Federal Politics

Malcolm Turnbull accuses Labor of risking national security in George Brandis v Solicitor-General feud

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has accused Labor of puttingĀ national security at risk as it steps up its attack on Attorney-General George Brandis over his public brawl with the government's chief legal adviser.

Shadow attorney-general Mark Dreyfus wrote to Mr Turnbull late on Sunday seeking his urgent assurance that Solicitor-General Justin Gleeson, SC, had advised on a controversial bill allowing convicted terrorists to be held in jail beyond their sentence.

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Did he mislead parliament?

Labor prosecutes its allegation that Attorney-General George Brandis has broken one of the cardinal rules of parliament.

Mr Gleeson and Attorney-General George Brandis are at loggerheads over a legally binding direction Senator Brandis issued before the July 2 election preventing ministers, including Mr Turnbull, from seeking Mr Gleeson's advice withoutĀ the Attorney-General's written permission.

Mr Dreyfus has led the opposition's attack on Senator Brandis over the direction, which has been criticised by legal experts as posing a risk to the independence of the Solicitor-General.

Malcolm Turnbull is building momemtum for "vital economic reforms".
Malcolm Turnbull is building momemtum for "vital economic reforms".  Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Turnbull said in Parliament on Monday that Mr Dreyfus was "taking his feud with the Attorney-General into an area where he is putting our national security at risk".

Mr Turnbull said the government "does not comment on its legal advice but the allegations that he has made have been rejected . . . elsewhere by the Attorney".


In a letter to Mr Dreyfus, sent on Monday, Senator Brandis said the government was satisfied the new bill relating to "high risk" terrorists was constitutionally valid.

The bill allows the Attorney-General to apply to the Supreme Court for an order that a convicted terrorist posing an "unacceptable risk" of committing serious offences be detained beyond their sentence.

Senator Brandis said amendments to the original draft bill took into account "the views of the Solicitor-General" as well as the states and territories.

He said if Mr Dreyfus had "genuine concerns" they should be raised privately "before they are briefed to the media".

At an explosive Senate inquiry on Friday, Mr Gleeson said his advice last year on controversial laws to strip Australians involved in terrorism of citizenship had been "taken out of context" and related to an earlier version of the bill.

Senator Brandis told a Parliamentary committee last year that Mr Gleeson had advised the laws had a "good chance" of withstanding a constitutional challenge.

The citizenship law is expected to be challenged in the High Court.

Senator Brandis told the Senate inquiry on Friday the direction about briefing the Solicitor-General was "administrative housekeeping" and consistent with the law and historical practice.

"There is nothing more important thanĀ the Shadow Attorney-General gets over his spat with the Attorney-General and focuses on the real issue . . . which is ensuring that our laws keep us safe," Mr Turnbull said.

"All of us understand that the shadow attorney-general likes to engage in a sort of Guthrie Featherstone QC, MP versus Rumpole debate with the Attorney-General," he said, in a nod to the fictional characters in British legal drama Rumpole who "do not see eye to eye".