Law enforcement in the United Kingdom is organised separately in each of the legal systems of the United Kingdom: England and Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Most law enforcement is carried out by police officers serving in regional police forces within one of these jurisdictions. These regional forces are complemented by UK-wide agencies, such as the National Crime Agency, and specialist bodies hosted by regional police forces, such as the Specialist Operations directorate of the Metropolitan Police.
Police officers are granted certain powers to enable them to execute their duties. Their primary duties are the protection of life and property, preservation of the peace, and prevention and detection of criminal offences. In the British model of policing, officers exercise their powers to police with the implicit consent of the public. "Policing by consent" is the phrase used to describe this. It expresses that the legitimacy of policing in the eyes of the public is based upon a general consensus of support that follows from transparency about their powers, their integrity in exercising those powers and their accountability for doing so.
you have no name, you are a number
get out of yourself, just look at you
you have no name, you are number
d'ya recognize yourself?
hey you fuckin' cop, saviour of our streets,
d'ya know what you're doing here?
defending your fuckin' state
with the power of a gun
walking down the street, you see me and tell me "stop"
ask me stupid questions and put me away
walking down the street, you see me and tell me "stop"
ask me stupid questions and put me away!
why d'ya give a fuck the way i look?
you and your fucking badge,
only cos' you're a fucking robot, without a brain
should i be like you? hey fuck off, leave me alone!
we yell back in your face, boys in blue