
Gable Tostee trial: Judge tells jury Tostee's call to lawyer doesn't prove guilt

The Supreme Court jury in the murder trial of Gold Coast man Gable Tostee has retired to deliberate their verdict.

Mr Tostee, 30, could be found guilty of either the murder or manslaughter of New Zealand tourist Warriena Wright, who fell to her death climbing over his 14th floor Surfers Paradise balcony in the early hours of August 8, 2014.

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Jury ponders Tostee's fate

A jury is told Gable Tostee must have had intent to murder Warriena Wright if he is to be found guilty. Nine News

A jury of six men and six women who sat through his six-day trial in the Brisbane Supreme Court retired at 12.35pm on Monday to decide whether to acquit or convict Mr Tostee for the 26-year-old's death.

A judge earlier told the jury they could not find him guilty of murder just because he called a lawyer and left via the basement after Ms Wright died.

He also walked around the Gold Coast entertainment precinct for about an hour and bought a pizza before calling his father Gray Tostee to pick him up.

Justice John Byrne told the jury in his directions on Monday they could not find Mr Tostee guilty just because they think he should have behaved differently.


"It would be wrong for you to use any of the evidence ... as a base for the prosecution for murder," Justice Byrne said.

Justice Byrne quoted Hollywood director Billy Wilder to warn the jury "hindsight is always twenty-twenty".

He said they must not judge Mr Tostee's actions on that fatal night if he had the benefit of safety and time to make decisions.

The court has heard the jury can only find Mr Tostee guilty of murder if they are satisfied beyond reasonable doubt he had the intention to cause her grievous bodily harm, which the prosecution alleges happened when he choked her for up to 45 seconds.

A guilty verdict of manslaughter is also available to the jury if they find he unlawfully killed Ms Wright but did not have the intention to cause her GBH.


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