Why Dental Implant Is a Paramount Solution to Replace Your Missing Teeth

Dental implants are considered to be the best solution and management procedure as replacement of one’s missing teeth.  Who needs a dental implant? Dental implant can be a right choice for any individual having one or more missing teeth caused by decay, dental disease or injury. Regardless of a patient’s age, the procedure can be undertaken effectively.

Dental implant is the most demanding choice for people having missing teeth because with this, one can have virtually natural teeth in terms of its use, permanence and look. However, people opt for implants must choose efficient dental care units that are equipped with efficient dental surgeons or dentists and innovative mechanisms. Residing in or around Orange Park or Villa Park areas of South California, if you are in search of a consistent and dependable dental care facility then you can think of Villa Park Dental Center CA, a well distinguished dental and oral care clinic in CA.

With more than 40 years of committed service offered to the people living in Villa Park, Tustin Anaheim Hills, Orange, and Orange Park-Acres areas, CA, Villa Park Dental Center CA, led by the eminent dental care physician and surgeon boasts of being one of the top

Before the Fertility Treatment – Facts to Remember

Baby woes are not uncommon. There are thousands of couples out there who are trying to have a baby without any success. A study has shown that at least one in eight couples suffers from this problem.

Infertility is not a feminine problem. It is not only women who suffer from this. Men also suffer from infertility. Infertility refers to the inability of having baby. Women below the age of 35 should try for a year before getting medical help. Women over 35 have limited options and they must consult a medical professional if they fail to get pregnant even after trying for six months. After 35 the fertility level decreases and chance of miscarriage increases. This is the reason, you should find a proper clinic which is known to offer fertility treatment to people in need. CHA IVF has gained fame for offering help to infertile couples for a long time. You can visit this clinic and find out information about infertility.

If you have decided to begin with the fertility treatment, you need to remember the below mentioned facts.

Find the Right Physician

This is an important first step. Who is the right doctor, you might be wondering. Who can

Removing Wrinkles From The Face

Everybody wants to look young and fresh. Unfortunately, this is a distant dream for most people. The development of wrinkles is a part and parcel of the aging process that you need to go through in life. You will find creases that are found on the skin especially the neck, hands and face. Besides age, you will find that there are other factors that contribute to the aging process in the form of smoking, poor hydration and excessive exposure to harsh sunlight. Even if you immerse yourself in too much water, you will find the effects of wrinkles taking a toll on your life.

Trusted and popular dermatologist in USA, Dr. Kenneth M Reed says that tap water tends to strip the skin of natural oils and moisture. If you wash your face too much, you will find that you are washing away the protection from the face. Wrinkles are a natural occurrence however some people become distressed when they experience early in life. This is true for women mostly.

Everyone yearns to have fresh and younger looking skin. This makes them more attractive. The anti-aging industry is really doing some good business and in the market, you will find many

Innovative Cosmetic Surgery For Everyone

Millions of men and women around the world are undergoing cosmetic surgery for a variety of reasons. The rapid advances of this form of medical science have made it possible for cosmetic surgeons can now alter any aspect of their patients’ physical appearance whether it relates to the patient’s face or his/her body shape. While many cosmetic surgeons carry out such surgical procedures for medical reasons like reconstructing facial features after an accident or mishap there are cases where patients opt to undertake such surgeries voluntarily.

In America, Sono Bello is a prominent cosmetic surgery clinic that is in the forefront of customized innovative cosmetic surgery treatments. This reputed cosmetic surgery clinic has a team of ninety board certified cosmetic surgeons specializing in various forms of body transformation. These surgical professionals have the necessary skill, education, experience to ensure unparalleled results when it comes to providing customized treatments for their patients. This is what set this prominent cosmetic surgery clinic apart from its competitors. The reputed cosmetic surgeons of this clinic have performed more than seventy-five thousand body transformation surgeries at thirty-two Sono Bello centers throughout the country using state of the art sophisticated micro laser technology.

