- published: 08 Jun 2015
- views: 4739
John Michael Cryan (born 16 December 1960) is a British businessman and co-chief executive of Deutsche Bank AG in Frankfurt am Main, since 1 July 2015.
John Michael Cryan was born in Harrogate on 16 December 1960. He is a graduate of the University of Cambridge.
Cryan worked for Arthur Andersen and then joined S.G. Warburg in London in 1987, before he was appointed group chief financial officer at UBS AG in September 2008. Cryan was head of UBS's financial institutions group. In the autumn of 2008, he advised the UBS Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board on the financial crisis.
In 2011 Cryan left UBS for personal reasons. In January 2012, he joined Singapore's investment company Temasek as president for Europe.
He is a non-executive director of Man Group since January 2015.
Cryan was appointed co-chief executive officer of Deutsche Bank in June 2015. He will share the position with Jürgen Fitschen until May 2016.
Cryan and his wife Mary purchased a home in Annapolis, Maryland, US, in 2009. They have a home in London as well, and no children. He speaks German fluently.
Who Is New Deutsche Bank CEO John Cryan?
Deutsche Bank Chef John Cryan zu Stellenabbau und Tugenden: Statement auf Deutsch
Deutsche Bank Hauptversammlung 2016 | Rede von John Cryan und Jürgen Fitschen (Volle Länge)
Davos 2016 - The Transformation of Finance
Food for thought: How gut microbes change your mind
Deutsche’s Cryan forges his own path | Lex
Deutsche-Bank-Hauptversammlung - Rede Bank Chef John Cryan 19.05.2016
Can CEO John Cryan Bring Culture Change to Deutsche Bank?
John Cryan, der neue Vorstandsvorsitzende der Deutschen Bank
John Cryan on the UK's EU referendum result
June 8 -- Deutsche Bank has named John Cryan as Chief Executive Officer in an executive shakeup just weeks after the presentation of a new strategy for the bank by co-CEOs Anshu Jain and Juergen Fitschen. Bloomberg’s Christine Harper examines the change on “Bloomberg Surveillance.”
John Cryan, neuer Vorstandschef der Deutschen Bank, räumt schonungslos auf. Nach den Top-Managern müssen die Aktionäre bittere Botschaften hinnehmen. Als Nächstes trifft es die Mitarbeiter.
Die Reden von John Cryan und Jürgen Fitschen auf der Hauptversammlung 2016.
http://www.weforum.org/ What trends and uncertainties are shaping the future of financial services? Transformations to be addressed: - Digitization and new business models. - Regulatory requirements and new client needs. - Data privacy and systemic connectedness. Speakers: -John Cryan, Co-Chief Executive Officer, Deutsche Bank, Germany. -James P. Gorman, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Morgan Stanley, USA. -Christine Lagarde, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington DC. -Dan Schulman, Chief Executive Officer, PayPal, USA. -Tom de Swaan, Chairman of the Board and Group Chief Executive Officer ad Interim, Zurich Insurance Group, Switzerland. Moderated by Gillian R. Tett, Managing Editor, US, Financial Times, USA.
John Cryan, a neuropharmacologist and microbiome expert from the University College Cork, shares surprising facts and insights about how our thoughts and emotions are connected to our guts.
► Subscribe to the Financial Times on YouTube: http://bit.ly/FTimeSubs Deutsche Bank’s new co-chief executive John Cryan is sticking with his predecessor’s target of a 10% return on tangible equity. But he will get there by a very different route – and it won’t involve a rights issue. Lex’s Oliver Ralph and Jonathan Eley discuss. For more video content from the Financial Times, visit http://www.FT.com/video Twitter https://twitter.com/ftvideo Facebook https://www.facebook.com/financialtimes
June 8 -- Deutsche Bank has named John Cryan as Chief Executive Officer in an executive shakeup just weeks after the presentation of a new strategy for the bank by co-CEOs Anshu Jain and Juergen Fitschen. Bloomberg’s Shane Strowmatt reports on “Bloomberg Surveillance.” -- Subscribe to Bloomberg on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/Bloomberg Bloomberg Television offers extensive coverage and analysis of international business news and stories of global importance. It is available in more than 310 million households worldwide and reaches the most affluent and influential viewers in terms of household income, asset value and education levels. With production hubs in London, New York and Hong Kong, the network provides 24-hour continuous coverage of the people, companies and ideas that move th...
