Property spruiker Jamie McIntyre banned for 10 years

Property spruiker Jamie McIntyre has been banned from corporate life and offering financial services for a decade as part of corporate regulator ASIC crackdown on land banking.

In the Federal Court on Monday Justice Bromwich banned McIntyre and his brother Dennis from company directorships over their involvement in a string of land banking schemes across Victoria and in Townsville into which mum and dad investors had tipped millions of dollars.

Decade ban: 21st Century Group chief executive Jamie McIntyre.
Decade ban: 21st Century Group chief executive Jamie McIntyre. Photo: Wayne Taylor

He said liquidators had failed to locate more than $7 million outlaid on controversial options on five schemes earmarked for sites on the outskirts of Melbourne, Bendigo and Townsville.

Justice Bromwich found that the land banking projects were unregistered managed investment schemes, and that McIntyre and his brother Dennis, and their companies, had unlawfully conducted an unlicensed financial services business.

The court order was a response to an ASIC request agreed to after negotiations with the McIntyres, which included that they pay the regulator's $50,000 costs.

Despite more than 100 investors losing more than $7 million on much spruiked developments never completed, ASIC has stopped short of pursuing criminal action against the pair.


But ASIC stressed to the court that its investigation was ongoing. The McIntyres did not appear.

Justice Bromwich also ordered the winding up of land banking companies at which the McIntyres were "at the helm".

The wind-up order and director's ban is a major blow to McIntyre who is renowned for his promotional stunts – he once had Arnold Schwarzenegger front for one his wealth seminars.

He has railed against ASIC, and Fairfax Media, over their respective investigations of his land banking, insisting he has been the victim of a witch-hunt.

Monday's Federal Court orders follow earlier orders from this year on the winding up two other schemes in outer western Melbourne and Bendigo linked to another notorious property spruiker, Henry Kaye.

McIntyre's 21st Century group (unrelated to the 21st Century Group Pty Limited, a Sydney-based property development company) has been placed into liquidation by the court.

ASIC's crackdown on Jamie McIntyre and Kaye-linked companies follows an investigation by Fairfax Media that revealed the McIntyre brothers and Kaye's family were behind land banking schemes across Victoria and Queensland.

Hundreds of unsophisticated investors were lured into the schemes by the promise of windfall profits from rural land set to be rezoned and redeveloped for housing and commercial development.