About 56a


56a Infoshop is a volunteer-run, 100% unfunded, DIY social centre in Walworth, South London. Also at 56a there is Fareshares food co-op and 56a Bikespace.

Some people come here to:

  • research radical politics (both local and international)
  • read/buy books, zines and pamphlets
  • find info!
  • hang out / drink hot beverages
  • buy chocolate and coffee


You might like our archive, and our book and zine collection, if you’re interested in…

(trans)feminism, anti-colonialism, anti-globalisation, environmentalism, squatting, anti-fascism, No Borders, queer politics/organising, anarchism, situationism, autonomism, anti-civilisation, anti-capitalism, radical pedagogy, diy, bikes, self-care, cooperatives, permaculture, consensus organising, armed struggle…


Visit 56a

To find out more about the history of 56a click here.

To read about other groups and useful sites click here.

If you’re interested in holding a relevant event here (for free!), or helping out in the space, come along during opening hours or contact us.