
Hundreds of Minks Freed

Late august 2016, Linwood, Ontario According to a communique, people broke into the Lichty Mink Fur Farm, and opened the tiny cages where hundreds of minks were confined, setting them free. The communique mentioned the brutal conditions in which these animals are kept, all in the name of making and...


Fish Farm Resistance Heats up in “BC”

  ““Our roots go deep within these waters, deep within these territories How deep do your roots go?” Musgamagw Dzawada’enuwx hereditary chief Mike Willie Confrontations between the salmon feedlot industry and indigenous communities continue to escalate. On August 23rd, the Yaakswiis warriors were arrested in Ahousaht, near Tofino, preventing the...


A Prisoner with A Youtube Channel

Today we bring you an exclusive interview filmed clandestinely inside Holman prison in Alabama. At great risk to himself, Free Alabama Movement’s Melvin Ray, tells us about the upcoming prison strike, corporate jail slavery and the 13th amendment. If you love these reports consider making a donation – https://submedia.tv/donate Save...


Slavery in the USA

Did you know that the cup that holds your Starbucks latte or the meat patty in your Big Mac was probably produced by a prisoner? Yep many corporations take advantage of the legal slave labor pool in the USA, with prison slave being paid pennies an hour to make everything...


Burn Down the Plantation

In this sedition we bring you an exclusive interview with prison inmate Melvin Ray, secretly filmed inside Holman Prison in Alabama. Melvin is a member of the Free Alabama Movement, a national organization against mass Incarceration and prison slavery. They have teamed up with the IWW’s Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee,...


Le French Riots 2016

Our friends from “When Protesters Strike Back” bring us this kick ass riot porn mash-up, straight from the red hot streets of France, where, after weeks of relentless protests, the cops asked for a truce.     Our friends from “When Protesters Strike Back” bring us this kick ass riot...


Imperial Metals Occupied

Yesterday, women from the Secwepemc Women’s Warrior Society and Ancestral Pride occupied the offices of Imperial Metals, in so called Vancouver. They also paid a to visit the offices of the Mining Association of BC. They did this to protest the planned re-opening of the Mt-Polley mine. About 30 cops...


Radical events during the Social Form

  , , , , , , , , Compiled by http://kersplebedeb.com/ If you are in Montreal for the World Social forum, you will certainly be interested in visiting these radical bookstores and activist spaces, as well as participating in these events during your time in this city… These events...


subMedia.tv at the World Forum of Free Media

  Within the frame of an Indymedia convergence during the World Forum on Free Media, subMedia.tv is hosting 3 events. To view the entire program for the the forum click here. subMedia.tv: A Decade of Subversion and Street Politics 101 screening. Monday August 8 at 10:45 AM – 1:45 PM...


Mount Polley Mine Blocked

Yesterday the Secwepemc Women’s Warrior Society, blockaded the entrance of the Mount Polley Mine, located in their traditional territory in so called western “Canada.” The blockade was timed for the two year anniversary of the Mount Polley Mine disaster, where a tailings pond dam failed and spilled two million cubic...


The Revolution has come!

This week we bring you a special sedition on the anniversary of one of the most bad-ass and sophisticated revolutionary organizations in the United Snakes… The Black Panther Party. If you love our reports, consider making a donation We kick things off by setting the stage in AmeriKKKa during a...


Requiem for Syria

  In this latest report, we take an in-depth look at the Syrian Revolution, in an attempt to sift through all the fear-mongering and disinformation that prevents people from giving Syrians the revolutionary solidarity they deserve.  Along the way, we take a closer look at what can sometimes be anarchists’...


Burn Down the Plantation

In this sedition we bring you an exclusive interview with prison inmate Melvin Ray, secretly filmed inside Holman Prison in Alabama. Melvin is a member of the Free Alabama Movement, a national organization against mass Incarceration and prison slavery. They have teamed up with the IWW’s Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee,...


Come Home to Roost

In this week’s sedition, we take a look at the so-called “War on Cops” in the United Snakes, simmering anti-cop sentiment in the UK and the fallout stemming from Turkey’s recent failed coup. If you love what we do, consider supporting us! On the musical break we’ve got Rocky Rivera...


A Brief History of the Modern Police

In light of fresh police murders of black men in the United Snakes, we bring you this interview with Kristian Williams, author of “Our Enemies in Blue.” This was originally published in 2009. Save In light of fresh police murders of black men in the United Snakes, we bring you...

Plague of Nationalism

The Plague of Nationalism

  This week we unpack the historic #Brexit vote in the UK, which has sparked a political crisis and generalized a populist anti-immigrant sentiment. If you love what we do, consider supporting us! For the musical break, we’ve got Caxton Press, with Broken Dreams. We then shift our attention to...

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