Surrounding Neighborhood & The Region

Towson is perfectly positioned in the heart of the nation’s Northeast corridor to give you access to a wealth of historical, cultural, entertainment and recreation options.


You’ll enjoy living in Towson, Md., a college town with tree-lined residential streets, restaurants, bookstores, a major branch of the county library, state-of-the-art movie theatres and one of the region’s most prominent shopping malls. Towson University is just one of the reasons that USA Today ranks Baltimore among America’s 10 best major cities for college students.

The university’s beautiful wooded 328-acre campus is also a great community resource for residents who live in the surrounding Towson neighborhoods of Rodgers Forge, West Towson, Southland Hills, Ruxton, Riderwood, Knollwood-Donneybrook and Burkleigh Square.

The university is just eight miles north of Baltimore, an hour’s drive from Washington, D.C., and three hours by train or car to New York City. There’s always something to experience beyond the campus borders.

 What Students Say
Jesse Bortell

Jesse Bortell

Major:  Biology

“The location is awesome. A 10-minute walk from campus is a huge mall, entertainment, sushi and live music.  It’s all right there for you.”