Kartini: Kumpulan puisi

Edit Inside Indonesia 21 Jun 2017
Terjemahan bahasa Inggris tersedia di halaman ini. 1. Patih Goah oleh Siwi Dwi Saputro. 2. Menulis oleh Wikan Satriati. 3. Selamat Jalan, Fierda oleh Ian Campbell. 4. Nasibmu, Anak Perempuan Pedesaan oleh Ariany Isnamurti. 5. Seribu Candi Untukmu oleh Siwi W. Hadiprajitno. Patih Goah. Siwi Dwi Saputro. Aku Patih Goah. ibu dari segala lelaki dan perempuan ... atau ... * ... sahabat masyarakat Irja, ... pedalaman Irja wanita pun bisa ... menjembatani pedalaman Irja... ... ....

The Islamic Jesus

Edit Truth Dig 12 May 2017
One of Akyol’s genuine contributions is making clear that much of what we call religious differences over the centuries has its origin in politics, which “led to bitter conflicts between the expanding Muslim empires and Christian states—and to the latter’s counterattack, the Crusades.” Today, he says, “We need more irja, or religious tolerance, both among Muslims themselves, and between Muslims and adherents of other faiths.”....

Il-Partit Demokratiku: imexxi mhux jitmexxa!

Edit The Malta Independent 31 Oct 2016
Aħna ġenerazzjoni li għexna t-taqliba minn ġirja sfrenata wara ......

Millbury Junior/Senior High School Honor Roll for third quarter

Edit Worcester Telegram 09 May 2016
... High School for the third quarter of the 2015-16 academic year.GRADE 7Principal's List (highest honors)Isabella Bertrand, Nina Boucher, Ariadne Cano, Riley Clark, Perry Drugan, Louisa Girard, Keegan Gleason, Nicholas Healey, Alexandra Hermans, Kathryn Mimo, Anabelle Nelson, Nicole Rannikko, Lillian Reeves, Tina Tran, Kayla Turner, Colby ......