Federal Politics

Q&A;: Malcolm Turnbull should stand up to 'right wing dinosaurs', Richard Di Natale says

Greens leader Richard Di Natale has called on Malcolm Turnbull to stand up to "right wing dinosaurs" and legalise marriage equality, saying Mr Turnbull will lose the next election if he doesn't.

On the ABC's Q&A; on Monday night, an audience member pressed the Green and Labor representatives on the panel about the same-sex marriage plebiscite being killed off.

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"How can the ALP and the Greens turn around to gay and lesbian people in the community when there is no chance for marriage equality in the life of this parliament, and say that they've really put politics before people?" a man asked. 

Dr Di Natale said while the plebiscite itself was no longer an option, marriage equality was still up to the Prime Minister.

Richard Di Natale hit out at Malcolm Turnbull over marriage equality.
Richard Di Natale hit out at Malcolm Turnbull over marriage equality. Photo: ABC Q&A;

"I don't agree with the premise of your question that marriage equality is doomed - the plebiscite is doomed," Dr Di Natale said.

"[Malcolm Turnbulll] has an opportunity here. He can stand up to those right-wing dinosaurs inside his own party, show some leadership, be true to who he is, because people are feeling betrayed.


"Be a leader, stand up, let's have a free vote in the parliament, and let's get this thing done."

Economist Judith Sloan said the term "right-wing dinosaur" went against civil debate, and said there was "no way" Mr Turnbull would change his mind on this issue.

Donald Trump was a big topic of conversation on Q&A.
Donald Trump was a big topic of conversation on Q&A.; Photo: ABC Q&A;

But Dr Di Natale found an ally in Labor MP Tim Watts. Mr Watts said his party had "listened to the LGBTI community" in shutting down the plebiscite, preventing divisive arguments for and against same-sex marriage.

The two parties were united against the plebiscite, after previously submitting separate bills within hours of one another calling for marriage equality.

Grace Collier, a columnist for News Corp broadsheet The Australian, said it didn't matter how marriage equality happened - it just needed to happen.

"I think the situation is absolutely pathetic," Ms Collier said.

"I have friends who have been essentially married for 16 years. They've been wearing wedding rings, they want to go ahead, we want to do it.

"Peoples' lives are being held up, peoples' relationships are being affected, and I just wish that they could get their act together and get this done."

The episode also focused on family violence, sexism, and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's now-infamous comment about grabbing a woman "by the pussy".

John Roskam, executive director of right-wing think tank the Institute of Public Affairs, said he was shocked, as the father of a daughter, to hear Mr Trump's comment.

"I would not want anyone talking about my daughter or any woman like that," Mr Roskam said.

He said if the comments served to shine a light on "the situation of women through the world", then there "might be some good from them".


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