

'Repulsive' Donald Trump centre of attention on Q&A;

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Monday night's Q&A; would have pleased Donald Trump immensely: it was television, he was being talked about, and he had people even here on the other side of the world doing his bidding. It was proof that, for the time being, it's Trump's world - the rest us are just wallowing in the muck.

The opening gambit in the Trump discussion came via a questioner who delivered an almost word-perfect iteration of one of the Trump defence arguments currently being trotted out almost hourly on American television as the US tries to come to terms with a candidate for president who trashes its civilised norms on an almost hourly basis.

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Q&A;: Insults, hypocrisy and Trump

American presidential candidate Donald Trump provided an opportunity for a passionate debate about sexism, fairness and the future of politics in Australia. Vision: ABC TV

"Is it right in relation to [Donald Trump's] horrendous remarks about his pursuit of women to judge a person's suitability for public office on the basis of morally questionable comments and acts - assuming they're not criminal - made in a purely private capacity when such comments do not have a direct bearing on the individual's ability to execute the functions of the office which they seek?"

The Greens' leader Richard Di Natale had first go at hitting this one into the stands - "Absolutely. I'm staggered that he is still a candidate for President, to be honest. That stuff should have disqualified him straight out. What a repulsive human being this guy is" - but it was fellow panellist Grace Collier who saw the opening to compile an audition tape for Fox News.

Collier's response? She quoted Doris Day: what will be, will be.

"In this era of smartphones and everything, hands up in this room honestly if you've never, ever said anything stupid, obnoxious or offensive when you thought your weren't being taped?" began Collier, like the questioner blithely ignoring that Trump was caught out while miked up for a television show (in other words: he was at work.)


"Come on, be real, right?" continued Collier, whose day job is as a conservative advocate on industrial relations law (good luck with that silly sexual harassment stuff, ladies.).

"I mean, I think back at some of the things I've said over the years. Horrible, I'd hate to have somebody sitting there with a tape recorder and pull it out 10 years later. You all say stupid things. I'm not sticking up for Trump and Clinton. I don't care who they elect. I'm not a citizen of the US and I don't get to vote. But I just don't think it's a big deal and I don't think we should lose any sleep over it because what will be will be."

Richard Di Natale branded Donald Trump 'repulsive'.
Richard Di Natale branded Donald Trump 'repulsive'. Photo: ABC

Or Que Sera Sera, as Doris Day sang in a more innocent time. Doris Day also asked: "Now I have children of my own, they ask their mother, what will I be? Will I be handsome, will I be rich?" These days, if your children asked "Will I be rich?" you'd change the subject and hope they weren't angling to be just like Donald Trump.

Fortunately, there are signs the kids get aren't quite so easily fooled. Also in the Q&A; audience was a young woman who'd heard the Trump sex-talk tape and had come away with greater worries on her mind than had dawned on Doris Collier.

Hot topic: Donald Trump.
Hot topic: Donald Trump. Photo: AP

"I'm a 16-year-old student and I go to an all-girls' school. In class we were having heated discussions about Donald Trump's remarks about women and we were kind of a bit terrified of the idea of growing up in a world where sexism is so evident and where men who brag about sexual assault can run for the president of the United States. So my question is, how do we prevent something like this from happening in Australia and if it does, do you think Australian citizens will want to prevent it?"

Ged Kearney, president of the Australian Council of Trade Unions, saw "a bit of a silver lining".

Donald Trump was a big topic of conversation on Q&A.
Donald Trump was a big topic of conversation on Q&A.; Photo: ABC Q&A;

"My son is a beautiful 25-year-old boy," she said. "I'm very proud of him. It started a conversation about, 'Is that really how men are? Is that really how men talk? I don't talk like that, Mum. My friends don't talk like that'. I think it's really started a reflection to say that this is really bad and it's not on. It might be a really good start .. of a conversation about things which aren't acceptable and really bringing it out."

And to the question of what lessons we might learn locally from the Trump phenomenon? There was discussion of the alienation of parts of the electorate.

Economist Judith Sloan wondered: "What are the real buttons he's pushing that - not withstanding everything about him, including the terrible hairstyle - make him a number one for a high proportion of the population?" John Roskam, head of the libertarian Institute of Public Affairs, questioned whether Trump's rise had any implications for conservatism generally: "I'm not sure Trump is a conservative."

But Labor's Tim Watts wasn't having a bar if that dodge.

"I'd argue that Trump is the death knell of international conservatism … there is nobody of any political authority in the conservative movement who is able to say, 'This isn't us. Get out'. There's a lesson for Australian conservatives in this. Because when Tony Abbott stands in front of signs saying, 'Ditch The Witch'. Things like that. When you bring that into Australian conservative politics, then you undermine your ability to deal with phenomenons like One Nation down the track. Because if you're going to call them out for their breaches of convention, their trashing of institutions, what ground are you standing on to do that?"

Food for thought. Or, you know, que sera sera.