- published: 08 Aug 2013
- views: 86021
Pierre Henri Marie Schaeffer (English pronunciation: i/piːˈɛər ˈhɛnriː məˈriː ˈʃeɪfər/, French pronunciation: [ʃɛfɛʁ]; 14 August 1910 – 19 August 1995) was a French composer, writer, broadcaster, engineer, musicologist and acoustician. His innovative work in both the sciences—particularly communications and acoustics—and the various arts of music, literature and radio presentation after the end of World War II, as well as his anti-nuclear activism and cultural criticism garnered him widespread recognition in his lifetime.
Amongst the vast range of works and projects he undertook, Schaeffer is most widely and currently recognized for his accomplishments in electronic and experimental music, at the core of which stands his role as the chief developer of a unique and early form of avant-garde music known as musique concrète. The genre emerged in Europe from the utilization of new music technology developed in the post-Nazi Germany era, following the advance of electroacoustic and acousmatic music.
00:00 Étude aux chemins de fer - trains 02:53 Étude aux tourniquets - toy tops and percussion instruments 04:52 Étude violette - piano recorded for Schaeffer by Boulez 08:12 Étude noire - piano recorded for Schaeffer by Boulez 12:11 Étude pathétique - sauce pans, canal boats, singing, speech, harmonica, piano
Pierre Schaeffer (1910-1995) & Pierre Henry (*1927): Orphée 53, Spectacle Lyrique, per nastro e campionamenti (1953). I. Prolog II. Premier air d'Orphée [01:15] III. Premier récitativ d'Orphée [03:17] IV. Les Monstres [06:37] V. Parade d'Eurydice [10:00] VI. Débat d'Orphée [13:24] VII. Rupture finale [18:39] Cover image: Pierre Schaeffer and Pierre Henry. *** The music published in our channel is exclusively dedicated to divulgation purposes and not commercial. This within a program shared to study classic educational music of the 1900's (mostly Italian) which involves thousands of people around the world. If someone, for any reason, would deem that a video appearing in this channel violates the copyright, please inform us immediately before you submit a claim to Youtube, and it will b...
Symphonie pour un Homme Seul con Pierre Henry Imágenes de Piet Mondrian
The first piece of "musique concrete," composed by Pierre Schaeffer in 1948 out of sounds produced by trains. This is posted as a reference to a series of articles on the problems of composition posed by musique concrete. The article on Peirre Schaeffer can be found here: http://againstthemodernworld.blogspot.com/2007/11/case-study-pierre-schaeffer.html If you like this music, please purchase the album: http://www.amazon.com/L-Oeuvre-Musicale-Pierre-Schaeffer/dp/B00005Y972
0:00 Objets exposés 3m35s 3:37 Objets étendus 2m56s 6:35 Objets multipliés 3m04s 9:40 Objets liés 3m09s 12:50 Objets rassemblés Neben seiner wegweisenden Arbeit als Komponist, war Schaeffer ebenso ebenbürtig als Musiktheoretiker und Literat tätig, was von ihm in weitaus umfassenden Schriften dokumentiert wurde. Geboren 1910 in Nancy, richtete sich Schaeffer zunächst nach einem technisch-naturwissenschaftlichem Studium aus und war ab 1934 als Telekommunikationsingenieur und Tontechniker tätig, bevor er überhaupt eine kompositorische Laufbahn in Erwägung zog. Durch seine Berufserfahrung, die er mit rudimentären Grundkenntnissen des Cellospiels kombinierte, entstanden erste Arbeiten zur musique concrete, darunter Cinq Etude des bruits von 1948, der die Leitung der Groupe de recherches des mu...
Symphonie pour un Homme Seul con Pierre Henry Imagenes de Yves Tanguy y Andrés Giraldo
Musique Concrete is the experimental technique of musical composition using recorded sounds as raw material. The principle uses the assemblage of various natural sounds to produce an aural montage. A precursor to the use of electronically generated sound, musique concrete was among the earliest uses of electronic means to extend the composer's sound resources. Before the days of sampling and computer manipulation of sounds, musicians used analogue tape recorders to record natural sounds and tape splicing techniques. Music concrete uses natural sounds to create aural compositions. This excerpt is taken from the BBC 1979 documentary "The New Sound of Music".
Symphonie pour un homme seul - Pierre Schaeffer e Pierre Henry - Recriação instrumental pelo grupo Personne - Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro, 16 de outubro de 2010. Neste programa, foi apresentada a famosa obra de Pierre Henry e Pierre Schaeffer em duas versões. A nova versão resulta da interpretação dos músicos Doriana Mendes, Lilian Campesato, Janete El Haouli, Fernando Iazzetta, Michelle Agnes, Alexandre Fenerich, Carlos Henrique Bellaver e José Augusto Mannis, com curadoria de Rodolfo Caesar a partir da minuciosa e detalhada partitura criada por Mannis através do exercício da escuta. Trata-se de um trabalho jamais feito: a recriação acústica e presencial desta obra que originalmente foi composta sobre o suporte da fita gravada e se apresentava acusmática (sem apoio de músic...
