- published: 26 Mar 2015
- views: 16919
Punta Gorda, located on Charlotte Harbor in Southwest Florida between Sarasota and Ft. Myers, is a jewel and the model of what a small, waterfront town should be.
PUNTA GORDA,FLORIDA,POLICE LETTING THERE DOG MAUL A MAN WHO DIDNT HAVE A LIGHT ON HIS BICYCLE From: Thomas Lewis TLewis@ci.punta-gorda.fl.us Date: Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 9:42 AM Subject: RE: need youre response to the national news on youre dog mauling a guy To: "charlottecountyflcopwatch2@gmail.com" charlottecountyflcopwatch2@gmail.com Cc: "Katie R. Heck"KHeck@ci.punta-gorda.fl.us, Jeffrey Woodard JWoodard@ci.punta-gorda.fl.us, Chris Salsman CSalsman@ci.punta-gorda.fl.us In reference to your email questions, the Punta Gorda Police Department is offering the following responses. 1. Has he been fired? Answer: No 2. Have you been sued out of existence? Answer: No 3. Have you got rid of all the dogs because they r so dangerous? Answer: No 4. Do you have any more v...
Punta Gorda, Florida is consistently called one of America's greatest small towns and we at Century 21 Aztec & Associates love this place. Learn more about Punta Gorda here: http://century21aztec.com/neighborhoods/punta-gorda/. Or call us at: (800) 881-9437/ (941) 629-3188.
Film/edit by Emilio Mamuyac, Redneck Yacht Club. Trucks Gone Wild event. Punta Gorda, Florida 2010.
A woman is dead after "horrible shooting accident" at Citizen Academy in Punta Gorda. The woman was accident shot with a live round during a training exercise.
Resting in Charlotte Harbor, Punta Gorda, Florida is a true boating paradise. Whether it be a lunch or overnight cruise, or simply spending some time on the water with family and friends, you will find an abundance of boating opportunities for both residents and visitors alike.
- Goat´s Cheese competition at Mercadillo Puntagorda (La Palma´s famous market), weekly meeting event for locals and tourists from all over La Palma island. - Jeden Samstag Nachmittag ab 15:00 und Sonntag vormittag ab 11:00 findet in El Fayal, Puntagorda der Mercadillo statt, ein Treffpunkt für Jung und Alt, Einheimischen wie Touristen gleichermaßen. - Concurso de quesos de cabra de la comarca nor-oeste de La Palma en el mercadillo de Puntagorda.
PUNTA GORDA,FLORIDA,COP SHOT A WOMAN DEAD AT THE CITIZENS POLICE ACADEMY CHARLOTTE COUNTY ,FLORIDA ,SHERIFF, CORRUPTION http://charlottecountyflcorruption.info www.youtube.com/channel/UCaLx8YHxza3Jfoa-q9HIUZw www.youtube.com/user/LIVEFREEORDIEPEOPLE www.facebook.com/Charlottecountyflcopwatch www.facebook.com/CHARLOTTECOUNTYSHERIFFFREESPEECHPAGE www.facebook.com/CHARLOTTECOUNTYFLJURYNULLIFICATION http://www.charlottecountyfloridacopwatch.com/ https://www.facebook.com/CharlotteCountyFloridaCitizenGrandJury/ https://www.facebook.com/North-Port-Florida-Cop-Watch-1093625034014262/ NORTH PORT,FLORIDA,POLICE, sheriff,corruption,charlotte County, florida,cop,police,pastor,stalking,COPWATCH,COPBLOCK, COP WATCH,COP BLOCK, BILL PRUMMELL, KENNETH HILL,ken hill, #COPWATCH,#COPBLOCK, PUNTA GORD...
Powerful Category 4 Hurricane slams into Punta Gorda, Florida and tears up the town by Jim Edds. See my website for licensing. http://www.extremestorms.com/