- published: 02 Mar 2016
- views: 633
Yanacocha (Cajamarca Quechua: yana = "black, dark", qucha = "lake, puddle, pond, lagoon") is a gold mine in northern Peru, considered to be the fourth largest gold mine in the world, 2014 produced produced 0.97 million ounces of gold. The 251-square kilometer open pit mine is situated about 30 kilometers (14 km straight line) north of Cajamarca, in high pampa, straddling the watershed. The World Bank Group's International Finance Corporation (IFC) provided loans totaling US$150 million for development and has a 5% equity investment in Yanacocha, which is run by the Newmont Mining Corporation, a Denver, Colorado-based company that is the world’s second largest gold mining firm. Newmont is the major shareholder together with Buenaventura, a Peruvian company.
In 2005, Yanacocha aimed its production peak with 3,316,933 ounces (103,200 kg) of gold (INEI). Since then, production has fallen to less than half:
En la región de Cajamarca, Perú funciona desde hace más de 20 años la mina de oro más grande de Sudamérica. ¿Qué consecuencias trajo para el medio ambiente y la comunidad?, ¿el oro vale más que el agua? te lo cuentan l@s propios vecin@s que resisten día a día su avance... www.laeducacionenmovimiento.com Perú 2016
El día martes 09 de agosto del 2011, luego de haber destruido en reiteradas ocasiones la choza en la que vivían, un contigente policial armado y funcionarios de la Minera Yanacocha, ingresan nuevamente a la propiedad de la familia Chaupe Acuña... El lunes 29 de octubre del 2012, ocho días después de que Máxima Acuña permitiera que los ronderos de Celendín se alojen en su propiedad para resguardar la Laguna Azul (zona en conflicto con la minera Yanacocha), y sin considerar las pruebas que presenta la familia, el Juzgado de Celendín sentencia a la familia Chaupe Acuña a tres años de prisión suspendida y al pago de 200 soles de reparación civil a favor de Yanacocha. por el delito de "usurpación de propiedad" de la empresa. Este es el testimonio de Máxima Acuña.
MESES ANTERIORES SE LO HABIAMOS ADVERTIDO, EN INSPECCIÓN FISCAL, SE NEGARON A ABRIR LAS INSTALACIONES EN CIERRE Y NO FUE POSIBLE VERIFICAR VEAN EL VIDEO DE DICHA ACCIÓN EN EL SIGUIENTE LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87fT5HkJ8ow ADICIONALMENTE EL ALBUM DE FOTOS QUE EN SU MOMENTO SE LO PUBLICAMOS: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.491462024209537.110932.100000372312715&type;=1&l;=5b0792619d 1-1-2015 AGUA TIPO SANGRE EN DISTRITOS DE CAJAMARCA, PROCEDENTES DE LA MINERÌA: https://www.facebook.com/PRENSASOCIAL/videos/824641670980548/ VER VIDEO ORIGINAL de mejor calidad EN EL CANAL DE GRUFIDES CON EL SIGUIENTE LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFvvyAZBReg&feature;=youtu.be
la traicion de un gobierno neoliberal apatrida genocida,que busca acomodarse economicamente ,sin importarle que los ciudadanos de cajamarca son humanos tanto como ellos....la justica llegara mas tarde que nunca chavez vive la lucha sigue hasta victoria ....viva los pueblos cajamarquinos.............viva su resistencia.........el mundo esta alerta!
Quito Wilderness: Yanacocha Reserve. Altitude: 3200 mt - 10500 ft Habitat: Andean Temperate Forest Activity: Birding ~ Nature Walks ~ Photo Durations: 8 hours Current size: 1,200 hectares - 2,965 acres Home of a Pumas, Spectacled Bear and a Critically Endangered Hummingbird "Black-breasted Puffleg"
A swift view of the astonishing places in the northwest of Ecuador
First minutes on an 1 hr Video for DVD Two thirds of the most common species of hummingbirds of Costa Rica recorded in their natural habitats. A DVD showing fieldmarks and behavior through territorial displays, perching, nesting, feeding and/or hovering. Wide, medium and amazing close-ups of these fascinating birds shot originally in high definition to show all the amazing colors hummingbirds are able to produce on their forehead, throat, gorget, chest, belly, tail and/or back. The DVD includes a Bird by Bird section to the dedicated birder specialist and a video section shows all the species one after the other to enjoy a hummingbird journey. A section of stills taken from video is included. English, spanish and scientific names are provided for each hummingbird. Get it before you travel...
Cycling through the air in the cloud forests of Ecuador at Mashpi Lodge. Read more at http://www.insidethetravellab.com/category/america/ecuador/ The cloud forests of Ecuador are not awash with colour. Instead, they pick a single one and run with it. Green isn’t just green here, it’s gob smacking, gut punching, grandstanding green, a green that explodes with greedy, reckless abandon. A green that brings lesser sights to life, like the web of a spider or the jagged skeleton of a leaf that catches raindrops between yesterday’s green.
