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  1. The best thing about the death of the headphone jack are these sex memes

  2. General Motors recalls 4.3 million vehicles over a software bug

  3. Star Trek's 50th anniversary was wasted by CBS and Paramount

  4. This churning nebula is a factory for massive stars

  5. This proposal to torch dead forests for fuel is nuts:

  6. Feds: Stop using the Samsung Galaxy Note 7

  7. You can now buy a weaponized USB stick for $55

  8. Facebook co-founder promises $20 million to stop Trump

  9. Robb Stark just joined an Amazon scifi show called Strange New Things, Strange "New" Things

  10. Remember when people laughed at the ATLAS robot when it fell over? WHO'S LAUGHING NOW?!

  11. Car breathalyzers are useless without the benefit of rehab

  12. Wikileaks may have withheld key Russian documents from 'Syria Files’ leaks

  13. 10 lies you shouldn't tell your doctor

  14. Car breathalyzers are useless without the benefit of rehab

  15. Queen bees lay fewer eggs when exposed to popular insecticide

  16. Neill Blomkamp shares a peek at his mysterious new project (unfortunately, it's not Alien)

  17. This giant claw-handed drone is coming for your kids

  18. 12 Android gestures you might not know about

  19. Facebook admits Pulitzer-winning photograph is not child pornography:

  20. The best way to upgrade to an iPhone 7

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