inspiration posts, projects, and ramblings on creative practice
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(Source: urgent, via thatkindofwoman)

You will always fall in love, and it will always be like having your throat cut.

— Catherynne M. Valente, Deathless    (via thatkindofwoman)

(Source: thelovejournals, via thatkindofwoman)

A new Shakey Graves song? Be still my beating heart.

(Source: Spotify)

Stop talking to people who don’t talk to you. Stop visiting people who don’t know where you live. Stop making time for people who don’t make time for you. Stop spending on people who don’t spend on you. Stop thinking about people who don’t think about you. You will make yourself emotionally bankrupt. You can love someone from a distance, and I’m not just talking about romantic relationships but all relationships: family, friends, girlfriends. Treat people the way they treat you and stop overexerting yourself and giving love where it is not returned. Life is difficult enough without having to beg people for their love and attention. The least you can do for yourself is surround yourself with people who genuinely love and care about you. Most importantly, surround yourself with people who don’t see you as just an option. There’s nothing worse than people who treat you like you’re replaceable.

Bee Carter

So much truth in this.

Good bagels & good luck.

This past week I learned that the Midwest has some damn fine fields, babes, and bagels - but mostly fields.


GR Bagel, 423 Norwood Ave SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506

We started off our trip in Michigan, where I demanded to make a pit stop at GR Bagel in Grand Rapids. As soon as you walk into the shop, you’re greeted with a beautiful storefront featuring their kettle-boiled bagels at the center. What began as a small production and startup in 2013 is now a permanent addition to the Eastown neighborhood. Since then, they have expanded to selling bagels at wholesale and also offer coffee, scones, and sandwiches at their storefront location.

I went all out and ordered an egg sammy with bacon and avocado on an everything bagel. You cannot go wrong with an everything bagel - unless the toppings are falling off and are littered with seeds (definitely not an everything bagel, not sorry … I will fight this to the end). In this case, the bagel had the right toppings, size, and shape. In fact, the chewiness and sourdough flavor reminded me of bagels I’ve had at Bagelsaurus in Cambridge, MA. It was particularly nice because the flavor still stood out from the packed sandwich. The crust was crisp and covered in “fish eye” blisters. This indicates a proper boil and bake, which is a process the owners are very proud of.

The owners of GR Bagel argue that if your bagel is not boiled, it is NOT a true bagel. I was a bit shocked to learn that even small bagel shops often “steam inject” their bagels to speed up the process. I completely agree, mass produced bagels are devoid of character. It was exciting to discuss the bagel making process with folks who are incredibly passionate about such a highly skilled technique. They were thrilled to share their story and I hope to visit again soon!


Reno Chicago, 2607 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60647

While visiting Chicago, we dragged our bodies over to Reno Chicago after a night of exploring bars such as The Slippery Slope (also the name of my memoir) until 5 AM in Logan Square. My pals, Stephen and Erin of Encyclopizzeria, and I ordered bagel sammies. Reno Chicago is known for wood firing their bagels prior to serving, giving the bagels a slightly charred and smoky crust. It is clear that while their process is a hybrid of New York and Montreal style bagel making, they’ve created a unique bagel that is known to be the best in Chicago!


The Bagelers Coffeehouse, 2461 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL 60614

The Bagelers Coffeehouse was our final stop in Chicago before a lengthy adventure through the Lincoln Park Conservatory, Millennium Park, and an obligatory stop at Punch House - which I think is the coolest bar I have ever been to, from what I remember. Bagelers produces very flavorful and sweet New York style bagels. The crumb was dense and chewy but held the egg sammy contents well. In fact, I think this was the best bagel sandwich I had on our trip because the bagel slices held the contents so well.

While visiting bagel shops across Massachusetts, New York, and Chicago this summer, I’ve discovered that many bagel-makers also began their businesses by slowly testing recipes and hustling from their very own kitchens. What starts off as experimenting with a new technique to bring back old traditional flavors soon becomes a major passion and obsession to perfect the practice. Maria Balinska, author of “The Bagel: The Surprising History of a Modest Bread”, describes the bagel making process as “very much a bread thread that pulls through hard times, dreams, visions, organizational development, good luck, and good food.” 

And I think, right now, I can take all of the good luck as I can get from what I’ve learned this summer - even if it’s in the form of feeling joy from sharing good bagels and creating something from scratch.

#NowPlaying Lake Michigan by Rogue Wave

(Source: Spotify)

The traveler.


the traveler”, collaboration w/ GRAE, 2014

I am leaving the Northeast for the first time in five years tomorrow.

I think we can all agree that it is about damn time.

Be sure to follow along w/ the adventure on Instagram + Snapchat (rebeccavol)!

Leap before you look.


talking”, mixed media, 2012

This Friday is my last day of work at CityArts. I am so grateful for the opportunity I had over the past couple of years to develop my skills in Fund Development, Event Planning, and more. CityArts has such a significant impact on our community and I am proud of the work I have accomplished while I was there. I will carry these experiences with me wherever I go.

This summer I often missed the bus, adventured, and tried to set my anxieties about the future aflame. I have learned that to start over, you sometimes need to leap before you look.

To begin, I’m tackling my anxieties about travel and planning. My life is made up of lists. I schedule every meeting, grocery store trip, and dinner date. You can’t schedule the shit that hits the fan. There is no google calendar setting for when your life blows up. You can’t delete accidentally falling for someone from your project timeline.

Stepping into uncertainty is what makes us open up and become fearless.

So - I’m going on a road trip to Chicago with my pal, Stephen, in mid-August. I have never traveled without a plan. It’s terrifying, but I’m getting on board anyway.

I am inspired to take more risks. I am inspired to fail better. I am inspired to find out what else this world has in store for me.

Refresh yourself.

Open your eyes under water, wash them -

Dry yourself with the rough towel and cast

A glance at a book you love.

In this way begin

A lovely and useful day.

— Bertolt Brecht, Poems 1913 - 1956 (via stoicremains)

(Source: stoicremains, via thatkindofwoman)

(Source: boyhaus, via thatkindofwoman)