ND: Changing judges’ retirement age ‘unthinkable’

Edit Kathimerini 12 Oct 2016
Any decision to change the [age] limit would be unthinkable,” New Democracy said in a statement while accusing the SYRIZA-led government of tampering with the country’s institutions ... ....

Opposition parties call for Varoufakis inquiry

Edit Kathimerini 12 Oct 2016
New Democracy secretary Lefteris Avgenakis reacted by repeating the party’s promise to hold an investigation, if it comes to power, into the decisions taken by the SYRIZA-led coalition in the first six months of 2015 ... ....

Alternate Minister Dimitris Vitsas' interview to ''STO KOKKINO'' Radio Station and to journalist G. Trapeziotis (Ministry of National Defence of the Hellenic Republic)

Edit Public Technologies 12 Oct 2016
(Source. Ministry of National Defence of the Hellenic Republic). The Alternate Minister of National Defence Dimitris Vitsas in an interview on Wednesday, October 12, 2016, to journalist G. Trapeziotis said, among other things.. About the trilateral summit meeting in Egypt. ... We are making three efforts. ... About the conference of SYRIZA party. ... The second one is to transform SYRIZA, from a party of various trends, to a single political factor....

Populism on the rise. Democracies under challenge? (ISPI - Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale)

Edit Public Technologies 12 Oct 2016
(Source. ISPI - Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale) ... When looking at the political landscape in Europe, populism looks like an unprecedented game-changer ... Not to mention the recent rise of Alternative für Deutschland in Germany and the successful story of Syriza, Podemos and of the Five Stars Movement in Southern Europe ... President of the International Social Sciences Council....

Scott Macnab: The battle for the ‘anti-politics’ vote

Edit Scotsman 12 Oct 2016
The anti-establishment territory belongs to the Nationalists in Scotland - but only for now, says Scott Macnab ... Across Europe, recent years have seen the rise of the hard-left Podemos in Spain, aimed at ensuring the country does not become a “colony” of Germany and the EU Troika after its rescue package from the European Stability Mechanism, while the leftist Syriza took power on the back of the crippling austerity imposed in Greece ... ....

Tsipras, Mitsotakis to spar in corruption debate in Parliament

Edit Kathimerini 10 Oct 2016
Tsipras insists that he, and his leftist SYRIZA party, have an advantage over New Democracy and PASOK who ......

Leave Gerry Adams to indulge in token protests, it is others who are grafting for best Brexit deal

Edit Belfast Telegraph 10 Oct 2016
That reliable weathervane, MEP Martina Anderson, who had championed the Greek left-wing Syriza in its unsuccessful battle against EU bullies, had been denouncing “anti-democratic actions of the ECB, IMF, and the European Commission” until Sinn Fein’s U-turn, but is now in the forefront of those whipping up opposition to “the British government’s plans to drag us out of Europe against our democratically expressed position” ... ....

EU Sagas of Greece, Transaction Tax Back in Focus: Brussels Beat

Edit Bloomberg 09 Oct 2016
Two European Union financial sagas return to the spotlight this week. One is Greece. The other is the financial transaction tax being pursued by 10 EU governments ... 10-11 ... 4 ... The broader outlook for Greece remains clouded ... The timetable is all the more ambitious when considering that the next review will touch on issues such as labor-market deregulation that are especially sensitive for Tsipras’s Syriza party, which has communist roots ... ....

Crucial week looms for government and SYRIZA

Edit Kathimerini 08 Oct 2016
The government faces a challenging week, beginning on Monday when eurozone officials are to decide whether to unlock 2.8 billion euros in loans to Athens and culminating with SYRIZA’s four-day party conference starting on Thursday ... firstly because both he and his leftist SYRIZA are badly trailing Mitsotakis and ND in opinion polls, and ......

Mitsotakis heads to US Tuesday for seven days

Edit Kathimerini 08 Oct 2016
Mitsotakis, whose party is leading leftist SYRIZA in polls by a wide margin, has ......

A letter to French President Francois Hollande, and others

Edit Kathimerini 06 Oct 2016
Recent leadership gatherings of Socialists and Democrats have included Alexis Tsipras, prime minister of Greece and leader of SYRIZA. SYRIZA is a self-proclaimed radical leftist party in a governing coalition with Independent Greeks (ANEL), a radical right-wing nationalist party ... SYRIZA’s participation, even as an observer, sends out disturbing key messages to public opinion.....

European Stocks Bolstered by Emerging Markets Comeback

Edit The Street 06 Oct 2016
Emerging markets are stabilizing as commodity deflation has finally run its course. This means the growth outlook for the U.S. and Europe has improved, said Joseph Seydl, U.S. equity strategist at J.P. Morgan Private Bank (JPM) ... "Syriza in Greece failed in its campaign against the E.U ... We expect the U.S ... ....

Warnings from the IMF and the eurozone

Edit Kathimerini 06 Oct 2016
The government received a number of warnings on Wednesday about its conduct and the Greek economy, one day after the International Monetary Fund suggested that the latter could grow 2.8 percent next year ... He was particularly critical of ruling SYRIZA, saying that it tried to backtrack and apply new strategies to bring the country out of crisis that “did not succeed and Greece has returned to recession.” ....