- published: 01 Feb 2016
- views: 7608136
O.S.T.R. - We krwi (Since I Saw You) - feat. Playground Zer0 - prod. Killing Skills - cuts DJ Haem
KNAPP AG - OSR Shuttle™ - high-performance, reliable semi-automatic picking and storage system
Our Service is Ready OSR樂團(instrumental)Live Recording Session 1
Our Service is Ready OSR樂團 - Spread our wings drum recording(Mapex Drummer of tomorrow)
Hochdynamisches Shuttle-System bei WASI - das OSR Shuttle von KNAPP
RSLogix 500Tutorial #03 ONS, OSR & OSF bits Simulation
Allen Bradley Lesson 3: Understanding OSR- One Shot Rising
OSR et l'Orchestre en classe
Zamów "Życie po śmierci": http://asfaltshop.pl/product/5330-ostr-zycie-po-smierci-cd/ tylko w Asfalt Shopie gratis drugi CD "Życie po śmierci - Snap Jazz Edition" http://www.zycieposmierci.pl composed and produced by Killing Skills Amsterdam Netherlands lyrics, rap: O.S.T.R., cuts: DJ Haem, guest vocals: Playground Zer0 Dailymotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3puqsd -- We krwi (Since I Saw You) feat. Playground Zer0 Refren Since I saw You last there's been many of sunsets And every day We're apart seems like a week Wstaję jak co dnia Co w planie spoglądam Dzień tu bez Ciebie ma miarę tygodnia Przestrzeń bez Ciebie - klaustrofobia Życie bym oddał Za to że jesteś że będziesz mnie głodna Jak mury karmione tu barwami „Montan” Pożeram szczęście garściami na obiad M...
KNAPP's pioneering OSR Shuttle™ is state-of-the-art shuttle technology. The OSR Shuttle™ is reliable, versatile and scalable in terms of size and performance, and the entire system is tailored to fit individual customer requirements. The OSR Shuttle™ by KNAPP puts the leading shuttle technology in your warehouse. The OSR Shuttle™ beats comparable technologies by far in all areas.
2012 8 20 Image:SCARECROW&家豪 Music recording:Our Service is Ready Mixing:N9 Music Studio 一鏡到底 1.dream to live 2.tell me what is real Instrumental的表演方式從2012年4月的春吶開始到2012年9月的武士武士結束,這中間讓OSR有很多意外的收獲(表演機會、比賽得獎、認識新朋友)。隨著找尋主唱接近尾聲,我們決定製作Live Session來宣告終結純樂器演奏的音樂形式。 在錄製過程,所需的資源大多都是借用的,包含攝影器具、錄音卡、Mixer、樂器、布置地毯、舒適漂亮的場地等等,幾乎要透支這輩子的人情預算~ 我們開著滿載的OSR號一趟趟往返測試,而場地的主人-甲山林水公子吳廸總是慷慨地為我們帶路(很跩地告訴管理員他是住戶)。每次擺設完器材後,繼續嘗試真鼓、樂器的錄音,挑戰很轟的音場,爆炸般的音量也讓我們正式加入社區黑名單... 拍攝〈回到未來〉的多多、乃大來協助了影像部分的測試,但他們因為手邊〈捕夢網〉的事務繁忙,很可惜不能一起完成這部影片,不過這也讓我們與小捲、家豪、「機甲戰神」有正式合作的機會~ 待續... By俊緯 Facebook OSR樂團 https://www.facebook.com/#!/ourserviceisreadyband N9 Music Studio https://www.facebook.com/#!/n9music?fref=ts
2011 /12/ 28 recording in 聖約翰科大搖滾音樂社 花了不少時間研究鼓的錄音 雖然器材沒有很好 希望大家也可以一同感受到鼓錄音所呈現的實感! 喜歡的話請幫我們轉貼出去 讓更多人看到吧:) Our Service is Ready OSR樂團 http://www.facebook.com/ourserviceisreadyband 點讚後有更多demo在OSR music 聖約翰搖滾音樂社 搖音社 http://www.facebook.com/groups/191817670878165/
Das OSR Shuttle TM ist ein halbautomatisches Kommissionier- und Lagersystem und kann aufgrund seiner perfekten Auslagerungsreihenfolge der Lagerbehälter auch für Pufferlösungen mit Sortierfunktion im Lager bzw. Versand eingesetzt werden. Unter laufendem Betrieb errichtete KNAPP ein OSR Shuttle-System für WASI, das als AKL Überläuferpuffer, Versand- und Wareneingangspuffer dient und die vier Kommissionierarbeitsplätze versorgt. Die vier dynamischen, multifunktionalen Arbeitsplätze ermöglichen eine Bearbeitung von 540 Positionen/Behältern pro Stunde. Weitere Informationen zu Shuttle-Systemlösungen unter: http://www.knapp.com | Weitere Informationen zum Logistikkonzept und den kundenindividuellen Services von WASI finden Sie unter http://www.wasi.de
Hello Friends In this video you will learn about ONS, OSR & OSF bit use for Allen Bradley PLC in RSLogix 500 software and simulation. If you have any doubts please write to me My Email ID is - vilaspatil.eee@gmail.com
Allen Bradley Lesson 3: Understanding OSR- One Shot Rising This video explains the working of OSR- One Shot rising bit in Allen Bradley Micrologix 1000. Learn 5 PLC's in a Day full Course 250+ PLC Video Tutorials of Allen Bradley, Siemens, Delta, Omron & Schneider + Encoder and HMI Video Tutorials with FREE PLC Simulators and NFI Support. Course Fee: $39 , Lifetime Validity | Limited Coupons only| Course url: https://www.udemy.com/nfi-plc-online-leaning/?couponCode=Youtube2016 Connect us at: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nfiinnovation Website: http://www.nfiautomation.org Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/+RajvirSinghNFIAutomation E-mail: nfiautomation@gmail.com 1) PLC E-Learning Session 1 - Introduction to PLC & PLC Wiring.avi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObYwsUhr3Y0 2) P...
En 2015, l'OSR s'est associé au projet "Orchestre en classe" projet pédagogique initié par le Département de l'instruction publique et épaulé par le Conservatoire populaire et par l'Accademia d'Archi. Pour son concert de la Fête de la Musique, le vendredi 19 juin 2015, l'OSR a partagé la scène du Victoria Hall avec 86 musiciens en herbe, issus du primaire et du secondaire. Reportage sur une année d'apprentissage et de découverte musicale...
It's not my destiny
To be the one that you will lay with
So many reasons why
I have to go but want to stay here
Sometimes I want to taste
But then I don't know what I'm sayin'
You are the angel
And I am the one that is prayin'
There is another love
That I would rather be obeyin'
I see the ecstasy
And already I'm anticipating.
I feel a deeper peace
And that deeper peace is penetratin'
I got the magic in me
I am complete is what I'm sayin'
I'm flyin' up so high
My purple majesty displayin'
I've reached a higher place
That no one else can make a claim in
I'll take you there my friend
I'm reachin' out my hand so take it
We are the angels
And we are the one's that are prayin'
Peace, Shalom
Peace, Shalom
Peace, Peace
Peace, Peace
Peace, Peace
Peace, Shalom
Peace, Shalom
Peace, Peace
Peace, Peace
Peace, Peace
Rivers: Ooh ooh...... (all through out next two verses)
Everyone else:
Peace, Shalom
Peace, Shalom
Peace, Peace
Peace, Peace
Peace, Peace
Peace, Shalom
Peace, Shalom
Peace, Peace
Peace, Peace