Monday’s Quick Hits

We have met the enemy and he is us. – Walt Kelly

What a weekend – politics, football, and playoff baseball! Are you ready for another great week?

Today I take a look at:

  • Montana’s Gubernatorial Debate
  • The Second Presidential Debate

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The Sunday Message

Now then, get your equipment—your quiver and bow—and go out to the open country to hunt some wild game for me. – Genesis 27:3

For many reasons I haven’t hunted in years, but this time of year I remember some great times my dad and I had when we went hunting. It’s funny, but I live in Montana which is one the greatest states for hunting, but I don’t remember going once since I have lived here.

When I was a kid my dad and I would go hunting a lot. I grew up in a small town, so hunting and fishing were a big part of my life. September and October were the time to prepare for duck hunting season. We would spend a weekend or two before the season to work on our duck blind.

One of the funnier things I remember is back then we owned a 33 rpm record of duck calls that I listened to and used to practice and improve my skills. The scratchy old record came in handy to learn how to use the duck call.

It was always exciting to head to the duck blind on the first weekend after the season opened. We would walk through a corn field that had been recently harvested to a spot on this lake where we prepared our duck blind. We normally did well. Besides being the hunter, I was also the gatherer who would walk into the lake to grab the ducks we had shot (we did not have a bird dog). My dad bought me some chest waders so I would not get wet (he was a good guy) when I walked into the lake to harvest our ducks.

I do thank God that my dad taught me how to hunt. He taught me everything from gun safety to respect of the landowners to caring for the animals I was hunting.

Happy hunting!

## END ##

Caught My Eye…

I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend. – Thomas Jefferson

Welcome to the big show to end the week “Caught My Eye” (CME)!

What a week! Here I am working my tail off to bring you the best independent commentary from The Western Word world headquarters, which is located in a well-stocked underground bunker (in an undisclosed location). I worry about the Feds like Obama coming to take my guns or the UN moving in and taking over my compound. Now I have the added worry about freaking CLOWNS, running around my neighborhood, too? Beam me up, Scotty!

If you are a first-time visitor, CME is posted right here every Friday morning. This is when I take a look at some of the stories I did not have time to write about during the week. I often throw in a touch of sarcasm to make you smile – or to irritate you just a little – maybe both.

Topics this week include Montana U.S. House debate poll results, Pinski vs. Briggs, The Western Word picks the winning candidates (so far), Hurricane Matthew, and much more!

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Thursday Numbers

No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar. – Abraham Lincoln

Welcome to “Thursday Numbers!” In case you’re a first-time visitor, this is the weekly column where I take a look at the numbers that are in the news (in descending order) and provide commentary sometimes sprinkled with sarcasm.

This week’s topics include unemployment, data breaches, U.S. House debate, Cubs, Pence vs. Kaine, voter turnout in GF, VP poll results, the hospital bill, fundraising, Rex the beagle, and much more!

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