Man sagt, er sei ein Phantom: Der neue Vorstandsvorsitzende der Deutschen Bank ist extrem pressescheu und meidet die Öffentlichkeit. Kann er die Bank retten? Homepage: http://www.mittagsmagazin.de Blog: http://www.mimawebspiegel.de Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mittagsmagazin Twitter: https://twitter.com/mittagsmagazin
"This is not a good day for Europe". John Cryan, Deutsche Bank CEO, on the outcome of the UK's EU Referendum.
Deutsche Bank CEO John Cryan addresses the bank's annual general meeting in Frankfurt, Germany, May 19, 2016. DE) Chief Executive John Cryan on Friday moved to reassure staff after shares in Germany's largest lender hit an historic low amid renewed concerns over its stability. Cryan said he understood that employees could be unsettled by extensive speculation in the media that a few hedge fund customers had left the group but said the bank was solid and had more than 20 million customers. "There are forces now under way in the market that want to weaken confidence in us," Cryan said in an internal letter to employees seen by Reuters. http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/topNews/~3/d-DVKI0kLDw/us-germany-deutsche-bank-ceo-idUSKCN1200XW http://www.wochit.com This video was produced by YT Woc...
The Physiological Society Annual Public Lecture More than a gut feeling: Microbiome as a key regulator of brain & behaviour John Cryan, University College Cork, Ireland
John Cryan's and Jürgen Fitschen's speech.
"Wir brauchen weitere Zusammenschlüsse - auf nationaler Ebene, aber eben auch über die Landesgrenzen hinweg," das hat nicht irgendwer gesagt, sondern John Cryan, Chef der immer noch größten Deutschen Bank. In Deutschland gebe es zu viele Geldhäuser, so der Brite auf einer Tagung namens "Banken im Umbruch" in Frankfurt. "Nur dann können wir auf Dauer wirtschaftlich arbeiten. Und nur dann können wir international mithalten." Die "Kleinstaaterei" in Europa müsse ein Ende haben. Bevor sie aber im Fu… LESEN SIE MEHR: http://de.euronews.com/2016/08/31/mehr-fusionen-hoehere-zinsen-deutsche-bank-chef-cryan-funkt-sos euronews: der meistgesehene Nachrichtensender in Europa. Abonnieren Sie! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=euronewsde euronews gibt es in 13 Sprachen: https://www.y...
"how bacteria can cause mood and psychotic disorders?" John Cryan (University College Cork, Ireland) GUT BRAIN SYMPOSIUM - 8 juillet 2016 à l'Hôpital Albert Chevenier
„Das ist kein guter Tag für Europa.“ John Cryan zum Ausgang des EU Referendums in Großbritannien.
Auf der Hauptversammlung der Deutschen Bank gab sich Vorstandschef Cryan noch optimistisch: Bei den Rechtsstreitigkeiten befinde man sich auf der Zielgeraden. Welche Nachricht aus der Wirtschaft bewegt heute die Welt? ************************************************************************* ► Jetzt Abonnieren: http://bit.ly/1huB6UC ► Folge uns auf Twitter: https://twitter.com/dpaAFX ► Website: http://www.dpa-afx.de/ *************************************************************************
If you think you are 100% human, then you should think again. This event was held on 21st April 2016, at the Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, as part of the Ar | Respire Connosco event series. More information about past and future events here http://ar.fchampalimaud.org/. The human body contains trillions of microorganisms (ten times more than human cells) and our genome is clearly outnumbered by their genes – turning us into Superorganisms. Moreover, microorganisms represent the majority of living things on earth, they are all around and within us, from the very moment we are born. Although microorganisms generally have a bad reputation for causing diseases, the truth is, the majority of them actually have a positive influence on our health and well-being. For example, in our gu...