A collection of clips from 9 months spent working and studying in Ecuador. Shooting locations included the Galapagos Islands, the Amazon Rainforest, and the Pacific coast.
This clip starts on the Mindo-Nono Road with white-capped dipper, powerful woodpecker and Andean cock-of-the-rock. Next we go to the Upper Tandayapa Valley where we have green and blackfruiteater and hook-billed kite before travelling down to Mindo where we see Three-striped warbler, a dragonfly, a squirrel, red-faced spinetail, golden-headed quetzel and common potoo. Next day we start at Tandayapa Lodge where the species are immaculate antbird, white-throated quail-dove, chestnut-capped brushfinch, moving on to their spectacular hummingbird feeders where we see speckled hummingbird, female violet-tailed sylph with female booted rackettail, female booted rackettail with female purple-throated woodstar, sparkling violetear, male booted rackettail, western emerald, green-crowned woodnymph, b...
http://marcoslocaladventures.com Early in the Morning, we went deeper into the cloud forest to see some of its various bird species. The jungle never stops talking and so it was on us to keep quiet and listen to the sounds of a place that offers such a density of wildlife species. Hours before sunrise we met our very experienced guide to get even deeper into the magic of the cloud forest and its inhabitants. It was a hilarious experience led by a local who even could copy the tweets of the birds we got to see. Being in balance with all that is happening in the Ecuadorian forest during the morning hours and to walk silently and discover colourful birds and insects made that day truly special to me. Apart from that Mindo is a cute village where life is held simple and where one could take so...
Short Video of trip to Bellavista Eco Lodge in Ecuador in September 2014 showing wildlife we spotted on hiking trails & various Hummingbirds visiting feeders at the lodge
This is a Fast Forward Timeline Time Lapse Video of Belo Horizonte climate. Some Clouds in the Afternoon! Belo Horizonte's latitude at 19'55"South places it in the tropical zone but its climate is more subtropical because of its altitude. Yearly temperatures average between 9 and 35 °C (48 and 95 °F). The Köppen climate classification of the region is tropical savanna climate (Aw) and it borders on a humid subtropical climate (Cwa), (tropical on high altitudes, humid/warm summer and a dry/cool winter). As a city located in the southern Hemisphere, Belo Horizonte's spring starts in September, its summer in December, its autumn in March, and its winter in June. Belo Horizonte is located about 300 kilometers (190 mi) distant from the sea. Brazil has an incredibly diverse climate. This is du...
Yanacocha es una reserva de diversidad ecológica y bioclimática muy cercana a la ciudad de Quito, pero que se ha mantenido como un secreto. En este escondite se encuentran aves endémicas de la ciudad y que ademas no se encuentran en cualquier lugar. Síguenos si quieres conocer #elsecretodequito Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Yanacocha-2122750621283528/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Yanacocha_Quito Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yanacocha_quito/
A Tajo Abierto(documental), dirigida por el cineasta uruguayo Gianni Gabriel Converso, nos presenta una mirada de las realidades que se viven en torno a la mina Yanacocha y el conflicto social en Cajamarca, como muestra de los efectos Catastroficos e irreversibles al medio natural por una Mineria Irresponsable.
Video producido por Guarango Cine y Video, trata sobre el derrame de mercurio de la mina Yanacocha por varias aldeas campesinas vecinas a la carreteradel pueblo de Choropampa. Sobre este lamentable accidente existe abundante información, incluso fue materia de un documental que sirvió para hacer conocer este caso en otras partes del mundo y señalar la responsabilidad de Newmont Mining Corporation (que en el Perú actúa bajo la denominación "Yanacocha").
Documental independiente que recoge las opiniones de los pobladores de la zona de influencia del proyecto minero Conga sobre el impacto que éste generaría en sus vidas. Producción General: Isabel Guarniz Alcántara Realización: Isabel Guarniz Alcántara, Andrea Valencia Rivero, Andrés Llanos Silva, Walter Canchanya Sánchez, Raúl Cartajena Chungue Guión: Isabel Guarniz Alcántara, Andrés Llanos Silva Dirección de Fotografía: Walter Canchanya Sánchez Cámara: Andrea Valencia Rivero, Walter Canchanya Sánchez Entrevistas: Raúl Cartajena Chungue Edición y Post-Producción: Andrea Valencia Rivero Investigación: Roger Rodas Cubas Asistencia de Producción: Karen Espejo Eguiguren, Andrés Llanos Silva Música original: VII & Megan "En el corazón de Conga" narra el conflicto surgido entre la e...
Johnny Cash
The Definitive Collection
That Old Wheel
(Chorus) That old wheel is gonna roll around once more
When it does it will even up the score
Don’t be weak: as they sew, they will reap
Turn the other cheek and don’t give in
That old wheel will roll around again
When love is gone and the one you thought would stay
Does you wrong, and you’re left alone to pay
The price is high
But somehow you’ll survive, don’t give in
That old wheel will roll around again
There’ll be times, hard to control
And you’ll find you’ll hurt down in your soul
There’ll be those who’ll be glad to see you down
But don’t give in, that old wheel will roll around again
(Chorus x 2)