According to the cosmetic

Creating awareness about cardiac medication amongst the New York Residents by Michael Telvi

In the present times, people are running more after the junk or packed foods rather than having a nutritious meal. It actually leads to many health-related diseases and they can suffer chronic heart failures too mainly because of their eating habits. Not only this but the stress level amongst them is also rising and people are found to be suffering from increased obesity level. The research carried out by the doctors across the globe has found maximum heart patients in the cities of America. So, Michael Telvi is a person who is working towards the creation of awareness about the medication related to cardiac treatment.

The treatment for cardiac patients is extremely high as it is a chronic disease and one needs to give proper attention towards it. But most of the people living across the globe or in the American town of New York do not have an access to basic medications and cardiac treatment. In this scenario, Michael Telvi enterprise makes sure to donate the modern equipment to the cardiac institutes and even provides charity to the people too. He is a chief government officer of his established company MTSC Inc. which is working towards serving the residents

How to Get Longer Eyelashes

It almost sounds too good to be true: Swipe an applicator over your eyelids anddngfngdn you’ll grow enviably thick, longer eyelashes. That’s what eyelash growth enhancers — both over-the-counter and prescription — claim to do.

And if you’ve lost your lashes, growing new ones isn’t just for cosmetic appeal. Your lashes protect your eyes from dust and fibers, says J. Greg Brady, DO, a dermatologist and surgeon at Advanced Dermatology Associates in Allentown, Pa.

Growing new lashes can help people who have lost their eyelashes due to chemotherapy or who have sparse eyelashes due to hypothyroidism or severe infections, says Mohiba Tareen, MD, a dermatologist at Advanced Dermatology, P.C./Center for Laser and Cosmetic Surgery and clinical instructor of dermatology at Columbia University, both in New York City.

But are these eyelash enhancers risky to use?

Over-the-Counter Eyelash Enhancers

A few products at the drugstore and online say they promote eyelash growth; they can cost anywhere from a few dollars to more than $100 per tube. One product that used to successfully grow eyelashes is RevitaLash, an

Practice Body Piercing Safety

People adorn their bodies in many ways, through hairstyles and hair colors, clothinggnfhnng and accessories, tattoos, and even body piercing. Decorating yourself with body piercing jewelry is a unique method of self-expression, but it can quickly turn into a health problem if a piercing infection develops.

Body Piercing Step-by-Step

Body piercers use a needle to puncture a hole in an area of the body, so that a piece of body piercing jewelry — small hoops, bars, or other decorative pieces — can be inserted into the puncture site. Piercing the ears is extremely common, but eyebrows, nostrils, the navel, and just about any other area of the body can be pierced.

Here’s what you can expect if you plan to have a body piercing done:

  • The skin, save for a tongue piercing, is cleansed to destroy germs.
  • A needle is inserted into the skin to form a hole.
  • The piece of sterilized body piercing jewelry is inserted into the hole.
  • The skin is cleaned again and the jewelry is fastened or tightened as needed.

The area that is to be pierced isn’t typically numbed prior to the

Losing a Tattoo Gaining a Tumor

An unintended consequence of laser tattoo removal in a 29-year-old man was a fbfbfsebfbdiagnosis of malignant melanoma, according to a German case report.

The patient had sought laser treatment for a large, multicolored tattoo but refused initial excision of a nevus located within the pigmented area, reported Christian Raulin, MD, PhD, and colleagues from Laserklinik Karlsruhe in Karlsruhe, Germany.

The laser specialists had been unable to fully evaluate potential melanomatous changes in the nevus clinically because of the presence of black ink pigments, they explained online in JAMA Dermatology.

No significant abnormalities were seen on dermoscopy, however, so they proceeded with treatment. Because of the size of the tattoo — extending across the chest and both arms — numerous sessions were required.

Throughout more than 7 years of treatments, the laser team repeated its recommendation that the nevus be removed, and finally, in late 2009, after 47 sessions, the specialists told the patient that no more treatments would be given without excision.

