Life with a Baby


Science makes is difficult for anyone to ignore a baby's cry.

Why it’s so hard to ignore a baby’s cry

Have you ever been sat on a flight with a crying baby in your vicinity, wondering more and more with each successive wail how much longer you can stand the sound? Or maybe you've been a parent, barely able to resist for a second before running to soothe your precious infant's ear-piercing distress? Most of us have been there at some point in our lives. But what exactly is it about a baby's cry that makes it so hard to ignore?

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It can be difficult dealing with the opinions of family members.

Dealing with criticism of parenting choices

Question: I know infant feeding is a big and controversial topic. How do we move past it? How can I explain to family that formula feeding is in fact best for my family? I don't feel guilty at all, but my in-laws feel as if I should.

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