Federal Politics

Four of the most harrowing tales Amnesty International heard on Nauru, the 'Island of Despair'

Amnesty International's new report, Island of Despair, outlines a series of allegations about life on Nauru for refugees and asylum seekers.

The human rights group says it interviewed more than 50 refugees and asylum seekers, most of who have "disturbing, detailed accounts of the disintegration of their own or others' mental health".

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The treatment of refugees on Nauru is in breach of international law and amounts to torture, according to Amnesty International - but the PM rejects the claim.

Fairfax Media has not been able to verify any of the claims but has summarised the stories of four families Amnesty International says it spoke to and viewed the medical records of. The government is yet to respond to the report. The interviewees gave Amnesty permission to release their stories.

1) Ghazal and Jalil

A week after Ghazal and Jalil's daughter was born on Nauru, Ghazal, already suffering post-partum depression, saw a another refugee she knew, Omid, set himself on fire.

An aerial picture of Nauru, where Australia houses hundreds of refugees and asylum seekers.
An aerial picture of Nauru, where Australia houses hundreds of refugees and asylum seekers. Photo: Angela Wylie

She was left so traumatised, her breast milk dried up. A nurse visits, but only gives her sleeping pills. She sleeps all the time. Her baby doesn't. Their room is next to the laundry and the child wakes frequently. Shortly after their daughter was born, Ghazal suffered an extremely high fever. Jalil was forced to take her to the hospital by bus – the ambulance wouldn't come. It was broken, they said.

It took hours to get her treatment, as Jalil was told her symptoms weren't an emergency by hospital staff, who sent him back to the medical centre.


There, he was told the medical staff were on lunch. It wasn't until he started shouting that she was seen by a doctor. The couple had fled Iran and religious persecution. Now they had to beg to receive the most minimum of care. Ghazal was robbed of one of his only possessions – a phone – by two locals on the beach, one dressed in a police uniform. He's tried to make a report six times but the authorities won't accept it.

"My wife … she's been inside the house for three months, barely talking, just gets up, goes to the toilet, and sleeps again. She sleeps in the bed, and I sleep on the floor," he told Amnesty.

Omid Masoumali died after setting himself on fire on Nauru.
Omid Masoumali died after setting himself on fire on Nauru. Photo: Supplied

2) Shadi, Mirza and Shahin

Shadi worked as an art teacher in Iran. Her 10-year-old son, Shahin, loved playing music and had progressed to a black belt in Taekwondo. When her husband, Mirza, converted to Christianity, the family were persecuted and forced to flee.

They were designated refugees and moved into community housing on Nauru, and while life was difficult, they were coping.

Then, in May last year, the Nauru locals made their feelings clear. In the early hours of the morning, a gang arrived and smashed their home's windows, attempting to force their way in. Mirza armed himself with a knife in an attempt to defend his family. The police arrived an hour later, but never followed up the attack. Earlier this year, they were moved to new accommodation and were attacked again, with a local gang smashing anything they could manage.

Shahin has not been able to leave the house since. Shadi withdrew from life, ceasing to eat, talk or sleep. She asked her husband about suiciding together, but Mirza said they had to live for Shahin. In June, Mirza, who had been watching his wife around the clock, stepped outside for a cigarette early in the morning. He returned and found an empty pill packet next to Shadi's bed. He couldn't rouse her. She's been in a medical ward ever since and has made at least 10 more attempts on her life. She won't eat, or take medication.

Mirza survives on painkillers to fight off the debilitating effects of kidney stones, because if he goes for treatment, there will be no one to watch his son or wife.

"I am losing my family in front of my eyes and I cannot do anything about it," he told Amnesty.

3) Firuz, Laleh and Nahal

Firuz and Laleh didn't want to leave their life. But after Laleh's first husband, a man with connections to the Iranian secret police, had Firuz arrested, they took their six-year-old daughter Nahal and fled.

Their boat began taking on water between Indonesia and Christmas Island, but when an Australian ship rescued them and took them to a Darwin camp, they began to hope. They were then transferred to Christmas Island. There, Laleh discovered she was pregnant but after four months requested an abortion.

Shortly after, the family was sent to Nauru, where they spent 18 months living in a tent.

Four months later, Nahal started vomiting and wetting her bed every night. They were told it was asthma and given pills for Nahal to take. When that didn't work they said it was a problem with her stomach and given more pills. Then they told the couple their young daughter actually had "a mental problem" and gave her more pills. None of the doctors prescribing pills were specialists. The pills, her father said, were "making her crazy, and vomiting". They googled her medication and found it was not suitable for children.

In June last year, the family received their refugee status and were moved into accommodation on the island. They opened a restaurant, trying to make the best of their new situation, and kept Nahal close by. In December, Firuz couldn't find his daughter. He searched and found her with a 23-year-old refugee. He had pulled down her pants and was attempting to rape her. The police were called and they made Nahal write down what happened. No attempt was made to find her attacker.

She has not been seen by a child psychologist.

4) Amir, Yasmin and Darius

Amir and Yasmin lived a simple life.

Amir worked as a barber, sharing his skills with prisoners, while Yasmin ran a beauty salon. The young Iranian couple fled life in Iran and with their three-and-a-half year old son Darius ended up in Indonesia and eventually, Christmas Island.

In November 2014, Yasmin drank washing liquid and shampoo.

Four months later, Darius was attacked by a guard, who threw a rock at his five-year-old head, chipping a front tooth.

Since then, he wakes screaming.

Yasmin stopped getting out of bed. Still, authorities dismissed Amir's concerns his wife and son needed help.

In May this year, Yasmin locked herself inside the family accommodation and set it alight.

She was rescued and now lies in a medical ward refusing to see her family, screaming if a nurse enters the room. Just last month, Yasmin, described as strong, talkative and assertive on her arrival in Nauru, attempted to jump from the highest thing she could find.

Amir can only watch.

"I have no hope. It's the end of time here. I can see my son and wife going down day by day," he said.

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