Tag Archive: noise demo

On New Year’s Eve, Bring the Noise!

demoFrom Amplify Voices

New Year’s Eve Prisoner Solidarity Noise Demo

For all humans locked up and their efforts to resist
Against prisons and the world that creates them

For the 4th year in a row, the hundreds of people held captive inside Durham jail — who are getting just two sandwiches for dinner and are freezing in their cells with no heat — will hear us on the outside and know that they are not alone and that their struggles will not be forgotten in 2015.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Meet at CCB Plaza (Corcoran & Chapel Hill Sts.), then march to the Durham County jail @ 217 S. Mangum St.

canibalBring signs and banners, drums, buckets, pots and pans, and anything that makes noise and light.
Bring your love and support for prisoners, your hopes and visions for liberation in 2015, and your rage and anger for a system that locks up our family, friends, and comrades.


For more about what’s going on inside the Durham jail, visit amplifyvoices.com.
Need a ride? Email insideoutsidealliance@gmail.com or call 919-666-7854

Don’t Be Fracked – Fight Back! Noise Demo!

drums!No poison in our water, air, land or loved ones!

Don’t Be Fracked – Fight Back! Noise Demo!

NC Mining and Energy Rights Commission
Public Hearing
Friday August 22nd 2014
Wicker Civic Center
Sanford North Carolina NC 5pm

bring signs banners pots pans whistles and drums especially drums

carpool/caravan Carrboro Town Commons @ 3:45pm

More info on comment period here: http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=97adb760aa5114f25fbb07c68&id=b48f68df4e

Protest This Saturday @ Raleigh’s Women’s Prison

ncciwprotestWhat: Protest @ NCCIW

Where: North Carolina Women’s Correctional Institution

1034 Bragg Street, Raleigh, NC

When: Saturday, July 12th @ 5:30pm

Reports have come in that NCCIW has cut off all hot water and air conditioning for all of the women at NCCIW, but dogs being trained there do have AC. The Prison Books Collective supports this call out and we are asking people to come out in support of the women at NCCIW and  against the prison system that treats women worse than dogs.

Bring banners,drums, pots and pans, your voice, your love for those inside and your anger for the walls that separate us.

See you this Saturday!

From Facebook

This is a Public Announcement:

***Please support this cause. This can NOT be tolerated. Calling ALL Citizens that care, Businesses, Organizations, Restaurants, Social Clubs, Motorcycle Clubs, Churches, Charities, Women in Action, People of Power Community Leaders and etc…

The necessary people have been notified and if ((THERE IS NO IMMEDIATE)) change in this situation IN RALEIGH, NC, its going down: Saturday, July 12, 2014 at 5:30pm….for more information (704) 465 8435…….just your Presence can change the lives of others. We do all things decent and in order…They are serving their sentences, but this is humiliation against women……DON’T SAY YOU ARE A MOVEMENT IF YOU AREN’T MOVING…

Durham: June 11th Solidarity Noise Demo Reportback


written by comrades

On Friday 13th, June 2014, around 8:00PM, an angry crowd of about sixty people converged on the Durham County Detention Center in downtown Durham for the June 11th international day of solidarity with long term anarchist eco-prisoners Marie Mason, Eric McDavid, and all others whom the state has imprisoned. The crowd brought banners bearing messages of solidarity with those inside, one even saying “We Are the Bad Luck” with a provocative image of a cop being kicked, drums, a variety of noisemakers, and a giant crow puppet which waved around visible to inmates, until it eventually blended in with the night sky, creating a witchy silhouette. Bandanas were brought along with “How to Do It” posters, which provided info about how to mask and bloc up properly in order to conceal one’s identity from police or random do-gooders who might be filming. Almost immediately, a pig tried to talk to us, but his unwelcomed chit-chat was stopped ultimately when people gathered around him and drove him away with loud, disruptive drumming.


