Do you have parking?

There is municipal paid parking in downtown Kitchener.  We do not have any reserved or dedicated parking spots for clients.  Leave yourself enough time before your appointment to find a parking spot.

Am I eligible to be a client?

We serve everyone.  Canadian-born citizens, naturalized citizens, permanent residents, refugees, international students and temporary foreign workers.

Do I need an appointment to see a Settlement Worker?

Yes.  Please call us at 519 745 2531 to arrange an appointment.

Do I need an appointment to see the Commissioner of Oaths?

No.  But you should call us at 519 745 2531 to confirm that the Commissioner will be here.  The cost is $5.  We only accept cash.

Do you have volunteer opportunities?

We do.  We are always looking for people who would like to become involved in the work we do.  Learn more.

My Worker hasn't called me back yet. What do I do?

We respond to all of our clients in the most timely manner possible. However, due to the high number of cases, there may be a delay in hearing back from your Worker. If you are waiting to hear from your Worker, please make sure you have left a message with your name and contact information.

If the matter is urgent, call us at 519 745 2531.

How much does this cost?

Settlement and Employment services are provided for free.

We provide Settlement and Employment services to the people of Kitchener-Waterloo under a contract with the Ministry of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship.

We do charge for translation services and for notarizing documents by the Commissioner of Oaths.

What do I need to bring to a settlement appointment?

Bring your government-issued ID and any official documents and letters you have received .  If you have a PR (Permanent Residency) Card, bring that too.