Directors: Éric Darmon & Franck Mallet Year: 2007 Time: 52 mins Music: Pierre Henry Veteran and co-inventor of Musique Concrète, Pierre Henry invites us for a short walk through his long career, his music, his concerts, his film-collaborations, and his home. An unique personality who fathered some of the most important developments in the music of the 20th century, remaining faithful to his vision and work till today. English subtitles hardcoded.
Entre le plus emblématique (Pierre Schaeffer) et le plus médiatisé (Pierre Henry), l'histoire de la musique électroacoustique a vu défiler d'autres acteurs tout aussi fondamentaux. François Bayle est l'un d'entre eux. L'an passé, le compositeur né à Madagascar soufflait ses 80 bougies. Un anniversaire célébré par la publication d'un superbe coffret de 15 CD accompagné d'un livret de 120 pages : "50 ans d'acousmatique". Une vie de musique -- et de technologie -- indissociable de l'un des laboratoires les plus prolifiques de l'après-guerre : le GRM. Entre 1966 et 1997, François Bayle a dirigé ce Groupe de Recherches Musicales créé par Schaeffer en 1958. Grâce à lui, cette institution phare de la musique contemporaine a ouvert ces sons nouveaux au public, avec notamment cet orchestre de haut-...
FREE DOWNLOAD https://groupedessainumero3.bandcamp.com/releases GROUPE D'ESSAI N°3: Jean-Noël Cognard - percussions Patrick Müller - electro sonic Thierry Müller - guitar Paul Percheron - drums Quentin Rollet - saxophone Laurent Saïet - guitar Produced by Paul Percheron et Patrick Müller. Recorded, mixed et mastered @ Pierre Schaeffer Studio, 2014. Trace Label / Stamp Records , 2015.
"Le sensible à l'oeuvre : savoir du corps entre esthétique et neurosciences" Colloque interdisciplinaire, jeudi 15 mai 2014, Paris. I. La neuroesthétique : histoire et perspectives d'un nom de guerre Modérateurs : Chiara Cappelletto et Fernando Vidal
Evan Parker, Anthony Braxton, Derek Bailey – Company 2 (1977) Pierre Schaeffer - Etude aux objets Part 1-5 (1959) Francis Dhomont - Cycle du son: Mov. 2: AvatArsSon (1998)
Synthese. Mischgewebe. Filz. Music Montage. Kai Fagaschinski & Bernhard Gál. Mario Verandi. Jakob Ullmann. Josef Anton Riedl. Luigi Nono. Lutz Glandien. Pierre Schaeffer. Experimentelles Liedertheater. Tonbandkomposition. Akmeismus. "Wir wollen die Liebe zur Gefahr besingen, die Vertrautheit mit Energie und Verwegenheit. Zeit und Raum sind gestern gestorben. Wir wollen den Krieg verherrlichen – diese einzige Hygiene der Welt – den Militarismus, den Patriotismus, die Vernichtungstat der Anarchisten, die schönen Ideen, für die man stirbt, und die Verachtung des Weibes." (Marinetti)
Legendary producer born in Lyon Jean-Michel Jarre debuted in the 60s writing music for films and commercials after being mentored by the father of musique concrète Pierre Schaeffer and Karlheinz Stockhausen, both defining figures in the evolution of electronic music. Jarre is a renowned bestselling artist who has sold over 80 million albums and gathered record-breaking audiences in his spectacular shows, once drawing crowds of 3 million people in just one night. But most of all, Jean-Michel Jarre is highly regarded as one of the pioneers in electronic music, taking it out of the studios and academic research labs and onto the mass audience. In his early days, instruments like the synthesizer and the sequencer were novelties that artists adopted and adapted to their workflow without any p...
Recorded in São Paulo during January 2007 for Spannered.org Download it here: http://www.spannered.org/radio/1152/ Playlist: Luigi Russolo – Risveglio Di Una Cita Marcel Duchamp – La Mariée Mise À Nu Par Ses Célibataires, Même John Cage – Imaginary Landscape 1 John Cage – Imaginary Landscape Halim El-Dabh – Wire Recorder Piece Pierre Schaeffer – Etude Aux Chemins De Fer Hugh Le Caine – Dripsody Edgar Varese – Interpolation, 3rd Interpolation John Cage – Radio Music Iannis Xenakis – Diamorphoses György Ligeti – Continuum, Glissandi, Artikulation György Ligeti – Pièce Électronique #3 Edgard Varèse – Poème Electronique Stockhausen – Kontakte Tod Dockstader – Four Elementary Tapes ¾ Stockhausen – Telemusik Beatriz Ferreyra – Demeures Aquatiques AMM – Ailantus Glandulosa Wozard Of Iz – Blue ...