ALL OUT at the Durham Jail FRIDAY the 13th

durhamFrom Amplify Voices

Statement by Inside-Outside Alliance, June 2014

“Cause summer’s here and the time is right for dancin’ in the streets.”
‑‑Martha and the Vandallas, 1964

“Cause summer’s here and the time is right for fightin’ in the streets.”
–The Rolling Stones, 1968

We endorse the call out for a demonstration at the Durham jail on Friday June 13th and invite anyone to join us in filling the heavy June evening air with the sounds of drums, shakers, kazoos, pots, pans, whistles and anything that makes noise. It is right to rebel, and it is always right to show solidarity with those who rebel in creative and courageous ways. So, we will stand strong for targeted eco-activists and longterm anarchist prisoners, along with prisoners poised to strike at Polk C.I. (in Butner, NC) and, of course, prisoners in the Durham jail.

Coinciding with international days of action in support of targeted radical environmental activists, we are taking the occasion of this lone Friday the 13th of 2014 to show support for the ongoing struggles of Durham jail prisoners and to register our disgust for the so-called protest rules introduced by Durham’s city council this winter.

Freedom Friday to fight repression

What do the cases of Marie Mason, Eric McDavid and other long-term eco-activist prisoners (see june11.org/) have in common with the situation faced by those organizing in the Durham jail against conditions and those on the outside in Durham who have been pulling back the curtain on police misconduct? Repression by state forces. This occurs and can be expected whenever there is a level of success and where official power deems that example must be snuffed out by any means necessary. To honor all prisoners in motion against their oppression, we must also fight what we face on the outside. To relight the flame of popular revolt, we must bring a good mix of Martha & the Vandallas and, if necessary,the Rolling Stones, as always we should.

Although we come in a festive mood to conjure images of a world without prisons and jails, cops, or borders, we also come in a militant mood, because Durham city council attempted this winter to straitjacket dissent and to sow the fear of resistance in the future. What more absurd thing could come from a council which in one breath in late January declares its ‘support’ of public dissent and in the other delivers its new rules of protest? The only thing more absurd is they are not new rules at all, but were only re-established after police actions and the council’s own missteps this winter. (more…)

Jail Demo June 13th! Solidarity with Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners and All Prison Rebels!

friday13thdemohandbill-page-001** MAS ABAJO ESTA EN ESPAÑOL** 

(a version in spanish can be found below)


Please help spread the word that on June 13th at 8pm, there will be a noise demo at the downtown Durham jail. The call-out is part of several benefits and letter writing events going on throughout the triangle that week as part of the June 11th Day of Solidarity with Long-Term Anarchist and Eco Prisoners.

It’s also taking place in opposition to recent statements/ordinances by the Durham City Council that seek to criminalize protest. Specifically, a recent statement forbids protests at night, protests without a permit, and the use of masks or other tools to hide identity from law enforcement. It is clearly a symbolic gesture at containing the kinds of anger and protest that erupted this past winter after Chuy Huerta died in police custody, which helped to galvanize and catalyze increase public anger and opposition to DPD.Finally, the demo is in solidarity with the prisoners in the jail, who have engaged in various acts of resistance and organizing over the last couple years, as well as with prisoners currently on hunger strike at Polk CI in Butner, NC over a wide range of grievances.Please spread the word! Folks are encouraged to show up loud and angry, with banners, drums, pots and pans, and whatever else they’d like to use to make some serious noise.


Triangle Events For June 11th

june112014June 11 International Day of Solidarity with Marie Mason, Eric McDavid and All Long-Term Eco & Anarchist Prisoners

In Defiance of the State, In Defense of the Wild

Join us across the Triangle the week of June 11 for events supporting Marie & Eric, celebrating resistance and eco-defense, and opposing prisons and the world that creates them.

Storytelling Potluck at Internationalist Books & Community Center, June 11th

Wednesday, June 11 @ 7:00 PM

Internationalist Books and Community Center

405 W. Franklin St in Chapel Hill, NC

Join us to share food, stories, slideshows and celebration of Marie, Eric and movements to defend the earth. We’ll be gathering donations for Marie and Eric’s support, writing letters to send them, and having fun together.