A Gut Feeling About the Brain: The Microbiome as a Key Regulator of Neurodevelopment and Behavior Dr. John Cryan, a neuropharmacologist and microbiome expert from the University College of Cork, Ireland, describes the interaction between the brain and microbiome, or the collective genetic material of our bacteria, genetic material and fungi in our gut, and how this relationship applies to stress- and immune-related disorders such as depression, anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome, obesity, and neurodevelopmental disorders including autism. This lecture was recorded as part of the Center for BrainHealth's February lecture series, The Brain: An Owner's Guide, sponsored by The Container Store.
From birth on, we encounter and become home to hundreds of microbial species. In fact, the 100 trillion bacterial cells inside us outnumber our cells ten to one and bring eight million bacterial genes to cohabitate with our 22,000 genes. This enormous and diverse ecosystem — the human microbiome — functions as another organ. Scientists are only just beginning to understand its influence on human development, physiology, immunity, and nutrition. Some microbes may affect diseases like obesity, Type 1 diabetes, Crohn's, asthma, multiple sclerosis, and even our mental health. Venture into the mysterious realm of the gut and learn how the microbiome impacts human health.
Watch the presentation on Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/VHIR/stress-and-the-braingutmicrobiota-axis-prof-john-f-cryan Seminar led by John F. Cryan, Professor & Chair, Dept Anatomy & Neuroscience, Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre, University College Cork- Ireland Abstract: Bacterial colonisation of the intestine has a major role in the post-natal development and maturation of the immune and endocrine systems. These processes are key factors underpinning central nervous system (CNS) signaling. Regulation of the microbiota-gut-brain axis is essential for maintaining homeostasis, including that of the CNS. Moreover, there is now expanding evidence for the view that commensal organisms within the gut play a role in early programming and later responsivity of the stress system. Research...
Watch on LabRoots at http://www.labroots.com/webcast/featured-speaker-friends-with-brain-benefits-the-impact-of-the-gut-microbiota-on-neurodevelopment-and-behaviour There is a growing appreciation of the relationship between gut microbiota, and the host in maintaining homeostasis in health and predisposing to disease. Bacterial colonisation of the gut plays a major role in postnatal development and maturation of key systems that have the capacity to influence central nervous system (CNS) programming and signaling, including the immune and endocrine systems. Individually, these systems have been implicated in the neuropathology of many CNS disorders and collectively they form an important bidirectional pathway of communication between the microbiota and the brain in health and disease. Over...
Slide presentation to accompany this video is available on the IBNS website at: http://www.IBNSconnect.org/?page=Presentations Mind-altering microbes: Role of gut microbiota on brain and behavior. John Cryan, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland. Recent years have witnessed the rise of the gut microbiota as a major topic of research interest in biology. Studies are revealing how variations and changes in the composition of the gut microbiota influence normal physiology and contribute to diseases ranging from inflammation to obesity. Accumulating data now indicate that the gut microbiota also communicates with the CNS--possibly through neural, endocrine and immune pathways--and thereby influences brain function and behaviour. Studies in germ-free animals and in animals exposed to pa...
Was that all it was?
A way to pass some time
momentary thing
not worth the memory
in the morning
must it be so be cold
something bought and sold
was it just a game
would you recall my name
if you saw me
How would it be; I wonder?
if we ever meet again
now that I've been your love
Is this how it's gonna end?
Will we ever be just friends?
Run to me every now and then
was that all it was?
night out on the town
an excersise of will
or what you needed filled
did you use me
How would it be; I wonder?
if we ever meet again
now that I've been your love
Is this how it's gonna end?
Will we ever be just friends?
Run to me every now and then
was that all it was?
when you close the door
pasion left behind
out of sight and out of mind
gone forever
was that all it was?
How would it be; I wonder?
if we ever meet again
now that I've been your love
Is this how it's gonna end?
Will we ever be just friends?
Run to me every now and then
was that all it was?
when you close the door
pasion left behind
out of sight and out of mind
gone forever
was that all it was?
was that all it was?
did you use me?
did you use me?
did you use me?