Archive for animation

Halloween Countdown: Monster Vitamins (Starring Vincent Price)

Posted in absurd, advertising, animation, halloween, monsters, music, video with tags , , , , , , , on October 14, 2016 by shewalkssoftly

Vincent Price’s voice can make absolutely anything sound ominous with a twist of undeniable sophistication, as evidenced by this 1974 commercial for children’s vitamins.


Some might say he “sold out” with product endorsements like these. But I think he knew how (comically) amazing various products would be with his iconic presence behind them. I like to believe he enjoyed the irony.




If you’re feeling particularly masochistic today, you can listen to one side of the “Monster Vitamins Record.” But…you’ve been warned.


Jan Svankmajer’s Final Film

Posted in animation, film, stop motion with tags , , , on July 1, 2016 by shewalkssoftly

The legendary Jan Svankmajer is crowdfunding what is to be his last feature length film (hopefully not…a girl can dream).

A local pub in a small town. It’s Monday and the bar is closed, chairs are turned up on the tables. The pub is empty except for six amateur actors sitting in a corner. They’ve met to rehearse “The Insect Play” by the Čapek brothers. On a raised platform across the room we see a stage, set for Act II of the play. As the rehearsal progresses, the characters of the play are born and die with no regard to time. The actors slowly become one with them and some of them experience frightening transformations…

The campaign has already reached its stretch goals, which makes me so happy. See much more here.

Sausage Studios

Posted in animation, film, stop motion with tags , , , on June 23, 2016 by shewalkssoftly

I just discovered Sausage Studios and I’m really, really digging these films.

Sausage Studios 1

The characters have a particular aesthetic that always appeals to me (not sure exactly what one might call it, but I recognize it when I see it)
Sausage Studios 2

Sausage Studios 3

There are two full short films available as of this posting. Check them out!

Sausage Studios

Butterflies: A Stop Motion Short by Isabel Peppard

Posted in animation, film, stop motion with tags , , on May 16, 2016 by shewalkssoftly

Has anyone seen Isabel Peppard’s stop motion short film Butterflies? It looks amazing!


A young artist sits on the sidewalk, struggling to make a living. She makes drawings for the passersby. A businessman recognizes her talents and offers her a paying job. The prospect seems inviting but the reality threatens to kill her imagination…


Watch the official trailer:

I believe it’s available on iTunes. I can’t wait to see this!

The Life of Death

Posted in animation, film, video with tags , , on March 3, 2016 by shewalkssoftly

*Sniff sniff* Oh…what…a cartoon made me a little misty-eyed? *Ahem* Of course not!

Check out Marsha Onderstijn’s beautiful hand drawn animation short about what happens when Death falls in love with life.


The WitchDoctor

Posted in animation, film, kitsch, puppets, stop motion, tiki with tags , , , , , on November 28, 2015 by shewalkssoftly

Thank you Shivers of Delight for pointing me to this stop motion animation Kickstarter by Screen Novelties.


I love the concept:
Welcome to a magical realm of dense jungles, fiery volcanoes, and iridescent lagoons. Meet the WITCHDOCTOR, the overzealous protector of this mysterious archipelago. He’s ready for action with his shiny cauldron, potent elixirs, and shrunken heads. There’s only one problem… The Witchdoctor STINKS at magic. When he mixes a potion or casts a spell, watch out!


The film will use hand built props, sets, puppets, special effects and black-light to bring their classic Tiki influences (they also site George Pal, Karel Zeman, Rankin/Bass, Jim Henson, Lotte Reiniger, and Ray Harryhausen as influences…YES PLEASE!) to life in a creative, modern fashion. I can’t wait to see this!

The WitchDoctor

Halloween Countdown: Extraordinary Tales

Posted in animation, film, halloween, horror with tags , , , on October 9, 2015 by shewalkssoftly

Just in time for Halloween, Extraordinary Tales is hitting theaters. It’s a series of five animated adaptations of Edgar Allen Poe, narrated by some of the greatest horror icons of all time.


Each story is done in a different style of animation. Featured in this film are “The Tell-Tale Heart,” “The Pit and the Pendulum,” “The Fall of the House of Usher,” “The Masque of Red Death” and “The Facts in the Case of Mr. Valdemar.” Narrators include Christopher Lee, Roger Corman, Guillermo Del Toro and Bela Lugosi (!!!).

Watch the trailer:

Who’s going to see this?