Noise Demo at the Durham Jail, June 13th

Friday, June 13th @ 8:00 PM

217 S. Mangum St

Durham, NC

Bring anti-prison banners and flags, drums, pots and pans, and anything that makes light and noise. Bring your hopes and visions for struggle, and your rage and anger for the prison system that locks up our friends, comrades, and family members. We’ll come together to show our solidarity with all prisoners and express our rage and bring light to the struggles taking place in Durham and throughout prisons and jails in North Carolina (and beyond). We do this in solidarity with Marie and Eric, long-term eco and anarchist prisoners, and all those struggling in and against prisons.

More About June 11th:


Political Prisoner Birthday Poster For May 2014 Is Now Available

prisonsareforburning!Hello Friends and Comrades,

1) Here is the political prisoner birthday poster for May. As always, please post this poster publicly and/or use it to start a card writing night of your own.

2) It’s not too late to plan a noise demo outside a prison or jail near you that holds women captive for Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day began not just as a day to honor mothers, but as a day for mothers to express solidarity with one another and against the wars that left widows and orphans impoverished.  Check out last year’s call for noise demos for inspiration.

3)The Mysterious Rabbit Puppet Army reprinted shirts from their hit show What Are Prisons For?  and donated them to us to help raise funds. The shirts come in red with black writing. They’re printed on Tultex brand shirts that are 100% sweatshop free. They are $20 , but sign up to become a Prison Books Sustainer and get one for free. To order the shirts donate twenty dollars or more OR sign up to be a sustainer, then email us at  prisonbooks (at) gmail dot com with your size and the address where you would like the shirt sent to.

Every single dollar received goes to mailing packages of books to prisoners. We rely solely on donations for our operating expenses, which primarily include the cost of postage for mailing packages. We are currently spending over $200 a week on postage alone, and are in desperate need of support.

4) Be sure to check out the latest Political Prisoner/Prisoner Of War every-other week update by the  NYC-Anarchist Black Cross. There are lots of important updates on many political prisoners.

Until Every Cage Is Empty,

The Chapel Hill Prison Books Collective

Free All Mothers! 2nd Annual Mother’s Day Anti-Prison Noise Demo

Mother s day flyer jpegFree All Mothers!

2nd Annual Mother’s Day Anti-Prison Noise Demo

– Sunday, May 11th,  3pm 2014

Meet at State St. and Bragg St. in Raleigh.

For Carpool Information Please email: durhamprisonbooks@gmail.com

– Spread the word!!!

We’ll be breaking the isolation and monotony of the women in the Raleigh Correctional Center for Women and the North Carolina Correctional Institution for Women (a prison next door to RCCW). Together these two prisons have almost 1,500 women, almost all of them mothers. RCCW is the state’s largest prison with 1,288 women including women’s death row.

Bring banners,drums, pots and pans, your voice, your love for those inside and your anger for the walls that separate us. (more…)

Despite Retaliation, Menard Inmate Urges Further Solidarity

cantwontFrom Anti-State St. Louis

The following is a letter from one inmate at the High Security Unit (HSU) at Menard Correctional, encouraging continued acts of solidarity despite retaliation.

I am sorry to report that the guys here at Menard, HSU have again been subjected to oppressive, retaliatory acts at the hands of these evil, sadistic pigs.

On April 12, 2014 at approx. 8 a.m. a construction crew showed up outside of our windows w/ large, metal square boxes with slots in the front. By 11 a.m. they were attached to our windows. We can not see outside anymore, nor do we get any sunlight, or air circulation. These taken in conjunction with our solid steel cell doors are going to make it unbearable this coming summer.

These shutters were placed on our windows specifically for our communication with you brothers and sisters during our “peaceful protest.” DO NOT let this retaliatory act prevent you from future protest, though we can’t see you, we will still be able to hear you and “that type” of support motivates the brothers in here like nothing else! (more…)