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The 39th annual Detroit Free Press/Talmer Bank Marathon featuring video highlights from today's race throughout Detroit and Windsor on Oct. 16. 2016. Detroit Free Press staff

Balmy temperatures in the 60s and rain clouds that gracefully held back until late morning marked the 39th running of the Detroit Free Press/Talmer Bank Marathon on Sunday.

This year's event had 26,026 registered participants, high by historical standards although below last year's all-time record of 27,833. The two days of events featured a 5K and kids fun run on Saturday, followed by the main events Sunday: the marathon, international half marathon and U.S.-only half marathon, along with relays.

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Weather was expected to be a problem Sunday, with forecasts anticipating early-morning thunderstorms around race time. But the storm never hit, and the rain didn't arrive until after 11 a.m. The first soaking cloudburst came with 4:06 on the marathon clock — after many half-marathoners and full marathoners were already done.

The downpour soon eased into a drizzle. And some runners, such as Whitney Fron, 29, of Sterling Heights found it cool and refreshing.

"I thought it was helpful," said Fron, who ran the full marathon in a personal best of 4 hours, 41 minutes and 47 seconds. “It was pretty warm today, so I felt like it helped cool the weather down."

Emily Concienne, 29, of Brighton finished her third full marathon in Sunday's rain. She immediately began using the silvery "heat sheet" that a volunteer handed her as a cover. But the precipitation didn't bother her much.

"I didn't melt," she quipped. "And it could be worse — it could be snowing. I've done that, too."

There were no reports of major accidents or serious medical issues. A handcyclist did flip his cycle to avoid a car that barged onto the course, but he was unscathed and went on to finish the race.

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The half marathons were about three times as popular as the full marathon — especially with women. Women represented 63% of all runners in the halfs. But men outnumbered women in the full 26.2-mile race, 57% to 42%.

"The half-marathon distances continue to grow in popularity nationwide, and Detroit's race is no exception," said Barbara Bennage, the Detroit Free Press/Talmer Bank Marathon's executive race director. "And it's a special hit with women."

The overall winner of this year's marathon was Alan Peterson of Bessemer, who ran it in 2 hours, 19 minutes and 20 seconds, winning a $4,000 check.

Lioudmila Kortchaguina of Russia, who ran the race in 2 hours, 43 minutes and 54 seconds, went home with $6,000 for being the first overall female as well as the first female in the masters division. She was the 18th finisher overall.

The Detroit marathon is the largest race event in Michigan and the ninth oldest consecutively run marathon in the U.S. It regularly draws runners from nearly all 50 states and more than 20 countries and is the only race to cross international borders twice. It is also the only marathon with an "underwater mile."

More than 60 charities benefit from the annual race and more than $2.5 million was raised for these groups in the past two years alone, with another $2.5 million expected from this year's event.

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Staff Writer Bill Laitner contributed to this report.