Federal Politics

Amy Remeikis

Amy Remeikis is political reporter based at Parliament House in Canberra

The CEOs of the big four banks will be quizzed by a parliamentary committee this week.

Big four prepare to be grilled by Parliament

Labor has not given up its fight for a royal commission into the nation's banking sector, as the Big Four prepare to face the first of what Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has promised will be an annual accounting of their actions.

"We've got the states pursuing these ridiculously high and unrealistic state-based renewable energy targets," said ...

Renewables 'not to blame' for SA blackout but debate rages

The storm – both real and political – continues to rage over South Australia, with Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg admitting initial inquiries had found renewable energy was not to blame for the statewide blackout, while refusing to back down from attacks on "aggressive" state Labor renewable energy targets.