Flow injection analysis (FIA) is an approach to chemical analysis that is accomplished by injecting a plug of sample into a flowing carrier stream. The principle is similar to that of segmented flow analysis (SFA) but no air is injected into the sample or reagent streams.
FIA is an automated method of chemical analysis in which a sample is injected into a flowing carrier solution that mixes with reagents before reaching a detector. Over past 30 years FIA techniques developed into a wide array of applications using spectrophotometric, fluorescence, atomic absorption, mass spectrometry and other methods of instrumental analysis for detection. Based on computer control, Flow Injection evolved into Sequential Injection and Bead Injection which are novel techniques based on flow programming. FIA literature comprises over 22000 scientific papers and 22 monographs. A comprehensive review of FIA methodology is available in 2015 Edition of FIA Tutorial. www.flowinjectiontutorial.com, where in Chapter 2 the most recent developments are highligted