- published: 10 Dec 2016
- views: 4854
CHW may refer to:
Backyard wrestling (BYW), also referred to as yarding or backyarding, is a controversial, underground hobby and sport involving predominantly 12-30-year-old males in usually untrained practices of professional-style wrestling, typically in a low budget environment. Although not legitimized, backyard wrestling federations are often created and consumptive of time and finance to maintain like any organization. Most people that take part in the practice are those merely emulating their inspirations from modern day wrestling, though a small percentage have experience from enrolling in wrestling school or from referring to how-to guides on the web.
For years, backyard wrestling has been a subject of opposition to pro wrestling personnel. Its peak years of high popularity were from 1996-2001, during the boom period of professional wrestling notorious as The Attitude Era, a time where high risk stunts were a prevalent influence on the wrestling fan base, most notably those performed by wrestling legend Mick Foley. Back in the late 1980s to early 1990s, backyard wrestling was often a good-natured topic which appealed to media for coverage until it periodically turned reckless and ultra-violent, worrying parents and wrestling companies. In response, WWE began airing advertisements, stressing the dangers and deterring their fans from duplicating the actions seen in their ring.
The no symbol (also known as a prohibition sign, no sign, circle-backslash symbol, nay, interdictory circle, or universal no) is a circle with a diagonal line through it (running from top left to bottom right), surrounding a pictogram used to indicate something is not permitted. The no symbol is generally colored red, but is sometimes another color, typically black.
The Unicode code point for the prohibition sign (also called the no symbol) is U+20E0;
, Combining Enclosing Circle Backslash ( ⃠ ). It is a combining character, which means that it appears on top of the character before it, so putting d⃠ will show d⃠. (Note: This will appear only if the character exists in an available font.) It also appears in the Webdings and Wingdings 2 fonts.
There is also a prohibition sign emoji located at U+1F6AB NO ENTRY SIGN
(🚫), which does not combine with anything.
According to the ISO standard (and also under a UK Statutory Instrument), the red area must take up at least 35% of the total area of the sign within the outer circumference of the "prohibition sign". So 35% of everything within the outer edge of the "no symbol" must be the symbol itself. Additionally, for printed signs under the UK rules, the width of a "no symbol" is set at 80% the height of the area it is printed to.
Wrestling is a combat sport involving grappling type techniques such as clinch fighting, throws and takedowns, joint locks, pins and other grappling holds. A wrestling bout is a physical competition, between two (occasionally more) competitors or sparring partners, who attempt to gain and maintain a superior position. There are a wide range of styles with varying rules with both traditional historic and modern styles. Wrestling techniques have been incorporated into other martial arts as well as military hand-to-hand combat systems.
The term wrestling is attested in late Old English, as wræstlunge (glossing palestram).
Wrestling represents one of the oldest forms of combat. Literary references to it occur as early as in the Iliad, in which Homer recounts the Trojan War of the 13th or 12th century BC. The origins of wrestling go back 15,000 years through cave drawings in France. Babylonian and Egyptian reliefs show wrestlers using most of the holds known in the present-day sport.
Table Battle Royal {LAST MATCH} CHW Backyard Wrestling
Top 100 Tables in CHW Backyard Wrestling History!
Buried In Blood Match - Swede Savard (c) VS Ric Roberts {CHW Championship} Backyard Wrestling
TLC+ Match - Swede Savard (c) VS Agent X {CHW Championship} Backyard Wrestling
Top 50 Tables (Updated) CHW Backyard Wrestling
Towel Match - Swede Savard (c) VS Matt Rage {CHW Championship} Backyard Wrestling
Crazy Moments of CHW - Top 10
10-Man Gauntlet Match For The NEW CHW Championship - Backyard Wrestling
Invitational Rumble Match {CHW Interstate Championship} Backyard Wrestling
Casket Match - Xacutor VS Chris Vega - CHW Backyard Wrestling
http://www.facebook.com/CHWbackyard/ http://www.CHWbackyard.com/ After nearly 8 years, Crazy Hardcore Wrestling has come to an end with a final Table Elimination Battle Royal for the vacant CHW Backyard Championship. Who will reign as the last ever champion? Thanks for watching! Carnage Theme: "Democrazy" by Forbidden Sin *WARNING* DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!
http://www.facebook.com/CHWbackyard/ http://www.CHWbackyard.com/ Swede Savard defends the CHW Backyard Title against Ric "The Mic" Roberts in a Buried In Blood Match. Carnage Theme: "Democrazy" by Forbidden Sin *WARNING* DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!
http://www.facebook.com/CHWbackyard/ http://www.CHWbackyard.com/ Swede Savard defends the CHW Backyard Title against Agent X in a TLC+ Match. Carnage Theme: "Democrazy" by Forbidden Sin *WARNING* DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!
http://www.facebook.com/CHWbackyard/ http://www.CHWbackyard.com/ It's 2015 and since dozens and dozens of tables have been broken since our last video, why not take a look at the revised version of the Top 50 Tables in CHW Backyard history? Song: "Take No Prisoners" by Forbidden Sin *WARNING* DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!
http://www.facebook.com/CHWbackyard/ http://www.CHWbackyard.com/ Swede Savard defends the CHW Backyard Championship against Matt Rage. Carnage Theme: "Democrazy" by Forbidden Sin *WARNING* DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!
*WARNING* DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME! http://www.facebook.com/CHWbackyard/ http://www.chwbackyard.com/ Season 4 : : : Week #1 : : : A Season of CHW has never started out stronger! 10 of the top backyard wrestlers on this planet collide in the first ever Gauntlet Match where we will crown a brand new CHW Backyard Championship. Who will start this new year will tremendous momentum and about 5 pounds of gold? Music by: Kevin Birket "Yor Ded", Barnburner "Keg Stand and Deliver", Deadbubbles "6669"
http://www.facebook.com/CHWbackyard/ http://www.CHWbackyard.com/ Robb Banks defends his CHW Interstate Championship in an Invitational Rumble Match. Carnage Theme: "Democrazy" by Forbidden Sin *WARNING* DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!
http://www.facebook.com/CHWbackyard/ http://www.CHWbackyard.com/ Team FTW's Xacutor Battles one half of the CHW Tag Team Champions, Chris Vega in a Casket Match. Carnage Theme: "Democrazy" by Forbidden Sin *WARNING* DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!
I bought a flat
Diminished responsibility
You're de ninth person to see
To be suspended in a seventh
Major catastrophe
It's a minor point but gee
Augmented by the sharpness of your
See what I'm going through
A to be with you
In a flat by the sea