
TV & Radio

Shaun Micallef in the hot seat

Acting Spectrum Editor Shaun Micallef

I don't think it would be fun to run a newspaper. When I was a boy, I ran one from my room. It was only a small concern: one sheet of torn-off butcher's paper per week; the entire thing printed using a saucer of Quink and a selection of potato stencils. Short-lived too – the potatoes shrivelled up and I was ordered to throw them out.

Howard Stern won't replay old Trump interviews as 'it would be a betrayal'

Howard Stern may not be keen to air the audio covering 17 years of interviews with between himself and Donald Trump, but ...

​A curious thing has happened this election cycle: the Howard Stern effect. A deluge of news reports have centered on old interviews that the radio host conducted with Donald Trump over the years; the two often had on-air raunchy conversations, featuring Trump bragging about his sex life and rating women.

'Repulsive' Donald Trump centre of attention on Q&A;

Richard Di Natale hit out at Malcolm Turnbull over marriage equality.

Monday night's Q&A; would have pleased Donald Trump immensely: it was television, he was being talked about, and he had people even here on the other side of the world doing his bidding. It was proof that, for the time being, it's Trump's world - the rest us are just wallowing in the muck.