He finally acquiesced, and biopsy revealed a superficial malignant melanoma.

Sunburn May Help Rid Body of Radiation Damaged Cells

In examining exactly what happens when skin gets sunburned, researchers studying bdfbdfndfbshuman skin cells and mice found that sunburn is the result of RNA damage.

The red and painful burn is an immune response triggered by this altered genetic material to remove sun-damaged cells, according to the study published in the July 8 online edition of Nature Medicine.

Researchers from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), suggested their findings could help scientists find a way to block this inflammatory process, which could have implications for a number of medical conditions and treatments, including psoriasis.

“For example, diseases like psoriasis are treated by UV [ultraviolet] light, but a big side effect is that this treatment increases the risk of skin cancer,” lead investigator Dr. Richard Gallo, a professor of medicine at UCSD and Veterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System, said in a university news release.

“Our discovery suggests a way to get the beneficial effects of UV therapy without actually exposing our patients to the harmful UV light. Also, some people have excess sensitivity to UV light,

An Anti Aging Diet for Your Skin

Can you actually look younger just by adjusting your diet? “Yes,” says June Breiner,dnnnnhfm MD, an internist in Maryland. “And what you put in your mouth can take years off of your appearance.” The right foods are chock-full of anti-aging and anti-wrinkle agents.

Understanding Antioxidants: The Anti-Wrinkle Crusaders

How can what you eat affect your body so positively or negatively? “Antioxidants are the key,” explains Dr. Breiner. “They are nutrients that are able to protect your body from the aging effects of free radicals, a nasty process called oxidation.”

Free radicals are formed through natural processes in your body and the environment — everything from exposure to sun, cigarette smoke, chemicals, even exercise. A free radical is simply a molecule or atom that has lost one of its electrons and, now unpaired, has become unstable. This instability causes it to seek other atoms or molecules (yours) to stabilize it, resulting in a domino effect of unstable atoms and molecules in your body.

This is a problem “because the end result is a change in your cells’ DNA, which includes your body’s largest organ, your skin,” Breiner

Is a Bad Hair Day Bad for Your Health

Whether you’re fighting with frizz, trying to pump up limp locks, or doing battle withgjkftghftj the weather, having a hair meltdown may affect more than just your appearance. “Bad hair” can have profound effects on your mental well-being, causing both women and men to lose self-esteem, become more socially insecure, and even doubt their own abilities, researchers at Yale University found in one study.

The study, commissioned by Proctor and Gamble, found that people may actually perform below their abilities when they believe their hair is not up to snuff. The researchers reported that even the thought of a bad hair day made women and men believe they weren’t as smart as others. Socially, women reported feeling embarrassed, ashamed, and self-conscious during bad hair days while men said they felt more nervous and less self-confident.

“There is a strong correlation between what we see in the mirror and how we feel about ourselves,” says Amy L. Flowers, PhD, a psychologist with expertise in self-esteem and body image and with a practice in Macon, Ga. “Thomas Cash, a famous researcher in body image, states that up to 25 percent

Day to Night Hair

Headed from the office to an after-work soiree? Learning how to take your hairstylefhjghkjgk from day to night will save you precious time and energy. So find out how to glam up your hair with this professional advice.

The Curls Have It
The easiest way to change your style from one look to the next is to curl it, says What Not to Wear stylist Nick Arrorjo. “Once hair is curly, it’s locked together,” he says. “It’s so much easier to pull it back, twist the top pieces, or roll the sides back, because the hair is all in one piece.”

To curl hair, Arrojo recommends washing it the night before, so the hair won’t be squeaky clean and will have better texture. He prefers a 1- to 1½-inch curling iron and advises against using anything larger. “You can always soften hair; you can’t always make it tighter,” he says. Spray each section of hair lightly with a non-aerosol hairspray, which is less sticky and makes restyling later in the day easier.