Old school noise art from a time when hardcore avant gardists like Schaeffer wore snappy suits and ties. Interview: http://www.ele-mental.org/ele_ment/said&did;/schaeffer_interview.html
Présences Électronique is the festival organized by Groupe de Recherches Musicales (G.R.M.) and jointly produced with Radio France, which explores the link between the concrete music of Pierre Schaeffer and new experiments in electronic music.
Pierre Schaeffer nous raconte l'invention de la musique concrète. A retrouver sur http://classic-intro.net dans le chapitre consacré au 20ème siècle. Les vidéos diffusées par ce canal le sont exclusivement à titre didactique et pédagogique. Si vous considérez que l'une d'elle enfreint les droits d'auteur, merci de bien vouloir nous en informer avant de soumettre une demande à Youtube : nous supprimerons alors immédiatement cette vidéo. MERCI The videos published on this channel are exclusively dedicated to didactic and pedagogical purposes. If you consider that one of them violates the copyright, thank you to kindly inform us before you submit a claim to Youtube : we will then remove this video immediately. THANK YOU. Los vídeos publicados en este canal se destinan exclusivamente a fine...
MusonicX Music Technology Foundations Week 2: Digital Audio
O video "Resposta a Schaeffer I" , autoria do pianista/compositor e criador do Nôvo Piano - Otavio Henrique Soares Brandão (CC) constitui uma homenagem especial aos 80 anos de Pierre Schaeffer. Trata-se de concerto realizado na Salle Pleyel/Paris (1990) em presença do homenageado. Assinalamos ainda a presença do compositor francês Luc- Ferrari.
Pierre Henri Marie Schaeffer was a French composer, writer, broadcaster, engineer, musicologist and acoustician. His innovative work in both the sciences—particularly communications and acoustics—and the various arts of music, literature and radio presentation after the end of World War II, as well as his anti-nuclear activism and cultural criticism garnered him widespread recognition in his lifetime. Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980) was the first major communications theorist of how the new media have the power to transform human nature. No matter how powerful or persuasive the message, he said, it’s the media that have changed our patterns of thought and behaviour. Now, in a world dominated by the Internet and social media, McLuhan’s revolutionary ideas are as hotly debated as they were in ...
Buy on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/album/id1103295689 Taken from Various Artists « Cosmic Machine - The Sequel » Extrait de Various Artists « Cosmic Machine - The Sequel » Production: | Because Music
Cinq études de bruits From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Cinq études de bruits (Five Studies of Noises) is a collection of musical compositions by Pierre Schaeffer. The five études were composed in 1948 and are the earliest pieces of musique concrète, a form of electroacoustic music that utilises recorded sounds as a compositional resource. The five études were composed at the studio Schaeffer established at RTF (now ORTF), Studio d'Essai. They are: Étude aux chemins de fer - trains Étude aux tourniquets - toy tops and percussion instruments Étude violette - piano sounds recorded for Schaeffer by Boulez Étude noire - piano sounds recorded for Schaeffer by Boulez Étude pathétique - sauce pans, canal boats, singing, speech, harmonica, piano The works were premiered via a broadcast on 5 Oc...
Pierre Schaeffer & Pierre Henry - Orphée 53 (Orphée the hillbilly) - Spectacle lyrique (1953) Henry Flynt - S & M Delirium (1978) Ian Hugo - Bells of Atlantis (1952), excerpt Francis Thompson - N.Y., N.Y. (1957), excerpt
Jean-Claude Risset - Sud (1985) Pierre Schaeffer - Etude aux objets Part 1-5 (1959) Milford Graves - Percussion Ensemble (1965) Francis Dhomont - Cycle du son: Mov. 2: AvatArsSon (1998) (Avatar: Inkarnation aus Fleisch und Blut oder aus Pixeln. Der Sohn des Avatars ist Gottessohn.) Coil - ANS 2 (2004) "The album uses a strange and esoteric photoelectric synthesizer known as the ANS synthesizer. It was built around half a century ago and still to this day sits where it was originally conceived; in the Moscow State University. The ANS synthesizer is a photoelectronic musical instrument created by Russian engineer Evgeny Murzin from 1937 to 1957. The technological basis of his invention was the method of graphical sound recording used in cinematography (developed in Russia concurrently with U...