Visit Campus

Sign up for a campus tour or Open House and see Towson University for yourself.

TU Students at West Village Commons

Visiting campus is one of the best ways to confirm that Towson is the right place for you. Walk through classrooms, see our residence halls and spend some time at Towson’s most popular hangouts.

Campus Tours

What’s the best way to get to know Towson? Come see for yourself. Stroll through campus on one of our student-led tours.  Our 90-minute walking tour gives you a chance to connect with current students and learn about life on campus as you visit classrooms, residence halls and popular hangouts. Campus tours for undergraduate students and campus tours for graduate students are available.

Open House

Open House programs are offered for undergraduates and graduate students.

  • Undergraduate Open House programs offer you an overview of the university and the chance to talk one-on-one with your future professors and classmates. You will learn about the different colleges that make up our university, our majors, and we'll have programs for you and your parents. An information fair and campus tour are included. Reservations are required.
  • Graduate Studies Open House gives you a chance to explore our 75-plus graduate programs, tour the campus, and speak one-on-one with graduate program representatives, current graduate students, University Admissions staff, and other university representatives. Reservations are required.

Towson, Maryland Area

Towson is a bustling suburban town with many local attractions, great dining and shopping, and entertainment venues. A short walk from campus is Towson Town Center, one of the region's largest malls, offering more than 200 retailers. 

Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia and the New York Corridor

Towson is located just eight miles from downtown Baltimore and a short car, train or bus ride to Washington, DC, Philadelphia and New York City.