Job quotas add up to mediocrity

Job quotas add up to mediocrity

INCREASING mediocrity will be the only result if restrictive job quotas result in the best people not getting the jobs they deserve, writes Tom Elliott.

Silly and petty, but Clinton edges it

Silly and petty, but Clinton edges it

THE three US presidential debates have been entertaining on all sorts of levels but Hillary Clinton, though deeply flawed, has edged it, writes Tim Lynch.

To make your vote count, be a local hero

To make your vote count, be a local hero

EVEN Victorians seem more interested in the US presidential poll than our local elections, but that’s not the way to make a difference, writes Mark Chou.

We have shut the door on manners

We have shut the door on manners

THERE was a time when good manners were a part of our society. But these days we’ve slammed the door on chivalry, writes Tom Elliott.

I’m married and so is my wife

I’m married and so is my wife

IT would be good to make it official, but if the two people involved think it’s a marriage and their families agree, who’s to argue, asks Alice Clarke.

Debt the key, not guns and bozos

Debt the key, not guns and bozos

CANBERRA has been busy vote trading over guns and unions when the real issue is the millions we lose each day due to our crippling debt, writes Andrew Bolt.

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Shining a light on anti-vax lie

Shining a light on anti-vax lie

HEALTH Minister Jill Hennessy has today taken a brave stance against fringe elements in our society lobbying against vaccinations.

No guns for votes

No guns for votes

AUSTRALIA’s world-leading gun control laws must remain sacrosanct after the horrendous loss of 35 lives at Port Arthur in 1996.


Bill Leak right, says top cop

Bill Leak drew an Aboriginal drunk who did not remember his son's name. SBS told Leak to f... himself.  The Race Discrimination Commission branded him a racist. Now the Human Rights Commission is investigating him. But WA's top police officer says the cartoon is an "accurate reflection" of reality - and has the evidence. Read more