Election 2016

Twitter Eviscerates Melania Trump for Dismissing Her Husband’s Sexually Aggressive Language as ‘Boy Talk’

A 70-year-old boy wants to be president.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Melania Trump sat down with CNN's Anderson Cooper on Monday, speaking publicly for the first time about a video tape that emerged earlier this month featuring her husband boasting about committing sexual assault, as well as the growing number of women who've come forward in recent weeks alleging the Republican nominee made unwanted sexual advances against them in the past.

Melania Trump remained poised throughout the interview, answering a majority of the softball questions with highly scripted responses and her signature smoldering gaze. But while she managed to display a suitable allegiance to her sexual predator of a husband, some highlights from the interview really set the internet ablaze—chief among them, when she dismissed Donald Trump’s blatant bragging about sexual assault as “boys talk” and claimed Billy Bush “egged on” her husband during their 2005 conversation.

“…I wonder if they even knew that the mic was on,” Melania Trump told Cooper. “Because they were kind of a boy talk, and he was led on, like egged on, from the host to say dirty and bad stuff.” Trump went on to joke that sometimes she feels like she has two boys at home, one son Barron Trump and the other the man currently running for the highest office in the land.

Melania Trump’s flippant reaction to a powerful man claiming he can “grab [women] by the pussy” simply because he’s famous, as well as her suggestion that the whole thing was really Billy Bush’s fault did not sit well with the internet. The latter claim even prompted its own hashtag, #BillyBushMadeMeDoIt.

Observers also found some prime irony in Melania Trump’s insistence that as first lady she would focus on cyber bullying. Pressed on whether she has any influence over her husband’s notorious penchant for unleashing Twitter tirades against his enemies, Melania responded—amazingly—that her husband “is an adult” (and you know, adults will be boys).


Elizabeth Preza is a staff writer for Raw Story. Follow her on Twitter @lizacisms.

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