Down is the New Up
Contrary to

The Basics of Hair Removal

Tweezing generally doesn’t make hair grow back darker, and it’s a perfectly adequatedvsdfvsdvdv method of hair removal if you have only a few stray hairs on your chin. However, it can be tedious and time-consuming if you have a lot of ground to cover. To make it easier, invest in good tweezers and a high magnification mirror. Tweezing is easiest after a hot shower or bath. If the growth is a little heavier, you might try other temporary methods. (Shaving is effective on your legs, but not a good choice for your face.)

In addition to plucking, your options include waxing, bleaching, and chemical depilatories. Waxing keeps hair at bay four to six weeks. Plucking, bleaching, and depilatories last about two to three weeks or less. Each method has pros and cons. Waxing removes hair quickly and smoothly but can be painful and expensive if you get it done in a salon. You also run the risk of damaging your hair shafts and getting ingrown hairs. Bleaching is pretty easy, but it can burn and sting if you leave it on too long. Be sure to use a product

Oily Skin Dos and Donts

If your skin is oily, you may be bothered by the shine, greasy texture, and breakouts.dgnbdfbf But don’t blame the foods you’re eating. “There is no data to show that you will produce more oil if you consume things that are more oil-based,” says Rebecca Kazin, MD, an assistant professor of dermatology at Johns Hopkins University and medical director of the Johns Hopkins Cosmetic Center in Baltimore. “The fact is that people who have oily skin were probably born that way. There is not much they did to get it and there is not much they can do to prevent it.”

Oily Skin Care Dos

The good news is there are several ways to manage oily skin, experts say:

  • Wash with salicylic acid. “Cleansers that contain salicylic acidpenetrate into the pores and help remove fats that clog the pores and lead to blackheads,” says Leslie Baumann, MD, director of the University of Miami’s Cosmetic Medicine and Research Institute.
  • Use a retinoid at night. Whether over-the-counter or prescription, retinoid products decrease oil production in the skin. “This helps reduce blackheads and

Skin and Beauty Resources

American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)fhmhfjfhj


The AAD is an association of practicing dermatologists that provides medical information and skin care education to the public. The AAD’s main Web site contains information on:

A related Web site, SkinCarePhysicians.com was created by the AAD to help patients find out more information about skin cancer and other skin conditions, as well as information about cosmetic procedures and treatments.

American Society for Dermatologic Surgery


The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery membership consists of dermatologic surgeons who diagnose and treat skin cancer and revitalize aging, environmentally damaged skin. Its Web site contains a variety of consumer information, including:

American Society of Plastic Surgeons


The American Society of Plastic Surgeons is the society of board-certified plastic surgeons. Its Web site contains a large database of public education information on plastic surgery, including details on:

The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases(NIAMS)


The Skin Care Benefits of Alpha Hydroxy Acids

Skin care fads come and go, but alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) have been popular forhkukkklj some time.

AHAs are a collection of compounds made from familiar food products. Among the most widely known are glycolic acid (from sugar cane), lactic acid (sour milk), malic acid (apples), citric acid (citrus fruits), and tartaric acid (wine grapes).

The original seekers of younger-looking skin used these natural compounds many centuries ago, going back as far as the ancient Egyptians. In the United States, their popularity has skyrocketed in recent years. First, dermatologists used them for in-office facial peels, then they found their way into many skin care products after their FDA approval for over-the-counter use in 1992. Today you can find AHAs in hundreds of items, ranging from face and body creams to sunscreen, acneproducts, shampoos, cuticle softeners, and lightening agents.

“Alpha hydroxy acids are great exfoliators and increase blood flow to the skin, so they can help to minimize fine lines and wrinkles,” says Kenneth Beer, MD, a clinical instructor in dermatology at Duke University in Durham, N.C., who is

Could Your Lipstick Give You Lead Poisoning

Beauty boost or health hazard? That’s the question women everywhere are asking in gnyhktythe wake of a new study from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

According to the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, a coalition that advocates for healthier makeup and hygiene products, hundreds of popular lipsticks currently on the market have tested positive for lead, which can be toxic even in small amounts.

