頻《穹頂之下》在網絡上曝光。這也是柴靜辭職後首度公開亮相。據了解,從央視離職後,柴靜一直在進行個人性的調研工作。此次聚焦霧霾的調查紀錄片《穹頂之下》便是其離職後,首個個人調研下的產物。而她也進一步透露,自己並未成立製作公司製作節目,只是找了朋友幫忙而已 ,且所有的花費都來源於自己之前出書的稿費。此外,在紀錄片中,柴靜也披露,自己懷孕期間,女兒便被診斷有良性腫瘤,出生後便要接受手術。而自己辭職後用了一段時間專程陪伴照顧女兒。
PM2.5究竟是什麼呢? 吸入過多的PM2.5會對人體有什麼樣的傷害? (影片版權屬IHealth享健康所有,若分享請標明出處,謝謝) 享受健康不是口號 ,更希望用創意創新的方式來實踐~ 我們是IHealth享健康團隊,來自花蓮慈濟醫院社區醫學部,歡迎訂閱,或加入臉書粉絲團喔! 團隊網站:http://www.ihealth.url.tw/ 臉書粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/iHealthCM?ref=aymt_homepage_panel 醫院官網:http://hlm.tzuchi.com.tw/cm/
Aqua+ PM-Zero Anti-Pollution Moisturizing Cream Buy now at Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/Aqua-PM-Zero-Anti-Pollution-Moisturizing-Cream/dp/B01BL6Q604/ref=sr_1_9_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid;=1463686760&sr;=8-9&keywords;=anti+pollution+cream Get to know more here: http://www.aquaskincare.ca or Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/aquaskincare.ca Every day we are exposed to a complex mixture of airborne pollutants. Common air pollution is called Particulate Matter or PM 2.5. It is the term for particles found in the air, including dust, dirt, smoke, and liquid droplets. The particles themselves are less than 2.5 micrometers in width, about thirty times smaller than a human hair. Our skin pores are about 40 - 50 micrometers, almost 20 times larger than the particles; allowing air pollutants to easi...
黑斑一直冒,擦防曬也沒效?! 心臟病、氣喘吁吁、喘不過氣,都可能是PM2.5害的?! 你可能聽過PM2.5這玩意,也知道它和空氣污染有關, 但,你確定你知道它是什麼嗎?! PM2.5大小到底有多小,你說得出來嗎? 來來來,快跟著胃先生一起長知識! 更多時事請看驚時事胃腸藥 https://www.facebook.com/08009taiwan
什么是雾霾?What is PM2.5 particulate matter (in smog)? How does it LOOK like? You may find an answer in here, visually. An excerpt from 柴静's 《穹顶之下》(aka Under the Dome),a documentary that focused on PRC's current state (2014/15) of environmental pollution. Video is in Chinese (audio) with Chinese subtitles. The full video can be found either http://baike.baidu.com/subview/6389972/16834540.htm OR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtbDwCv7nnw OR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6X2uwlQGQM (w/English subtitles)
http://news.tvbs.com.tw/life/news-632284/ 台大公衛學院日前公布一份數據,國人每年暴露在PM2.5環境,造成的死亡人數超過6千人,佔全國每年死亡率的19%,而超過這個比率的幾乎都全在中南部,其中雲林、南投及高雄比率更高達21%以上,公衛專家就說,由於中南部的工廠及火力發電廠等固定汙染源,就產生3成左右的PM2.5,因此致死率也跟著拉高。
大陸霧霾問題嚴重,但一直都沒有被有效解決,央視前任主播柴靜花了一年,自費拍攝紀錄片.將霾害赤 裸裸的呈現在大眾眼前,已經對向來保持沉默的大陸民眾投下了一顆震撼彈. 被定位為工業城市的高雄,有十幾萬人日以繼夜忍受著與高污染工業區相鄰之苦。其中,規模最大 的臨海工業區有五百多家工廠,鋼鐵、燃煤、煉油、石化、醫療廢棄物焚化等支撐人類舒適文明的 煙囪應有盡有,但就在西南側一路之遙,竟有大約一萬九千位高雄市民居住。 鳳鼻頭、大林蒲,原本是擁有椰林與純淨沙灘、漁獲十分富饒之地,在臨海工業區設立之後, 噪音夢魘,以及頻繁的交通事故十分嚴重,更令人難以忍受的是環境和空氣污染愈來愈惡化,已經 成為居民健康的殺手,里長說十個死的、有八個是癌症。居民上百次的抗議還沒奏效,新的遊艇 園區又要在這裡開發,讓他們再次發出怒吼。 發展重工業的經濟奇蹟,養活了許多家庭,背後卻隱藏著這些人的犧牲。對於空污的管理,目前中 央朝向修法空污法,將以總量管制來限制排放量,希望遏止不斷惡化的台灣空氣。
The way you talk, the things you've done
Make me wish I was the only one
Who could ever have made you laugh now?
Who could have made you, made you want to cry?
To have been there, the day
You first whispered, "I love you"
Yes, I love you
When you discovered all those new things
And when you first, first met the world
When you felt beautiful and you said 'Hello'
To everything you saw if I could have been all
So I could have known you all those times
I love you, yes, I love you