
Jacob K. Friefeld, Editor:  Jacob K. Friefeld holds a B.A. in history from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, MN and a M.A. in American History from Loyola University in Chicago.  He is currently a PhD. candidate in the history department at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and co-founder of Of Historical Interest historical services company. His main interests are United States history, gender history, digital history, and the history of ethics.

Peter E. Thoma, Assistant Editor: Peter E. Thoma holds a B.A. in history from St. Norbert College in De Pere, Wisconsin and a M.A. in American History from Loyola University in Chicago. From 2011 to 2013 he worked as an educator in American Samoa. His main interests are cultural history and education.

Jeremiah J. Bauer:  Jeremiah J. Bauer is a Ph.D candidate at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where he is studying United States political and legal history.  He earned a BS and MA in history from the University of Nebraska-Omaha.  Currently, he is researching the role of the Justice Department in enforcing African American rights in the South during Reconstruction.  Specifically, he is examining Blyew v. United States, a Supreme Court case concerning the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and removal of criminal cases to federal court.

Grant Forssberg,  Featured Writer: Grant Forssberg holds a B.A. in history from Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois and completed graduate work at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln specializing in American social history and digital history. He is currently a policy researcher.

Peter Kotowski, Featured Writer: Peter Kotowski holds a B.A. in history from the University of Pittsburgh and is currently a PhD. candidate at Loyola University in Chicago.  Kotowski’s main area of concentration is the Atlantic World.

Brandon Locke, Featured Writer: Brandon Locke holds a B.A. and M.A. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where he specialized in 20th Century United States gender History and Digital History.  He is currently working on a M.A. in library science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Kaci Nash, Featured Writer: Kaci Nash holds a M.A. from the history department at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Her research interests include Nineteenth-Century America, the American Civil War, Family and Social History, New Military History, and Digital History. More specifically, she is interested in personal journeys, especially individualizing the experience of war, tracing family histories, and the process of midwestern settlement during the nineteenth century. At present, she is working as a Researcher and Project Manager on forthcoming history projects under the direction of William G. Thomas and Jeannette Jones at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and researching the removal trail of the Ponca Indians for the Nebraska Commission on Indian Affairs.

Genghis Philip, Featured Writer: Genghis Philip holds a B.A. in literary studies from Beloit College in Beloit, Wisconsin and a M.A. in cultural inquiry from the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom.

Brian Sarnacki, Featured Writer: Brian Sarnacki is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln specializing in the Nineteenth Century and Digital History. His research interests include urban, social, labor and class histories. He received his B.A. from the University of Notre Dame in 2009 and his M.A. From the history department University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2011.

Ben Thompson , Featured Writer: Ben Thompson graduated from Florida State University in 2002 with degrees in History and Political Science. He has run the popular website since 2004, and has written humorous history-related columns for outlets such as Cracked, Fangoria, Penthouse, and the American Mustache Institute. His first book, Badass: A Relentless Onslaught of the Toughest Warlords, Vikings, Samurai, Pirates, Gunfighters, and Military Commanders to Ever Live, was published worldwide by Harper Collins in October 2009. He has also published two more books, Badass: Birth of a Legend and Badass: Ultimate Deathmatch.

Dr. Albert Vogt III, Featured Writer:  Dr. Albert Vogt III holds a M.A. in Florida Studies from the University of South Florida and a PhD. from the history department at Loyola University in Chicago. His main research interests are the history of religion and popular culture history. He is also a co-founder of Of Historical Interest historical services company.

Rebecca S. Wingo: Rebecca S. Wingo holds a B.A. in history from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an M.A. in Native American Studies from Montana State University. She is currently a PhD. candidate at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Her dissertation will use photography from Crow Reservation in Montana from the 1890s through the 1920s to locate an alternative narrative to federal “civilization” policy rhetoric. She is currently a Graduate Fellow at the Center for Great Plains Studies.