The Campaign reports that the FDA analyzed 400 different lipsticks and found low levels of lead in almost all of them. Maybelline’s “Color Sensational” Pink Petal was the worst offender, with 7.19 ppm (parts per million) — 275 times the amount found in the least-contaminated product, Wet & Wild’s Mega Mixers Lip Balm — but L’Oreal, CoverGirl, and Nars had products in the top five, too. The average lead content across all 400 brands (which include other drugstore lines, as well as high-end companies such as Dior, M.A.C., Chanel, and Lancome) was 1.11 ppm.

To put these numbers in context, the Environmental Protection Agency’s allowable maximum contaminant level (MCL) is 15 ppm in drinking water; 100 ppm in children’s toys. (There is currently

The Best Care for Your Skin Type

Makeup experts and skin care specialists refer often to various skin types — dry, oily,fngfnmmf combination — assuming you know which category you fall under. Your skin care regimen depends on your skin type, but not everyone has a good understanding of their skin. As a result, their skin care plan is more of the hit-or-miss variety.

Know Your Skin Type

Unsure of what skin type you have? See which description fits you best:

  • Dry skin. “Dry skin can be flaky and easily irritated. It’s more sensitive,” says Linda Franks, MD, director of Gramercy Park Dermatology and clinical assistant professor in the department of dermatology at New York University School of Medicine in New York. She says if your skin has these qualities and also tends to react to some (or all) of the skin products you have tried, you have dry skin. The extreme version of dry skin is sensitive skin.
  • Oily skin. The primary test for determining if you have oily skin is whenyou start to feel some oil on your face. Most people can feel a little oil by late afternoon, but if you feel

All About Anti Wrinkle Creams

Every wrinkle cream promises visible, transformative results,but the truth is, mostbfgfngngn tubes and tubs of wrinkle reducer creams being sold over the counter don’t make a dramatic difference.

That’s not to say that there’s no help for wrinkles. There is. The challenge is wading through all the products that have a minimal effect on any skin wrinkle and finding the ones that have big anti-wrinkle benefits.

How Do Wrinkle Creams Work?

The average over-the-counter wrinkle cream works by moisturizing the skin, which reduces the appearance of fine lines by improving skin texture and helping to reflect light, says Richard Eisen, MD, dermatologist and founder of South Shore Skin Center in Plymouth, Mass.

Wrinkle creams also tend to include alpha hydroxy acids, which help slough away dead skin cells and exfoliate, Dr. Eisen says. As a result, your skin will look smoother.

Some anti-wrinkle creams contain antioxidants, such as coenzyme Q10, kinetin, or green tea. Antioxidants can destroy free radicals, the unstable molecules are created by sun damage and can cause skin wrinkles. However, antioxidants work better at preventing future wrinkles than as a wrinkle

Ways to Protect Your Skin

You need to protect your skin because of the vital role it has protecting your body.fhkgjkgj Skin care doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming, and can quickly become second nature, like brushing your teeth.

These five skin protection tips can keep your skin looking and feeling great, by guarding against a slew of skin woes, from chapped skin to prematurely aging toskin cancer.

1. Limit Sun Exposure

You’ve heard the message a zillion times, and there’s good reason for that unrelenting repetition. Ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun cause many types of skin damage:

  • Skin cancer
  • Wrinkles
  • Freckles
  • Age spots
  • Discolorations
  • Benign growths

Using skin care products that offer ultraviolet protection is one of the best ways to help keep your skin looking fresh and youthful:

  • Use sunscreen every day and reapply regularly whenever you’re outdoors for extended periods.
  • Cover skin by wearing long-sleeved shirts, pants, and wide-brimmed hats.
  • Stay indoors when the sun is at its most intense, usually between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Keep in mind that tanning beds are just as harmful as direct sunlight, as