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6 Muller Road, BAFFLE CREEK QLD 4674

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4 beds, 2 baths, 1 parking

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6 muller road baffle creek QLD 4674
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6 Muller Road, BAFFLE CREEK QLD 4674

Coastal Country Residence on 75 Acres.

When Location, Quality and Size really does matter.
Superb Family residence or a fantastic holiday home.
Located close to Baffle Shops, Golf Course and Boat Ramp.
Immaculate presentation and fully refurbished throughout.
Solid painted concrete block and hardwood construction.

6 Muller Road is a prime corner position, 30.61 hectares or 75 acre property, located close to the business hub of Baffle Creek. Home to the current property owners for approximately 30 years this magnificent residence was built to last. The residence is located just off the road hidden with a good bush buffer to the surrounds. A couple of acres have been cleared with the majority of the property remaining as virgin bushland.

The solid concrete block and hardwood constructed home offers space and comfort for year round coastal living. Featuring 4 bedrooms and two bathrooms the home has had a recent makeover. Repainted inside and out, new floor coverings, kitchen, bathrooms and potbelly wood style heater.

With verandahs on two side enjoy winter morning in the sun or cool afternoons in the shade of the summer. The solar hot water service makes for energy efficient living. A good size garden shed for the mower and your tools is off to the side.

Located a short drive from the hub of the Baffle everything is certainly close by. With a bottle shop, convenience store, fishing and hardware store there is plenty on tap to get by. Wartburg school is not far away

Take a short walk and you have access to all the wonders of the Baffle Creek and Oyster Creek waterways. A short drive and you have a choice of two boat ramps. Rules Beach that allows vehicle access is popular of locals and tourist alike.

6 Muller Road is a very tidy property in a great location, close to the Baffle Creek with out a waterfront price tag. After 30 years our clients are selling and your inspection is absolutely welcome.

Call Gordon Christian for more information about this property today. Features
  • Close to Schools
  • Close to Shops
  • Fireplace(s)


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The example price above is not indicative of the potential price of the property. This calculator is intended as a guide only based on the information you input. The results should not be considered approval for a loan. To find out your repayments please contact the Commonwealth Bank. The repayment amount is an estimate based on CommBank’s current standard variable rate for owner occupied home loans and assumes eligibility for Wealth Package or Mortgage Advantage package. Contact CommBank for current investment home loan rates. Qualifying and ongoing criteria apply to packages and an annual package fee applies. The calculation also assumes that interest rates do not change over the term of the loan and excludes any fees and charges that may be charged to your loan, for example, upfront establishment fee, monthly loan service fee and Lenders Mortgage Insurance/Low Deposit Premium which, if they apply, will add to the cost of loan. Other fees and charges also apply. The Bank will not lend more than 95% of its valuation of the security property. Interest rates and repayment amounts are subject to change. Applications for a home loan are subject to approval and satisfactory security. Full terms and conditions will be in our loan offer. #Comparison rates are calculated on a secured loan of $150,000 over 25 years. WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate.
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  • Gordon Christian
    PRDnationwide Agnes Water


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